Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 178/194

Wednesday, Week 26!
So, I just figured this - there are 16 more academy days left and I will see Kev for 10 of them! Some of the visits will just be in the evening, but I'll take it. He is coming down tonight for his Thursday liberty to help me move a few heavy boxes I packed up and just because he loves me of course ;) This will actually be the time he will come home for liberty since the Academy started. I've gone down to see him, but because of heavy evening traffic and the short time frame before he has to report back, he will usually take the time to go out for food with the guys and study. So, I am really excited to see him tonight!

Kev said he thinks he did really well on his DUI test, but they didn't get the scores yet. He did find out that he aced his Spanish test though! And I officially have the phrase, "cruzar tus dedos detras a la cabeza" stuck in my head! I think that's how you say it. I may or may not have blocked my sweet Spanish speaking broken record of a boyfriend out for a bit ;)

Kev's company had a long day yesterday! PT started at 4:30am and they didn't get out for the day until 10pm! The Academy brought in a retired CHP Officer, and he spent the evening telling the cadets stories about his time as a patrolman. Kev said his that he and his class really enjoyed the speaker. I was half asleep when Kev called me a little after 10pm, so unfortunately he didn't get to share any of the stories with me. He sounded enthusiastic though, so he will have to fill me in soon.

Apparently badge numbers should be out soon too! The Academy seems to always save surprises for Friday, so maybe that will be the day. So exciting!

- Mimi

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