Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day 29/194 - Start of Week 5!

Monday, Week 5!
Even though Kev says the end of our weekend means we are closer to him finishing at the academy, I hate starting a new week knowing how far away Friday is and thinking about how long 5 more months really is. To put it in perspective, Kev's friend just announced her pregnancy. We realized by the time Kev is done with the academy, she will be ready to give birth in 2 months. Basically, I am saying you can almost create another human in the time Kev has left at the academy... Let that soak in.

Anyhow, not much is new with me. My company has been all over the news lately, we had a huge layoff (that I survived), and the work load has been amplified. In that case, I'm considering a vacation with one of my girlfriends. Flights are cheap right now, so we are looking at a few options in Europe! My start-up has unlimited PTO, so I'll probably try to go for two weeks and only miss one weekend with Kev!

Kev called early last night. He was off 'on time' for once, around 5:30 PM. I refuse to use the military time in my blog because Kev never does. Other than laundry, buzzing his head, and studying, he really does a great job of enjoying the weekend with me and saving the academy culture for Monday. He had PT and said it wasn't quite as hard as usual. His usual PT instructor runs a 4.30 minute mile and makes sure to keep a challenging pace when leading the cadets on their runs. However, there is a staff officer in training right now leading the runs who is not in as great of physical shape as Officer 4 Minute Mile,  so Kev can keep up pretty easily. Considering the cadets are up at 4:30 AM for PT, I bet they love the new guy! After PT, he had breakfast and ran to Vehicle Code class - Kev says the Vehicle Code officers are pretty strict. After VC, he ran to Accident Investigation where he is beginning to learn to investigate a scene, measure distances, etc. He said they use squad cars and dummies to set up an accident scene. It sounds like Kev likes this class so far. After AI, he ran to lunch and then had a class on search and seizure warrants. Each class is a different learning domain they have to know. Tuesday at 5 PM is the big test that he was told attributes to attrition. I believe it is on arrest warrants, when you can arrest someone, and so forth. Thankfully Kev has his Masters in Criminal Justice so he feels pretty confident about the subject matter since some of the topics are review for him. Fingers crossed!

He hasn't shot his gun yet but hopefully soon. Hey, at least he has it! So far they have just had to hold it out in front of them for long periods of time in order to get a good feel for its weight. The officers also suggested that they purchase new holsters since the guns can easily fall out of the one's they were issued. Kev says a good holster is expensive though and so far the academy has cost a lot! All those little items really add up. Thankfully Kev and the junior class all get their first paychecks on Tuesday (today)! Woo hoo!

- Mimi

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