Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 138-140/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 20!
We wrapped up week 20! The days are long but the weeks fly by. Last week seemed pretty mellow and this weekend we had so much time together. We made a little more effort not to commit to too much like we have been. It really pays off to have a relaxing weekend. It recharges you for the week ahead and you feel like, "okay I had him all to myself, we had a great time, let's crush this week". That sounds so lame, but I swear a mellow uncommitted weekend makes such a difference. Normally I can hardly shut the garage door on Sunday night when he is driving away without running out for one more kiss, but when we have a fulfilling weekend with a lot of  'us' time and without endless commitments, it's so much easier to hug Kev and let him drive back.

We worked out this weekend and ate really healthy! We are CABO bound after Academy graduation and pre-FTO! We have to look good ;) Kev LOVES rubbing in my face how much better he is than me at his core workouts though. I always tell him, if I were paid to do calisthenics and run for 4 months while being yelled at not to stop, my endurance and abs would be on point too ;) Kev literally idolizes the PT staff and loves their fitness motivation and suggestions. We are excited to move in together, meal prep for the work week and keep up the endurance he has built at the academy. The PT staff is hammering into him how important it is to stay fit and I'm on board too. Kev says they showed him interviews of criminals who resisted arrest or fought back with an Officer and when they were asked why, they referred to the officers appearance - how well put together they looked and their physique. Kev is about 6'2 or 6'3, lean, with broad shoulders. He is down maybe 15 lbs while at the Academy but plans to bulk up with more lean mass when he comes home and can manage his diet and exercise a little more. Some of the meals at the Academy are meant to fill them up for the day and aren't the best, nutrition wise. Kev always says they taste good though. It's rare he complains about the food. He says PT staff is really pushing to make the meals better though and he has even seen a change recently. Chicken wraps for lunch vs. chicken fried steak. He says the heavy meals make him more tired in class, so the change has been nice. Hopefully they keep it up :) We both made an effort to keep our meals really healthy this weekend - i.e. homemade corn salad and steak, ground turkey and zucchini stir-fry, rolled oats and eggs for breakfast, and fruit! All the nutrition talk pumped us both up a little bit. I'm even a little excited to hit the gym tonight. I need to practice my leg lifts and sit ups so I can show Kev up next time!!

It's officially the first day of Summer and we are on to week 21! 7 more Sunday goodbyes!

Sorry, I didn't have much of an update this week but sometimes that's a good thing! :) No word on when we will get the official word on Dream Sheets yet either. The cadets turned them in last Monday but apparently a couple of cadets had a less than outstanding moment and messed up their forms so the staff couldn't submit them all until Friday. I'm already starting to look for places for us though and texting them to Kev, it's really fun and exciting!

- Mimi

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