Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 128/194

Tuesday, Week 19!
I am sooo excited to see Kev early this week! He will be home Thursday night after a late wellness class that ends at 8 PM. They still have those stress management courses with the doctor, once a month I believe. Luckily, Kev manages stress pretty well. However, I still think the courses are beneficial whether he needs them or not, he takes something away from it all. Kev can be so unmoved sometimes. I do wonder what will be the moment in his career that truly affects him. I pray that his career will only be filled with the good, but I know there will be a day when he sees something that will move him. In that case, I do hope that these Academy classes help him when that time comes.

Last night Kev was studying for a test he will have on Thursday. He said the academy started spelling tests again. So, each week there will be a spelling and knowledge test. If you miss 5 of any of the questions, you lose a Wednesday liberty. He said there will also be a lot more random room inspections now, supposedly. Kev isn't too worried about his Wednesdays though. We don't see each other those nights and he is probably sick of In N Out and Chipotle any how;)

Other than that, the week has been pretty mellow. He is just continuing EMR training through the end of the week. He learned a CPR too, which I think is pretty exciting.

I found out yesterday I didn't get the job I applied for near home. Kind of a bummer. I always nail interviews, and had a few that went really well. However, this was the one I wanted the most. I was given the offer because of specific experience I didn't have that was essential to the role. In that case, I'm taking it in stride and asking for exposure to those areas at my current job so I can bag the more senior role next time around. Kev was a sweetie when I told him last night though, as always. He is perfect in every way and always knows what to say to make me feel better.

After this week, there are only 9 more Sunday goodbyes!! Then he is home :) It feels so surreal. Even though our schedules may conflict at some points when he is an officer, he is still home!! We will never be as far apart as we have been during the Academy, and I feel like we can do anything after we make it through this. So, until I'm proven otherwise - I can't wait for dinners together - no matter what time they are, sleeping together every night again, and waking up to his handsome face!

- Mimi

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