Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 61-63/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 9!

Kev's Friday started off with a full perimeter run for the entire class! He said everyone hung in there and made it the entire way without stopping. All the PT training is really starting to pay off. You can physically see changes in Kev too. There isn't an ounce of fat on his stomach! Oh, and he knows it and loves it. He is in front of the mirror more than me lately ;)

The rest of the day he wrapped up learning about concealed weapons and he received his Spanish packet! Time to start practicing Spanish! We planned to get started this weekend, but he decided to study concealed weapons instead. We will start making notecards and working on Spanish at home next weekend. The cadets have 4 weeks to learn to arrest someone in Spanish.

Kev said the Seniors just found out where they are going!  They graduate this month, so that gives them a few weeks to work out any details if moving is involved. I wonder where Kev will be going? I think we are going to start taking some drives along the highways so we can get a better idea about what to put on his dream sheet when the time comes. I am easy regardless! If we stay in the Bay, I'll continue to commute to SF and if we go towards LA, I'm not too worried about finding an accounting job down there. There are a few big start-ups and the NFL Corporate office too - I can work with that :) With the seniors about to graduate, that means Kev should also be packing up and moving into the senior dorm rooms at the end of the month. I believe the next class starts May 1st. Crazy and exciting to think of!

There are so many amazing things to come after the academy for us. Number one is finally moving in with Kev! He is practically moved into my room now. I told him I must really love him to make space for him in my closet ;) Anyhow, I can't wait for that! We are also going to start planning our vacation for after he graduates. He will have about 10 days before he reports for duty, so we are going to go someplace tropical and enjoy some time in the sun together post-Academy / pre-on duty Officer!

Our weekend was really mellow- we relaxed and spent time with family.

On to week 10 of 29!

- Mimi

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