Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 177/194 - Wet Lab

Tuesday, Week 26!
Yesterday, the Senior class finally had their "wet lab". This is where the Academy gets volunteers 'drunk' so that the cadets can utilize the skills they learned to determine their blood alcohol content. Kev says the volunteers are given alcohol very methodically - a specific number of drinks per hour to obtain the exact BAC desired.

Prior to 'wet lab', was the 'dry lab'. The dry lab was a series of training videos and instruction that showed the cadets the exact symptoms and characteristics of alcohol on the body. Similar to the shaky eyes Kev was looking for when he playfully asked me to follow his finder on Sunday. Once the dry lab training was complete, the cadets were placed in groups and had to guess the BAC of a number of different volunteers. Kev said that the BAC levels of some volunteers were .09 and .1. He said the training was pretty spot on and that he and his group were able to guess the BAC exactly or close to it, based on the characteristics they were trained to spot.

Moral of the story: Don't drink and drive! The CHP will catch you, even if you can walk a straight line!

Kev said there were about 13 stations set up but unfortunately due to time restraints they didn't get to all of them that day. His class has the DUI exam on Wednesday and that is the last big test of the Academy (other than those still wrapping up high-speed). Kev said there is another cumulative exam next week too but he personally doesn't seem to weigh it as heavily as this one.

That's about it for Tuesday. Kev had a night class last night too so we didn't get to talk until later (8:30pm) and then I had to hang up to give him time to study for the DUI exam. He text me good night around 11pm and I know he had PT around 4:30am this morning. These long days and nights are almost done though! Wednesday night liberty was moved to Thursday night in order to make room for another night class about mental health I believe - something to the extent of life as an officer, coping with tragedy, etc. I am thankful they have those.

Good luck on DUI today, babe and CTC 1-16 :) 

16 days! 

- Mimi

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