Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 39/194

Thursday, Week 6!
Around noon, I had a message from the secretary at work that I had a delivery. Kev had sent me a dozen huge long stem red roses to my office! I felt so lucky and loved walking them back to my desk to show off how amazing my man is!

Kev's bed made, towel & shoe shining cloth.
During inspection the towel and cloth were put away.
Check out those shiny shoes under the bed!
Thursday was an action packed day for Kev! His morning started out with PT and then he went to class. During a break from class, Kev said he noticed the staff parking lot was full but he didn't see any of the staff officers. Shortly after, he saw all of the officers telling everyone to get back to class and they were headed to the quads for their first inspections! Afterwards, Kev said some cadets told him their entire rooms were tossed up but luckily not much happened to his own. All they did was pull up the corner of his bed sheets. He said his bed is always made perfectly, so maybe they were checking for hidden items, it wasn't made right, or they did it for the heck of it. We will never know;) Anyhow, any rooms that failed inspection will get a 'community' gig and only one cadet will have to take it. I told Kev if that ever happens they should pull out their individual study note cards and quiz each other. First one to get a question wrong takes the gig. He loved the idea!

After class and inspections, Kev finally got to go to the range and shoot live rounds! He was so excited and said it was a blast! Of course this is the day every cadet waits for!

The 6 cadets who failed the arrest warrant test had a final chance to take it again today. Out of the 6 cadets, 3 didn't pass and were sent packing. Guess who was one of the 3 who went home? 'No Shoes'. In 'Cadet Blues' there were a couple cadets that Krider wrote about who had a tough time at the academy. In the book, they eventually they got fired or left voluntarily. I feel bad for 'No Shoes' because his story reminds me of the lead up to the others leaving in the book. I wonder if the gym incident and immediate turn of the class got to him and psyched him out too much. Hopefully he gets a chance to come back as a retread with a new class and a clean slate. It seems really important to stay close with your classmates and in a good light with them at the academy. If you don't, you won't have the day to day support when you can't talk to your loved ones and you will be alone. Luckily Kev gets along well with a lot of the other cadets. Of course there are some that he doesn't care too much for and I am sure some feel the same as well, that's life,. However, he tries hard to build relationships where he can. Kev's original class of 131 now stands at 125.  Wishing the remaining 125 cadets the best of luck and the 3 who just left all the best as well! I hope they don't give up and give it another shot someday. It also makes Kev and Ip both realize how easy it is to be sent home.

I love this man!


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