Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 82-84/194

Friday, Week 12!
On Friday, Kev was off around the usual time (5 PM) and he headed over to his little brother and sister in law's house just up the highway from Reed Ave. As for me, I left work in San Francisco around the same time, took transit to the East Bay to pick up my car, and then made my way up to Sacramento. I finally arrived around 8:30 PM! As bad as the drive was, it was possible! I know a lot of wives and girlfriends didn't get to see their cadets this weekend since the volunteer work on Saturday was at 6 AM in Sacramento. It would have been tough to anyone who is from down South to make it happen. In that case, I cherished our time together.

Kev's little brother was working Friday night on the ambulance, so his sister in law made us dinner, and we enjoyed the evening with her, his baby nephew, and his cousin who stopped by. Before bed of course, we took some time to ourselves to talk about our disconnect on Thursday night. The hard part about a disagreement while your significant other is at the academy, is that you don't get the opportunity for a face to face discussion and you can't talk to them the entire next day. In that case, you have to be careful about sitting on things. Don't let them fester or become greater than they really are. Remember why you are disappointed and address only that, when the time is right. Kev and I did just that and he promised to try to settle down, take a shower, or do 'paperwork' ;) to unwind from the day before jumping on the phone with me. He said sometimes he doesn't even realize how worked up he is. In return, I promised to be less stubborn during our arguments while he is away. I tend to drag things on to prove a point, but our time together is precious, and we don't have time for stubbornness. If we have a disconnect we want to squash it as soon as possible so we can enjoy our time together, whether that is over the phone, FaceTiming, or in person.

Saturday and Sunday!
On Saturday, Kev woke up around 5 AM to report to the academy by 6 AM. He had breakfast at the academy and then was able to take his own car to the volunteer area. The volunteer work was at a property that sheltered victims of sex crimes and trafficking. Kev said they spent the day cleaning up their beautiful ranch property.

While Kev was volunteering, I headed over to visit an old friend who also just had a baby. I try to visit her and her husband whenever I can, so this was the perfect opportunity. I spent the day catching up with them and when Kev was off he dropped by to meet them too before we headed back to his brother's house. It was such a nice visit. We ended the evening with his brother and sister in law and took the baby out to dinner with us before heading home to the East Bay. We decided we needed a night at home to unwind with just the two of us after such a long week. We had the perfect lazy Sunday, cuddling and vegging, to reconnect us and reset ourselves for week 13 ahead!

On Monday, Kev is getting fitted for his tan uniform! This is the first time he will see himself in his tans. SOOOOOO exciting!!!! We are inching our way to August and these little moments mean everything to us!

- Mimi

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