Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 38/194

Wednesday, Week 6!
Kev is an Uncle! At about noon, Kev's youngest brother's wife had her baby! I got a text from Kev's family with the news. They were amazing keeping us both updated. Again, Kev didn't hear the news until he was released from duty and read his texts. He was off early, around 5:30 PM when he text me. I was able to weasel my way out of work early for once too and rushed home from the city to get my car and drive out to Sac where his sister-in-law had the baby. Kev had liberty, so I was able to meet him at the In N Out on Reed Ave. It was amazing to see him mid-week! That was the first Wednesday we spent together since he started the academy. We drove over to the hospital and saw his perfect little nephew for the first time. We spent as long as we could visiting with Kev's family and the newest addition before heading back to drop Kev off at the academy before mid-night.

Before our visit to see the baby, Kev was able to tell me a little about his day. The cadets started the day with PT and found out that since PT wasn't held on Monday or Tuesday, it would be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They started out with knuckle push ups on their batons as they do every morning and a three mile run. Kev told me there is a new officer back from vacation who makes the other buff officers look like little guys. He said the guy is 6 ft 5" and probably >250 lbs. Kev made an impression of him counting off push ups and how his voice is deep and steady like Batman. I was laughing so hard as Kev did his best Batman voice, "down.. up.. oneeee."

Kev also aced the use of force test receiving the 100% needed to pass! Then he got even better news when he found out he is ranked #17 in the class!! There are 128 cadets total! I am SO proud!

It was a great Wednesday!! However, the current mail clerk let Kev's letter stack up this week when I tried so hard to make sure he received them staggered throughout the week. Thanks guy! One more day to sleep alone and it's Friday!

- Mimi

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