Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Day 64/194 - Start of Week 10!

Monday, Week 10!

We have officially entered double digits - for weeks that is, I wish it were days! Everything is continuing to go smooth for Kev and I. Work is going well for me - it's closing week AGAIN. I'm starting to think I should have been an enforcement officer so I can get paid for personal training and have more excitement in my day;) I started researching our trip though and can't wait! That seems to make the light at the end of the tunnel even brighter! Personally I need a vacation, but even better will be one with my man!

Monday the cadets were surprised with another full perimeter run! Kev has still been having a good time impersonating the huge PT instructor too. In a Batman-esque voice, he says  "I will wreck my body and do what ever it takes to make you fit" and "how many push ups was that? ... wrong, 0! dowwwnnn...."

After PT, Kev and his class did shotgun and pistol work at the range. Range now seems to be about 4 hours of the day. Of course, he really enjoys the range exercises. They are usually different realistic scenarios but unfortunately I can't share all the details Kev tells me. When the cadets were done with range they headed to lunch and then back out to learn about basic stops (pulling someone over). This was their introduction to stops, so they didn't actually get in a vehicle. Instead, they watched the instructors' demonstrations.

Kev ended his day with fountain ceremony practice. He says it has been fun and the biggest challenge is for everyone to stay in step and at the same pace. Some of the fountain cadets have a military background, so Kev says they have more experience marching and help lead the rest who don't. They plan to practice at the end of everyday for now and they should be taking over the ceremony in the next couple weeks. So exciting! I really wish I could watch!

That was it for Monday! It will be a pretty busy week for me trying to meet the close deadlines, so I may summarize the rest of the week in a one blog or two. I did make it to the gym last night and the grocery store for some healthy foods since summer is around the corner! Tonight I'm hoping to get off at a decent time so I can squeeze in cardio and a yoga class. I can have my boyfriend thinking he is the good looking one ;)

- Mimi

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