Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 85/194 - Start of Week 13!

Monday, Week 13! 
The numbers of the weeks are starting to get up there! Week 13 has a nice ring, but not quite the ring the Senior's week has! They get to graduate on Friday! I can't even tell you how badly I wish we could trade places and be where they are at today! I know that will be us soon enough, but I am ready to have my boyfriend home again, vacation, and finally move in together :) Congratulations to CTC 3-15, you are only days away! Your families are waiting, and your hard work has earned you the career of your dreams! We'll see you out there soon!

The pace for Kev's class is picking up even more now. All of a sudden, Kev is busier than ever! You really feel the impact at home when the course work transitions from in classroom to field work. It is definitely an exciting kind of busy though. Since last week, Kev has had night driving training - basic stops last week and code 3 Monday night. He is absolutely loving it, but night driving means just that - the sun has to be down for training. That means I don't hear from Kev until much later. Knowing that Kev is out enjoying himself learning something new tends to give me more contentment than wondering if he is out there getting chewed up in PT, drill or a gig line. In that case, hearing from him later in the evening isn't too bad but just something to re-acclimate to. It was kind of like this when he first started the academy and then it started to get pretty consistent for a while where I would hear from him around the same time, maybe 6 or 7 PM? Last night I didn't hear from him until 10:30 PM. That is part of the LE training at home - get used to the change! We are all in the academy.

In addition to the night driving, PT has been rough lately too. Kev said yesterday PT was ran by the PT Sergeant, formerly in SWAT and Marines. That should tell you about all you need to know - basically he is one heck of a beefcake and determined to push the cadets as hard as they can manage. Kev said the Sergeant was running in circles around them and running backwards as fast as they were running forward! Some of these stories do make me laugh. Kev's day is soooo much crazier than mine, and here I am telling him to mellow out before calling me at night ;)

Tuesday Kev has his night time basic stop test. He says he feels pretty confident about it and they were able to practice a lot during the day on Monday too. Fingers crossed! Scenarios also start in about two weeks when the new Junior class arrives. He seems pretty excited to get started, but it is another rumor-mill area of the academy where it's said that scenarios also lead to attrition. At this rate, if we believed all the rumors there would be no cadets left or CHP on the streets! Don't believe everything you read. Anything worth having will offer a challenge to get there! Challenges keep life interesting. Kev and his buddies will nail it! Sending all my good thoughts <3

- Mimi

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