Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 170/194

Tuesday, Week 25!
Kev and I talked a lot yesterday but not too much about the Academy. He did tell me that they are starting to march again and practicing the graduation ceremony as often as possible. Thinking of Kev practicing graduation makes me so emotional, I can't imagine how I will feel when we are all there actually watching him graduate! I am definitely going to have to hold back tears, 6 months of them! He has also been studying hard for the 8 hour accident investigation test this Thursday. They already took the written report portion of the investigation test, so this is the hands on side. It will incorporate a lot of different aspects of their training and take up the entire day. We will be glad once that is over. The fear of going home does linger, but Kev perseveres everyday as hard as he can. I'm also grateful for his ability to balance time with me amidst long days at the Academy. We still have spoken everyday since the academy started. He texts me every morning now so I wake up to a sweet good morning text and we talk every night.  Some nights we are falling asleep on the phone and other times it is a few brief chats through the night in between my errands and his studies. Ultimately, the Academy has shown me what a great guy I have and I'm proud to call this Officer-to-be mine.

After work yesterday I rushed over to meet the homeowner of the home we will be renting starting August 1st. It has been hard trying to lock down a place for us to live, especially without Kev around and relying entirely on my schedule to coordinate walk throughs. Surprisingly, the place we loved most and nabbed off the market, was one that Kev and I were able to look at together over the weekend. It can be a little awkward taking care of this kind of business without your cadet around and may make you look less stable to someone who doesn't understand - especially since Kev and I aren't married. However, we lucked out because the homeowner's husband was an ex-police officer in the area. Ironically, for the same department Kev's brother also worked for. So, she has been really understanding and patient when there is something we are waiting on Kevin for - copy of his drivers license or approving a credit check request. We are so thankful and fortunate for how well everything is falling into place!

24 more days until graduation! 6 of those days we will be spending together. We are so close and my heart is so full!

- Mimi

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