Monday, June 6, 2016

Day 124-126/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 18!
Well, we wrapped up another week! Kev passed his written PMA test on Thursday and the big EMR (emergency response) test on Friday. He is studying hard and breezing through every test. He said there are only about ten tests left for the rest of the academy. Crazy to think. Really the only test that we anticipate to be tough is the agency high speed. However, Kev is pretty confident behind the wheel and I am sure he will do just fine. We don't plan on going home anytime before August 12th!

On Friday the cadets also had an unpleasant surprise. They were told on Thursday that there may be uniform inspections on Friday. In that case, after morning PT they all put on brand new uniforms and polished up for inspections. A little later, they were told to get in the gym for a PT sandwich. The seniors were responsible for showing the juniors how to clean up and put their mats away after their workouts - however, no one showed them how and the gym was left a mess. As punishment, they had a 30 minute workout in their full blues and were then told to report straight to class. Kev said a few of the guys soaked sweat all the way through their shirts and had to sit through class like that. Mind you it is also 100+ degrees outside. He also said a couple of the juniors supposedly pass out while walking around campus in the heat. Kev thinks they weren't drinking enough water when they had the chance to. Welcome to summer in West Sacramento! I packed Kev sunscreen before he left and as usual we stocked him up on a case of water for his room too. We have to keep him healthy! The juniors apparently already lost a few people too. Kev said one of the juniors dislocated his arm on the monkey bars and was sent home. I couldn't imagine being sent home because of an injury after knowing how long Kev has waited for this. I feel so bad when I hear about those cadets. Kev has been having a little pain from all the running though, and spent a lot of the weekend rolling out and icing. Hopefully he feels a little better this week after tending to the pain point this weekend.

We ended week 18 with a great weekend together. On Saturday we drove out to Santa Cruz for the day and had such a nice time. We went there once with friends when we had just met, so it was nice to go back as a couple. It was a little chilly when we got there but it eventually warmed up and we both got pretty nice sunburns since it was our first full day out in the sun! We played catch, packed lunch, and just relaxed and watched the waves. It was such a perfect day. We ended the night with a couple movies on the couch. Sunday, we relaxed and did a few chores around the house. I'm so thankful for how helpful and handy Kev is! He unclogged my shower drain, fixed my sink handle that came loose and fell off, helped wash my bedding and took out the trash. Literally,  I couldn't ask for a better man. In the midst of his hectic schedule, he is always there for me. I never feel left with all the chores at home to handle alone. I do as much as I can to support him while at the academy but he always reciprocates when he can. I remember we were told not to expect much from our cadets during this time in their lives. There was a lot I prepared for that simply wasn't true. Always remember that every individual and every journey is different. That has been my biggest take away - we are unlike anyone else. We are carving out our own story. I'll remember that with every new chapter we start in our lives.

I also finally had the chance to write Kev another letter. We have both been so busy that it has been about two weeks since I sent him a letter to the academy. Today I dropped one in the mail for him :)

10 more weeks to go!!!

- Mimi

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