Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 86/194

Tuesday, Week 13!
I didn't hear from Kev until about 10:30 PM again last night. Sometimes I'll get a quick convo via text before his night time agenda begins, but that should be the last late night this week thankfully. He said the PT sergeant ran PT again Tuesday morning, running around them and faster than any of them can. He ran them a mile and a half, and then out to the high speed track for another two mile run. Kev and I both can't help but laugh about it a little when he shares some of the crazier PT stories. I am sure three months from now he is really going to miss these mornings with the PT staff ;)

The rest of the day consisted of class on the criminal justice system, and some specifics I don't know enough about to even attempt to relay. Then they had domestic violence scenarios practice before heading out that evening for their basic stop night time test. Kev thinks he did well on the test but said they didn't reveal last night if any one passed. Fingers crossed that we hear good news today!

Kev's class will start scenario testing in the next two weeks. The Seniors actually just finished the same scenario testing a few weeks ago. That shows you just how vastly different the newly restructured schedule is for Kev's class. The attrition rate still seems to be pretty low, so perhaps it is working as planned. I'm curious to find out the final attrition percentage for this class compared to the average as a result of the restructure and to hear the thoughts of the staff when the class graduates.

Kev was pretty enthusiastic last night and is really enjoying the hands on training lately. He says the excitement of hands on training tends to make learning a lot more fun than the in classroom work because he is so amped and eager to learn about the career he has dreamed about for so long. Everything now is new and exciting. He has his masters in criminal justice, so some of the classroom time can be review. However, even aside from the driving and shooting, he really enjoys learning and retaining the meticulous, thought-out procedures he is being taught each day. It is really interesting to hear about them too and learn why everything is done a certain way.

Our call last night was also exciting because the Seniors had their Capitol Run this morning (Wednesday). Fountain practice was canceled so Seniors could practice for graduation that night. Kev said he and his class will line up in push up position along the entrance to the academy for when the Seniors run out. I can't wait to hear all about tonight!!! Three months until we are right there too!!!

The CHP academy posted a live video of the run this morning, check it out below:)

- Mimi

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