Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 159-161/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 23!
Another week is done and there are only 4 more Sunday goodbyes left. 4 sounds so small, but this last sprint to the finish line feels like it is taking forever. We are tired. I'm SO ready to have Kev home.

Even though we lost most of our Saturday this weekend, it was an interesting end to the week and ended out working well for us. On Thursday evening, Kev finally had his chance to inspect the Junior's vehicles and write them fix it tickets. It feels like just yesterday Kev was sprucing up his own car over the weekend for the Senior inspection. He finally had his chance and it sounds like he had a good time spotting infractions.

On Friday, Kev's company practiced Spanish DUI and accident investigation report writing. Nothing too exciting. On Saturday, the cadets practiced riot control. It is certainly a little scary in light of recent events, but apparently it was on the calendar for sometime and was coincidence that riot training was this weekend. Riot control is probably the most unnerving part of Kev's training for me to hear about. A lot of aspects of his new life are going to take getting used to. I'm just so thankful for the heavy training Kev is getting at the Academy to prepare him for a long, safe career.

On a lighter note, the cadets also had pursuit driving on Saturday. It was hot out, so while taking turns to drive the cars, apparently the Staff Officers filled up a few water balloons and soaked the cadets. Kev said a couple didn't break and it was tempting to pick them up and toss them back, but of course he didn't ;) After that, a couple cadets left the keys in the squad cars and when the sergeant noticed, he threw them in the 12ft end of the pool and told them to go get them! Lesson learned. In the meantime, I spent the day driving around looking for places for us to live. No luck yet!

Kev made such an effort to see me this weekend and I am SO thankful for him! He drove down Friday night when he got off around 6pm, spent the night and woke up at 4am to make it back to the Academy by 6am for a 12 hour day. Then drove back to see me and home the next evening. He has done such an amazing job of focusing his effort on the Academy but making sure to always make time for me and make me feel special. I'm such a lucky girl.

4 more weeks! 4 more....

- Mimi

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