Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 158/194 - Passed Agency High Speed!

Thursday, Week 23!
Yesterday, Kev passed agency high-speed! Woo hooo! I had dinner at his parent's house last night and apparently he was a little more anxious about passing than he allowed me to see. His mom told me that he asked her not to send out graduation party invites until he passed high-speed. I am always so confident in Kev and trust that he will do well, that I can sometimes overlook his nerves. Kev FaceTimed us when he was off and told us all about the track and testing. He also told me later how pressured he felt to pass because we are starting to look for a home together too. I didn't even think of that. In a sense, I think it is a good thing I don't worry about him and add to his stress. I just believe in him and support him any way I can. He does the same for me by not letting me see his concern, and it works for us. When he needs me, he let's me know. We always end up on the same page.

So, high-speed. Kev sent me a little picture of the track so that he could explain the course and testing. I can't write about everything but I'll explain a little. The track is about 2 miles long, with an "S" turn on one end, a short uphill portion, and a couple rounded turns that loop you back to the start. Kev says you drive at 120 mph with the EVOC instructor in the vehicle and strategically drive the track for about an hour and a half to two hours. He was saying that on some of the rounded turns, you come up to a guard rail at 120 mph and your gut instinct is to turn out of it but you have to steer around the turn - the instructor will also guide you on how to drive. At one point, you are in the vehicle alone and the instructor watches from a tower. Kev says that part was exciting but scary in the sense that when the instructor is with you, they can grab the wheel to help you steer at times but when you're alone it's up to you. He seemed to love the high-speed testing even though it was stressful because passing meant the world to him! He was definitely very enthusiastic when telling us about testing. He had some great stories but unfortunately I am not very articulate in the world of driving fast cars so I won't even try. All I know is that I will be driving this weekend ;)

Kev also received an amazing grade in the high 90s on his report writing exam and passed agency rifle! I'm so proud of him! We are so close!

- Mimi

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