Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 173-175/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 25!
So our realization this weekend was that this July has been the best and worst month all rolled in to one! Last Friday, Kev and his company wrapped up the week with their last Spanish test and of course he thinks he is fluent now and was speaking to me in Spanish ALL weekend - telling me I'm under arrest and to interlock my fingers behind my head! Friday night we went for sushi and caught up on life! We have so much to do this week but Friday night was our down time. July has been tough because we really haven't seen each other very much this month. When he had a long weekend for the 4th of July, I was in Texas for a bachelorette, the next weekend we lost a day to the Academy, the one after that we were running around looking for a place to live, and this Sunday he had his ride along. The good - we found a place to live and we are so close to graduation. The bad - we are really busy and haven't seen each other very much. I miss my Spanish speaking best friend!

On Saturday, we were really productive! However, it was 100 degrees in the East Bay and I woke up and told Kev we should make breakfast but for whatever reason, the man who is always hungry every second of the day wasn't this time. After an early start and full day of errands in the heat, we were starving, dehydrated, sunburnt, and far passed hangry by the time we finally ate and drank water at 2pm. It's a miracle we survived;) Anyhow, we got Kev his first real haircut of the Academy on Saturday morning! He is finally growing his hair back! He says some guys in his class have already started. He also said a few guys had the great idea to grow out mustaches but staff quickly told them that wasn't a great idea! We have a video on my phone of the night we buzzed his hair just before day one, so it really feels like we have reached the end now that we are growing it back. I'm glad not to have to buzz it every weekend too, it was a little messy. After his haircut we said hello to his parents for a bit and then ran over to our storage unit to make room for the move. We have a few things we need to fit in there, so we literally pulled out everything in the whole unit, organized what we wanted and packed the rest in his truck for the dumps. We were exhausted. That was my first time at the dumps - basically it seems like a big warehouse where guys get a kick out of throwing their stuff as far as possible into piles and watching it break. Kev wanted to throw everything, but some stuff was perfectly good so I made him stack it to the side in hopes someone might take it! He thought I was hilarious and I thought he was crazy for trying to throw everything he could get his hands on. Well, we somehow had a good time at the dumps! After that, we ran over to Home Depot to buy packing stuff - boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. This was our point of exhaustion, right before we decided we needed food and water! We went to lunch in town and then plopped down on the couch at home exhausted before getting up to start packing. We really wrecked ourselves that day. The PT staff has nothing on a girlfriend trying to make room in a storage unit and move a house ;)

Ride Alongs! 
On Sunday, Kev and a few of the guys had ride alongs. Even though it was a Sunday we both could have used because there is still so much to do, Kev was pretty excited. He coordinated with a few of the guys what to wear and when to meet. Basically it was up in the air between slacks and a polo or jeans. They ended up in slacks if you're wondering, but the staff office did say jeans would be fine. I guess we all know it's always better to be over dressed than under dressed.

The ride along ended up being around 8 hours, so I packed a little more and then took a break with a girl friend by the pool and went downtown for lunch. Kev was so excited when he finished and finally got to call me. He came home to share a few stories before he had to head back to the Academy. He said they pulled over a ton of expired registrations, and he was able to run the computer in the car too. On one stop Kev said he was really excited because he thought the car was stolen but it turns out the guy just had the plates stolen off his car. I guess he was looking for a little action haha. He also said someone called in a kitten on the freeway and one of the other cars got to pick it up! He said he thought of me right away because I always joke that I want his career to be entirely saving puppies and kittens from the highway!

It was a hard goodbye for me Sunday night, but only 2 more good byes left! CTC 1-16, we are SO close! 19 days left to graduation!!!!

- Mimi

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