Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 123/194

Thursday, Week 18!
There aren't really any big academy updates this week. Kev has just been learning and studying EMT stuff. He seems a little bored by it now though. He definitely enjoys the law, driving, shooting, etc a lot more. I went out with a couple girl friends last night to watch the Warriors game while Kev studied. Sometimes it works well when I go out and do something because we spend a little less time on the phone and he can dive more into his studies. There is a big EMT exam today (Friday), so it worked out.

I also forgot to note that we finally booked our graduation vacation last week! We are doing 5 days in Cabo San Lucas! We can't wait! Thank goodness for unlimited PTO at my work, because I'm taking off Wednesday 8/10 through the following Friday 8/20 for all the graduation events and our trip. Kev will graduate on Friday 8 and we are leaving for Cabo on Sunday morning through Thursday. So much to look forward to!

We are also excited for another 3 day weekend next week too! The cadets have Friday off, so of course I'll be taking that off to get more time in with my cadet. Even though I am exploring new career options, I couldn't have asked for a better job while Kev is at the academy. The flexibility I have here makes it so easy for us to be together whenever possible. Still no word from the job I really want that is 5 minutes from home. I'm hoping to hear something today. Fingers crossed!

- Mimi

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