Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 157/194 - Week 23 & Agency High Speed!

Wednesday, Week 23!
This is the first time I have felt like time has been flying by and I wish I had more of it. As much as I want Kev home, the weeks are gone before we know it and there is a lot to do - both at the academy and at home!

Kev and the Senior class are currently doing EVOC testing for Agency high speed. This is a huge part of the academy and certainly a 'fear-factor' for it's ability to affect attrition. Kev says each of them go out to the track with an instructor in the car and hit the pedal until they hit about 120 mph . Then they navigate the course, including a few turns. The testing period is a little drawn out because the class has to go one at a time and everyone gets up to 4 attempts to pass. The EVOC officers can also only pull the cadets out of certain classes for retesting and avoid pulling cadets from range. Kev had his first attempt yesterday and did not pass. He gets to give it another shot this afternoon. I'll be sending good thoughts his way all day! Kev basically says you need to have the pedal to the floor the entire time and you won't pass if you don't. Out of all of his roommates, only one passed on the first try yesterday and he was a retread who actually failed high-speed during his first time at the academy. Kev's happy for him and confident he will be right behind him, hopefully today! It is a little nerve-racking, but I'm so thankful to have such a driven man. I trust Kev and even though I should maybe worry more, I have so much faith in him and know he is capable of anything he puts his mind to. I used to worry a lot more in the beginning of the Academy. However, after seeing his persistence and stop-at-nothing attitude to achieve his dream over the last 5 months, I just trust that he will take us there and cheer him on every chance I get!

Other than high-speed, the cadets have PT every morning this week since they had a long weekend. They also have to report for a full day on Saturday until 5 PM. I'm hoping he can leave the Academy on Friday night so we can try to see each other though. We are so lucky to only live about an hour away from the Academy.

On Saturday, I have 3 appointments to look at condos for us! I specifically scheduled Saturday so Kev and I could make a day of it, but leave it up to the CHP academy to spoil our plans ;) In the end, I know Kev trusts my opinion sand we have similar taste. I just wish we could look together because it would definitely be more fun! It is also the first place we will live together in! We are both so excited!

I can't believe how far we are now and that we know Kev's area office. I hope everyone reading who is aspiring to achieve the same goal gets to feel how we feel at this point too. It's a sense of accomplishment, pride and unity. We feel so strong as a couple and thankful for each other - Kev for persevering and me for staying strong and waiting for my man.

I love you Kevvy! This time next month you with be graduating next week!! Crush high speed today baby xo

- Mimi

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