Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 163/194

Tuesday, Week 24!
I won't deny that the first few weeks at the Academy and 'Hell Week' are the toughest, but the last few weeks are by far the slowest! I just can't wait to have my man back home.

Yesterday at the Academy was moreeee report writing and DUI training (in English). A few more cadets tested for high-speed and one finally hit the guard rail around one of the turns. Kev said, "he kissed it." Sounds like he didn't hit it at 120 mph, but skimmed it. He still passed too! I asked how the ladies are doing and he said they are passing as well. That's impressive, because I know I would be pretty scared coming up to a turn and guard rail at 120 mph!

That was about it for yesterday. As for me, I started working out early in the mornings so I could try to go to bed earlier and was meeting a coworker before work. I tripped on the treadmill the other morning and my foot has been hurting pretty bad. After a doctor visit this morning, it turns out I sprained my ankle and ligament in my foot, so I have a nice boot for a bit! Of course, Kev reminded me that I wouldn't be out of PT and running in the morning if I were at the Academy. Good thing I'm not. He can enjoy his cot and prison sheets and I'll enjoy my down comforter, boot, and break from running ;)

I am really  looking forward to a full weekend with Kev! I can't wait :) Oh, I forgot to mention that cadets also had an opportunity yesterday to write a memo if they were interested in a ride along prior to graduation. Initially, they weren't going to do that anymore but seems like someone changed their mind. Kev would love to, but he told me he wasn't going to write the memo because the ride along would be a full 8 hours on a Saturday. There are only 4 more Saturdays prior to graduation, and the next two weekends we HAVE to find a place to live and move after that. I told him I could manage if he really wanted to do it, but he insists on being there to help me. In the end, he'll have 3 months of ride alongs during FTO and 30 years in a squad car during his career. Plenty!

As for graduation details, Kev said his mom is waiting to open the info packet until her and I get together. I'm meeting with her on Thursday night to make graduation invitations so I hope to have all the details noted soon!

- Mimi

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