Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 51/194

Tuesday, Week 8:
Kev was back from the memorial service around 1:30 PM. He said the memorial was held in a large church and it was completely packed. The CHP, different police departments and fire fighters were all present. The cadets and the staff officers sat up high in the steeples and observed the memorial. Kev said the hardest part of the service was at the end when Officer Taylor's wife was presented with his badge. Kev said as she began to cry he teared up along with all the other cadets and staff officers. I can only imagine how she feels, and it breaks my heart. We wish the Taylor family closure and strength.

After the service Kev had his report writing class and was locked out of his room for a couple hours while the seniors used their quads for scenarios. The next few days will be a pretty packed schedule for him.

Here is the plan:

Tuesday night: Study for Wednesday morning systems and database test & work on autobiography due Thursday morning

Wednesday morning: PT immediately followed by systems and database test

Wednesday evening: Restriction (Kev did get a gig for his bed during room inspection) and during restriction he may have a memo. However, Thursday morning he also has to have his autobiography completed. Hopefully there is no memo!

Thursday morning: Turn in first draft of autobiography

Thursday evening:  Make note cards for the huge vehicle code test next Tuesday morning. We have some note cards done but there are a lot more to make and this is supposed to be a tough test

Friday - Monday: FREEEEE! Cuddle, cuddle some more, Easter with the fam & study study study vehicle code

Tuesday:  Vehicle code test

Out of everything Kev has to study, I actually like vehicle code the most. It is kind of fun to memorize with him and isn't one of the disturbing learning domains. As for me, I am looking forward to a long weekend with Kev and our first holiday combining our families together to celebrate! :)


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