Friday, July 8, 2016


The purpose of this blog is to document Kev's journey through the California Highway Patrol Academy and share our positive outlook, determination, and honest challenges along the way with those who may be in either of our shoes today or at some point in the future. However, life outside the Academy is very real and certainly has an impact on us. The tragic events that unfolded yesterday in Dallas, Texas are heartbreaking. Being in law enforcement is one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs in America, and our heroes have dedicated their lives to a profession that commits them to ensuring a safe community for us all to live and thrive in. The men and women behind the badge deserve our love, respect, and support. We are all faced with difficult decisions in life, but none like the decisions in the hands of law enforcement. Their sole purpose is to protect and serve the community, but they also have to come home at the end of the day to their families. They too are wives, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends. My heart goes out to the fallen of the Dallas attack, their families and their loved ones and my prayers are extended to all those affected by the recent violence across our nation. Events like these bring fear to all of us with a loved one in law enforcement. Right now, Kev is safe at the Academy but the hate that lies outside the gates makes me fearful everyday that we inch closer to graduation. These occurrences shed light on the gallant efforts of law enforcement everyday and the inherent oppression they also endure. I pray that one day there can be peace and equality for all lives, even blue, across our nation. Every life is precious.

May Kev, his classmates in CTC 1-16 and all other law enforcement live a long, fulfilling, and safe career. The responsibility to respect life lies with all of us.

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