Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 75-78/194 - Start of Week 12!

Friday - Sunday, Week 11
I used to write day by day, but as we dive deeper into the academy the days are moving so fast! Even for me at home. While fast may be tougher on the cadets, it is fine with me! I just can't wait to wake up to my boyfriend everyday again :)

There were no tests last Friday for Kev which was nice after a long, hard week! Usually the cadets don't ever have tests on Fridays, but everything at the academy can be subject to change. The cadets have a schedule of the weeks ahead but I'm not sure how consistent it is. I think Kev has said it changes occasionally.

Kev was pretty zoned out in academy mode last weekend, so it was nice to have him more grounded this weekend! He knew his mind was elsewhere preparing for the week ahead, so he made more of a conscious effort to give me a little more love and attention this weekend. I won't lie, I loved it! We did have a lot of family time though. We visited with my dad who unfortunately is pretty miserable in his neck brace right now, and took a trip to Kev's parent's house to check out how their kitchen remodel is coming along and grab breakfast together. It was a nice weekend, but we didn't get too much time with just the two of us, which tends to make the Sunday goodbye a little harder. I literally have to force myself to shut the door or we keep turning around for another kiss and our goodbye takes way too long when Kev needs to make his way back to Sac. Fortunately, it is only an hour drive for him but he still needs to get home and prep for Monday. And this Monday was the PT test! I guess it wasn't in a couple weeks like I thought or it's already been a couple weeks, who knows haha. Sometimes I can get the schedule mixed up with all the stories and upcoming dates I hear! Imagine how it must be for the cadets!

Monday, Start of week 12! - PT Test
Monday was a crazy day for Kev and his company! They had a PT test to measure their progress. The morning began with push ups, sits ups and a mile and a half timed run. Kev made the run time and did fine in the other areas as well. After the morning physical tests, they were fitted for their PERMANENT vests!! Kev said they are much lighter and more comfortable than the ones they have now, and of course it was another exciting little milestone that tells us we are inching closer to that badge!

After two hours of fitting vests, they continued PT testing. The second half of testing consisted of more push ups, pull ups, and an obstacle course timed run through. Kev has improved so much and was ready for this day of physical testing. He did great the whole day until he slipped on a portion of the obstacle course. Unfortunately, that set him back a few mat spots.

Kev was pretty bummed about the slip when we talked. The PT tests are all averaged into your final score/grade at the academy. It's by no means the end of the world, but he was frustrated because the slip distracted from his hard work and how much he had improved. It was just a fluke slip. I told him tomorrow is another day, a new start, day 1. Time to realign our focus and strategize the approach to each challenge ahead, one at a time. Kev is a natural successor and sometimes I think he approaches a challenge knowing he will do well. I told him if he approaches it with confidence but a more strategic and slightly cautious mindset, the outcome could far exceed his expectations and those of others. Kev can sometimes focus on the heavy workload and weeks ahead rather than one challenge at a time. That's the new goal for our 'Day 1' - one challenge at a time! The slip is behind us and he is still near the head of the class as far as we know it! Besides, he will always be my #1 CHP cadet :)

"SUCCESS is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and PERSISTENCE" 
- Colin Powell

- Mimi

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