Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 74/194

Thursday, Week 11!
With EVOC POST testing now out of the way, most of the day was driving practice for the Agency Specific test - code 3 driving and skid pan. To pass the POST skid pan, he only had to successfully control one skid. On the Agency Specific skid pan test he will have to correct 3 consecutive skids on the 'S' turn. He will have plenty of time to practice though. The test isn't until around week 20 and the cadets are able to practice on their own now between the hours of 5 - 7 PM. Kev is having a blast! When we finally get to talk at the end of the day, he is so eccentric and excited telling his EVOC story! I literally can't even get a question in, but it's pretty cute. I am so glad he is having fun and enjoying it rather than needing me to console him because he is nervous.

There is a PMA test coming up next Tuesday that we will have to practice for this weekend, but the flow of tests should be back to normal for a little while. This was just a crazy week with both EVOC and learning domain tests. Kev is definitely looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend!

My dad is doing well recovering and should hopefully be home from the hospital today (Friday). This year has been off to a rough start. First my grandma, then Kev's mom was in the ER, and now my dad. I always say all bad things happen in 'threes', so I really hope that is the last of the hospital visits!

Anyhow, it's Friday and I can't wait for my Kevvy to come home! My favorite part of the day is when I open the door to see him standing behind it with his war bag, duffel, and laundry bag just looking at me. He is usually in slacks or nice jeans, with his polo tucked in, a belt and all clean shaven. Then I jump right into his arms before he even has a chance to speak or walk in the door. We always hold that hug a little longer than others, even when we say good bye. That right there, is my favorite moment of the week :)

- Mimi

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