Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 171-172/194

Wednesday & Thursday, Week 25!
The week continues with report writing and Spanish. On Wednesday, Kev passed his Spanish practical test and his final Spanish test will be on Friday. On Thursday, he had a full 8 hour accident investigation test. "It was a longggggg day" - Kev.

We are moving along and can't wait to find out how Kev did on his investigation. Some things happened this week that weren't pre-approved for me to write about but it gave me a glimpse at the demanding nature of the career. Over the last couple days we bickered a little. I want to be honest, that although I do believe Kev and I have been so strong and done amazing together on this journey, we have had hard days too. The lifestyle and career are an adjustment. Kev and I aren't married, so unlike some other women who are already married with kids, this is more of a choice for me. I can only imagine the adjustment when you are married to a cadet and have children, and you have to acclimate to a lifestyle you initially committed to while knowing nothing about it. It is certainly exciting at times, but it is scary too.

When Kev initially started the Academy, I was so concerned that I would never hear from him because of all the blogs and stories I read. However, it wasn't long until we realized that those stories were just that, someone else's story. The Academy experience is simply a reflection of the person you share it with. Kev is an amazing guy, he is strong, sensitive, caring, determined and persistent. He aligned his priorities so neither came in second - the Academy or his girl. He is top of the class and has never gone a day without a phone call to me. In light of our experience, I am trying to stay positive about life after the Academy. I understand that break-in will also be demanding, but it is only 3 months. All I want is more time with Kev. He is the man of my dreams and sometimes it scares me that the man I want to marry is entering a world where law enforcement officers are depicted as heartless and being intentionally killed, and where the demands of the job mean little time together. Kev continues to tell me that there are more people who love law enforcement officers than those who don't, and that we will have time together everyday. He promised me I would hear from him whenever he had a chance to call from the Academy, and he kept that promise. In that case, I have to believe he will keep this one too.

Yesterday, a couple officers came in to talk with Kev's class about life changing career experiences they have dealt with. Kev said one important thing he took from it is to share your experiences with your significant other, no matter how hard they may be to hear. I know now, that hearing about those things will initially be difficult for both of us to digest. However, sharing those things will keep us close because I'll know exactly what he is dealing with. Kev says, that way when he is sitting on the couch in silence, I'll know why. It is difficult to anticipate the sadness of the world that he will have to absorb, but I vow to always be his partner and confidant even in the hardest of times.

- Mimi

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