Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 162/194 - Start of Week 24!

Monday, Week 24!
Still no luck with finding a place to live. Kev is always so mellow but I really want to find something for us so I can relax a bit. I'm glad he is always so level-headed though, it definitely balances me out.. a little ;)

Kev said this Monday started with a full perimeter run led by the biggest staff officer. They are all apparently pretty big, but this one is the one Kev says talks in a deep voice like Batman and is really fit with impressive endurance.  He said yesterday the pace was a lot faster than normal in order to prep them for the Capitol run on the Wednesday before graduation. There are also still a lot of cadets in line for high-speed testing this week. Sadly, one cadet just went home because he couldn't pass on his fourth and final attempt at high-speed. I couldn't imagine going home now. I try not to even let my mind go there.

At the end of the day, Kev said they also had their first graduation ceremony practice! For a while he was saying the officers weren't even mentioning graduation so this was pretty exciting! Kev's mom also text me this morning to tell me the graduation info packet arrived. We didn't get a chance to sync yet, but I'm anxious to hear what it says. We really want to know how many people are allowed to attend the graduation. My understanding is that there are limited 'gold tickets' which allow for a gym viewing of the cadets receiving there badge, but there is greater access for family and friends for the pinning ceremony around the fountain. I guess we'll find out!

- Mimi

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