Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 169/194 - Start of Week 25!

Monday, Week 25!
Kev and I have a confirmed place to live! I can't believe the Academy is coming to an end, we passed high speed, and I am about to move in with the man of my dreams! We had submitted a couple applications and drove all over this past weekend looking for a place to live. Last night, I received a call from the homeowner of our first choice and we got it! Kev was beeping in on the other end and I couldn't wait to hang up and tell him. We are so happy and feel so fortunate. The place is adorable, two bedrooms, private and bright with lots of windows. There is no one behind us either and has open space below where Kev and I are going to plant vegetables and pumpkins as soon as we can :) I am so happy today thinking of all the amazing things ahead of us!

Unfortunately, another 3 cadets were sent home on Monday for failing high-speed. I am so grateful that Kev passed, especially now that we see how many people are going home lately. I hope they all decide to come back with the Juniors though. We know how much they have endured to get to this point, and can only imagine what they are feeling today. Sending positive thoughts their way.

Big tests ahead:
Thursday - 8 hour accident investigation test
Friday - Spanish written test
Next Wednesday - DUI test

- Mimi

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