Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Q&A - Everything we wanted to know too!

Before starting the academy, Kev and I had so many questions and ultimately the unknown meant fabricating our own concerns about something we didn't even know about yet. Not knowing what was to come was the hardest part of entering into Academy life for both of us. Now that we are more than half way through, most of our questions have been answered. Here are some of the answers to everything we wanted to know ourselves! Kev helped me over the phone to put some of these answers together too :)

Will the academy change him?
Yes and no. Kev still has his sense of humor, playfulness, and compassion. He is just a little more focused when he does things, like read, watch tv, or even a little task. He is more honed in and detailed than I remember. Sometimes he is tired and stressed during certain weeks, but it is short lived and he is still the same Kev who left in February! His hair also grows back every week, phew! ;)

Will he lose weight?
Oh yah! Kev is down about 10 - 15 lbs and says one cadet lost 60 lbs! Someone wore an activity tracker and found that between PT and running everywhere they go, they average about 10 miles a day. The last meal for the day is also around 5 PM and there is no eating allowed in their rooms - no late night snacks and PT at 4:30 AM.

What will our weekends be like?
Mostly amazing and well worth the wait during the week! It depends on their time management too. Kev squeezes in a lot of work at night at the academy so that we don't have to sacrifice too much of our time on the weekends - shining boots, making note cards, etc. Sometimes it's a fun weekend, sometimes it's hard to let him go back, and other times you'll be upset because your time is short and something didn't get resolved before he leaves. However, it is always followed by another perfect weekend.

How are the roommates? Do they affect your time together?
Since I am unfamiliar with LE life, I was worried about who Kev would live with and meet, and the influence they would have on him. However, it has actually been really positive. They support each other, have built comradeship, and his roommates are both in serious relationships too - one is married and the other has a girlfriend. A lot of the guys he has met have girls at home, so they know what it's like to miss them and be missed. The single guys are great too and seem to just remind him know how lucky he is to have the added support of his girl at home. Phone calls in front of everyone also become more comfortable after a couple weeks of hearing everyone in the room talk with their girls about the same things - from how much they miss each other, what happened that day, and even consoling them some nights.

Will our relationship be compromised because of time apart?
Everyone is different, but no it shouldn't! We have become so much closer. It seems that you learn to appreciate each other more when your time is limited. It is also admirable to watch someone you love push themselves and give something their all, knowing it is just as much to make a beautiful life for them as it is for you. Complimenting their drive with love and support can make your relationship stronger than ever. 

How often are you able to talk and connect with each other?
Everyday! We have never not talked on the phone since the academy started. Sometimes we talk or FaceTime all night, while other nights training runs late and he is exhausted or has to prepare for the next day so we keep it short. That doesn't happen too often and only comes in spurts during certain training or testing periods.

What time can I expect to hear from my cadet each day?
Kev is typically up around 4-5 AM and usually back in the room between 6-8 PM. Give them a chance to shower off, use the restroom, and wind down before giving you a call. I would say 90% of the time I get a call by 7PM.  We will chat for a little bit, and then we reconnect before bed. The latest I have heard from Kev after his day was just before 11 PM, but that was when they were doing range and driving at night.
Wednesdays: 5:30 - 6 PM
Friday: 5:30 PM

Is Wednesday liberty and weekends guaranteed?
Weekends -Pretty guaranteed unless they need to remediate a certain test or class only offered on the weekend. We haven't lost any to remediation, but there was one half Saturday for mandatory volunteer work and another Saturday for tear gas. They want to do the tear gas when most people are off campus, so it's understandable.
Wednesday Liberty - Everyone gets Wednesday liberty unless you receive 3 gigs. Every 3 gigs costs a Wednesday. For example, if you get 9 gigs in the first week you lose 3 consecutive Wednesdays. If you get 2 gigs over the course of two weeks and on the third week you get another gig, your next Wednesday liberty is lost to memo writing for a few hours.

How do paychecks and finances work at the Academy?
Cadets are paid on the first of every month. The academy isn't cheap though, and a lot of the money made cycles right back to where it came from. Uniform rentals, campus dry cleaning, PT shirts, equipment, etc. all add up. However, food, a place to live, and 24/7 Staff Officer presence are without cost! Per Kev - "priceless"

When do Dream Sheets come out and how do they work?
Dream sheets should come out around month 4. So for us, that should be in June. Transfers for current officers have to end, and then cadets are informed what offices are hiring based on the spots left over. Once that list is out, cadets receive their dream sheets. Once submitted, I believe we find out our area office about a month before graduation in order to give ample time to make arrangements. 

What are some Academy items Kev brought with him or bought later that he can't live without?
- Lots of white undershirts, underwear, and socks
- White rags & old cut up shirts to shine boots & brass (he was using his NEW bath towels at first)
- Febreze, not everyone is as pleasantly fragrant at the end of a 14+ hr day as you might hope
- Flip flops for the shower
- Closet organizer is a "life saver"
- Weekly cases of water for the room
- Bluetooth, Bluetooth, Bluetooth!

Just starting the academy?
Use your best judgement and be practical. If you need something, like hangers or an iron, just bring it. Don't inconvenience yourself to the point of impracticality. It's better to just have it and get rid of it, than not have it - unless it is specifically not allowed. 
No one is out to get you but yourself. Everyone at the academy wants you to succeed if you deserve it. Stay motivated when it starts to get tough and remind yourself why you started. Kev says you have to really want it and be willing to give it all you've got every day. Also remember that you were selected to be there just like everyone else was. Be a leader and aspire to motivate yourself and others. Be kind, everyone is in the same position with the same dream. The people who go home aren't the ones who fail a test then give it everything they've got to take it over and do it right the next time, its the ones who give up, aren't motivated, and don't use their brain. The academy is possible, if you want it.

How do I send my cadet a letter and is it okay?
Kev loves them! Just don't send anything embarrassing and label the envelope right. Kev told me a story a staff officer told the class about a girlfriend who sent flowers to her boyfriend and how well that one went when he was called up to retrieve them. I also read about wives being cute and addressing their CADET as Officer on the letter.. don't do that! However, there are a few higher ranks that are a good threat to address a letter with incase you need a little incentive for a chore done at home ;)

Address to:
Cadet     F I R S T          L A S T     
California Highway Patrol Academy
3500 Reed Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95605-1677

In the bottom left corner:

CTC  ______
Company  _____

Is the sacrifice worth it?
Absolutely. Your cadet is part of the finest law enforcement training in the world and with determination and discipline they can achieve a career they can be proud of every day. It is only a short period of sacrifice in return for a lifetime of a great career and family. We haven't experienced life beyond the finish line yet, but time is never wasted when it is spent chasing a dream. 

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