Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 134-135/194 - Start of week 20!

Monday & Tuesday, Week 20!
Wow. Typing week 20 feels really good! We are so lucky to have this opportunity and are persevering every day to reach graduation day. I am so proud of my boyfriend and love being able to call a man like him, mine. Everyday, the light is brighter. Sometimes I catch myself scrolling through the blog index at all the months, weeks, and days that we have made it through. I can't wait to stand around that fountain with him in his tans, with his badge, hand in hand.

On Monday, Kev and the cadets had their last PFT (Physical Fitness Test). He thinks he did pretty well but unfortunately he still has had slight joint pain and had to push through as best as possible. The rest of the day they learned more about felony stops.

Tuesday, Kev called pretty excited. They started boxing! He said it was really fun and a good change to the at times remedial schedule. In that case, they will have PT twice a week now and boxing one day a week - instead of 3 days of PT. Boxing sounded more like punching bag practice, than full out wailing on each other. I'm thankful for that, because no one needs to up their odds of failing out for an injury when we are in the 20s now! After boxing, they had range and started using the AR15s. Kev was revved up about this too and likes the new agenda for the week.

Finally, the senior class received their 'senior flags' back yesterday. I believe Kev said a while back that these were taken when 'Skittle Cadet' had the backpack full of chips and candy found in the quad during a surprise inspection. Kev says your class flags are another thing you can earn at the academy in exchange for hard work and dedication, symbolizing your accomplishment and status. They also earned their sign out sheets for weekends and liberty to be in a separate area away from the juniors which means different lines and they can sign out of there quicker. However, they still technically don't have their Senior status or 'cheese its' as Kev called it last night - aka a little yellow square epaulet or ornamental shoulder piece for their uniform to signify they are Seniors.  I'm so proud of Kev and his class! We are so close!

Lastly, Kev and the class lined up their top choices and socials to get an idea of where they might be placed. We THINK we have a pretty good chance of a Bay Area office, so our fingers are crossed and our hopes are high! :)))))

- Mimi

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