Friday, March 18, 2016

Day 46/194

Thursday, Week 7!
Thursday was pretty quiet for Kev. He had more of the usual - PMA, arrest techniques, some classroom time, and more time at the range. Kev is pretty familiar with shooting and has been hunting before too, but it sounds like he is still learning a lot and has a few habits he is working on breaking too. Seems time at the range is a learning experience for both people with gun experience and without.

Kev also undated me that the 1/3 of the class that failed the use of force test where they needed to get 100% all passed when they took it again. I believe there may be a handful that are still scheduled to retake it. He also said a few guys didn't pass the surprise baton test, but they get the opportunity to retest as well. Thankfully, it didn't sound like that was a make or break test at this time.

Anyhow, it was an easier day and we are excited for Friday! The expectations of the academy are getting tougher for Kev but we are doing just fine. I read a few blogs before Kev started the academy and became really worried that his time there would break us. I quickly realized that your relationship is your own and all that you chose to make of it. That goes for you and your boyfriend/husband. We both make the effort, whether it is Kev sending me flowers when he is away and giving me back rubs when he is home, or me sending letters, helping him with laundry and buzzing his hair. We do what we can to show each other we care in the little time we have together right now. Kev always finds time for me in his busy schedule and we have talked everyday since he started. I always get texts and calls. Sometimes we talk for an hour, multiple times a night, or even FaceTime - basically just staring at each other's faces!  If he is really busy, of course he will let me know but I wouldn't read too much into the relationships in some of the other blogs. Your relationship is unique and your very own. There is absolutely time to talk to each other. We talk all the time and Kev still has time to study and get's A's on every test so far. Yes, I absolutely miss him at home and sometimes it can be hard. However, he is happy, chasing his dream, intricately reforming himself, and having a blast! The stories you get to hear are awesome too, and this is just the beginning. The whole experience is new, exciting, and only 6 months of your life for a lifetime of amazing rewards. Make the most of it!

- Mimi

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