Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day 176/194 - Start of Week 26!

Monday, Week 26!
The mellifluous sound of graduation details continue to push us forward with an imperturbable spirit! Other than my spirit while I pack the house alone while Kev is stuck at the Academy! I wouldn't suggest moving the week before graduation! I am filling the boxes but then I can't move them because they are too heavy, so I have to patiently wait for Kev to come back! Thankfully he is rounding up his dad and brother to help us this weekend :)

Monday started with PT, and considering Kev made it back to the academy Sunday night after 11pm, you can imagine it was a rough morning waking up at 4am to work out. He also said they received their vehicle code tests back and he passed. He says vehicle code is the only test he ever gets less than a 90% on. There are so many codes and it's just tough to memorize all of them perfectly. High-speed testing continues and everyone is hanging in there right now. Kev said yesterday another guy hit the guard rail and ripped the back door off of the squad car. Since it's considered an accident, he was done for the day and had to write a memo about what caused the crash. Thankfully the incident only left a tattered training car without a door and a good story because the cadet was uninjured. Kev's last big test of the Academy is Wednesday - DUI. He feels pretty confident about it and tried to show me his skills on Sunday when he gave me a sobriety test after is ride along on Sunday. I had been out with my girl friend for a bit having a couple cocktails and enjoying the sun, so for fun, Kev asked me to follow his finger without moving my head. I failed and apparently my eye balls were shaky. However, I took an Uber home so shaky eyes are acceptable when coupled with smart decision making! ;)

Oh yes, and word to the wise! I found out that Kev never really did wash his bullet proof vest cover. This weekend, he was fumbling with the cover of his new vest and wanted to wash it separately since "it was the first time he was washing it". I assumed if he washed his last one that he would have been a little more seasoned taking the new one apart and once he saw my puzzled look, he quickly admitted that he wore the other vest this whole time, running around and sweating all day and never washed it before turning it back in! I highly doubt Kev was the only one, and I am pretty sure the Academy isn't going to take the covers off each one and wash them before passing them out to the next class.. so, wash your vest cover when you get it! My boyfriend is nasty, I'm so sorry ;)

So, there are 18 days left! It's difficult to put into words how we feel right now. Kev's accomplishments over the last 6 months have had such an impact on us both. He is vibrant right now - strong, confident, and proud. You can see it in him, and he deserves it. The standards of excellence that the CHP Academy expects from the cadets transfers over to your life too. I have raised the bar for myself in my career aspirations, personal fitness, and my overall ambition to achieve what I want in life. I want to be the amazing girlfriend that a man like Kev deserves. The CHP truly extracts the best out of the best, and constructs a graduating class that profoundly deserves that badge. I have more respect now for law enforcement than ever before. They are incredible individuals and a blessing to the communities they protect. I'm so lucky to call one mine. We are dreaming of graduation day!

100/131 cadets remain.

* I also updated the graduation details post - we found out there are 2 blue tickets & 4 gold tickets.

- Mimi

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