Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 150-156/194 - We found out our area office!

Wednesday - Tuesday, Week 22 & Week 23!
I have been so busy lately, that I haven't had very much time to at all to write. However, last Friday the cadets found out where they will all be going! Turns out the cadets were pretty smart and Kev's prognostication proved remarkably accurate! We are staying in the East Bay! This has by far been the most exciting moment at the academy and with only 38 days left to graduation day, our spirits are high and our momentum is at full speed!

Last week was busy for Kev! The cadets started DUI training and field sobriety tests. Kev said it was pretty fun and is again enjoying the hands-on training. They did more report writing and learned to use the accident mapping computer program. They also completed their 100 forms to log their achievements, need for improvement and gigs for the month.

Kev called me as soon as he was on his way home on Friday and the first thing I said when I answered the phone was "did you find out!?" He said, "Yep!" What an exciting moment that was! I am full of emotions but unfortunately I don't have much time to allocate to writing today - it is once again closing week and since I was on vacation until yesterday, I have a lot to catch up on! But I really want to write down our feelings and plan for the next few weeks and I will soon :)

Over the weekend, I had a bachelorette party in Austin, TX and Kev went to his family cabin with his parents. Thankfully, he was able to make a special drive down to spend the night with me Friday before we both took off in the morning. It was the first weekend we spent apart since the academy started, but technically we still saw each other ;) The cadets had Monday and Tuesday off for the 4th of July, so Kev was able to get a little extra rest in order to recharge and finish strong.

We are almost there CTC 1-16!!

- Mimi

Day 149/194

Tuesday, Week 22!
Maybe a tiny little rant today...

45 days left. That should be easy, right? Suddenly though, the days feel longer than ever and I'm more tired at this point that I have been in a while. The decisions we have to make in the next month are big ones and the inability to connect with Kev throughout the day can make big decisions even more difficult. Right now, my workload at the office is heavy with a lot of tight deadlines, while I'm simultaneously exploring new job options. Meanwhile, I'm also trying to coordinate where we will be moving to when we don't even know for sure what area office Kev will be getting. Rent prices are steep right now and trying to make a financial decision for the both of us without being able to talk out our options and act quickly when an option arrises can be frustrating. I sent Kev a few links for places I liked and responded to each of the CraigsList ads to at least ensure I start communication with the homeowner in case Kev likes them. When Kev and I talked later that night I ended up frustrated with him - he had no clue what the rental market looks like right now and I want him to at least explore some areas and have an understanding of rental costs for different types of homes right now so I can lock one down for US.  I'm out of state this weekend, so when I'm back in town we will literally have 3 weekends to make a decision and move. We hung up and I felt bad because I know the weight of the academy is heavy on him right now too and the 14+ hour days are all that his mind can handle sometimes. I definitely understand, but I can't help but want more of his attention allocated to life at home too. I'm stressed, but I just need to remind myself that everything will work out. I'm just ready to have my partner in life back and a little more normalcy in our relationship. Kev says he has been hearing his roommates having the same conversations with their frustrated wives and girlfriends on the other line too. I hate to say it, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one slightly losing it. I'm just tired at this point and ready for graduation.

Meanwhile in Academy life on Tuesday:
- Spanish phrases quiz & Kev passed
- Kev certified using his ASP (retractable baton)
- The cadets took their 4.5 hour report writing test

So close but so far :(

- Mimi

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 148/194 - Start of Week 22!

Monday, Week 22!
I have so much on my mind lately. Packing, moving out of my current home, and finding a place for Kev and I is keeping me pretty distracted right now. Even though it is a little stressful, maybe it will help time go a little faster.

We are talking about graduation every day now but there is still a lot for the cadets to wrap up before that day arrives. They did however start filling out graduation paperwork yesterday. Kev said they started the day with information systems. Basically driving and getting used to the squad car controls. After that, they had boxing. He says everyone typically tries to take it easy to some extent to avoid getting injured but once you get a good hit to the face, it's on! Supposedly a lot of cadets were going at it yesterday and getting some pretty good hits in on each other. Intro to DUI training is starting now too. It's called DRE training - drug recognition 'something', maybe examination? Anyways, they learn to recognize the symptoms of different drugs on a person. After the DRE class, they had more report writing to prep for the report test on Tuesday. It's a pretty big test, so I'll be sending Kev lots of good thoughts!

In addition to DUI courses, we also have agency high speed testing to anticipate sometime in the near future. We are really starting to wrap up and it feels SO good :) Speaking of agency high speed, good luck with your boyfriends and husbands coming home and driving you around on weekends when the only driving they have been doing for months is EVOC. Kev 'accidentally' squealed my wheels around a right turn off the freeway this weekend and got a little leg smack from me in the passenger seat. He definitely forgets sometimes that he isn't in the Academy and I'm not a staff officer, I'm scarier so he better quit hitting those apexes when he is home ;)

- Mimi

Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 145-147/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 21!
Well the weekend flew by way too fast! I swear, the days go slow, the weeks go fast, and the weekends you wait for all week are done and gone before you know it. It turns out Kev's disastrous Thursday was due to a poor room inspection and another little mixup that led to a plethora of gigs and two lost Wednesday Liberties. I am heading to Austin this weekend for a Bachelorette party, and it will be the first weekend Kev and I don't spend together since he started the Academy. In that case, we were planning on meeting for dinner this Wednesday and next. Unfortunately, now we can't do that. It's definitely a bummer but life goes on. He is still at the Academy, so a couple Wednesday restrictions are fine with us. It could be always be worse! The cadets have Monday and Tuesday (7/4 & 7/5) off for the holiday, so it will be a nice long weekend for them and a little intensive to get through another week!

Kev also bought his green jacket this week! I think he said it was about $400! They really do cycle those cadet paychecks right back to the Academy. The uniform in total will cost about $1200. He did show me a picture of him in his tans and green jacket when he was being fitted and he looked so handsome! He was also really proud that they have to let the seam out of his pants because "he has so much junk in the trunk". He must have told me at least three or four times this weekend! He is lean but now thanks to the uniform tailors, he is a little full of himself for what a great butt he has!

The rest of the weekend we spent with family and friends. On Saturday, we went to a family gathering in Sacramento with Kev's family and had a great day! It was sooo hot though. The property was on a ranch, so we had a bunch of chairs outside under a tree enjoying the warm weather, good company, and admiring the new babies in the family. Kev picked a few leaves off the fruit trees and we fed the goats on the property too. It was such a nice day! On Sunday, one of my friends and her fiance came over and we spent some time down by our pool. They just got engaged and she asked me to be her bridesmaid. Such an exciting day and nice to spend a couple hours with friends, since it's so hard to squeeze time in with everyone on our weekends right now.

We hope to find out our area office this week too! I literally can't wait and we are really anxious. As soon as we find out, it's time to start packing and looking for a place to live! There is a lot to do in July! After talking with almost every law enforcement officer I know or am acquainted with, I have finally decided on a grad present for Kev too! My parents, Kev's parents, and I all have the best gifts! He is going to be a fully equipped officer! Since he reads this, I can't say what they are, but when he graduates I'll try to remember to post them so families of future cadets who might read this have a few ideas. I don't know if it was just me, but it was definitely hard to come up with a special, unique, and useful grad gift, since I'm new to life with someone in law enforcement. However, I am so happy with our final choices and I know he will be too! :)

On to week 22!!!

- Mimi

Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 143-144/194

Wednesday & Thursday, Week 21!
Hola!! So, on Wednesday, Kev's class had 4 hours of Spanish in the morning, followed by 4 hours of EVOC. In the evening he went out for dinner with a few other cadets for Liberty and then went to his friend's quad to study felony stop procedures for the test Thursday. He did let me know that he passed the felony stop test. Wooo!

It sounds like something happened on Thursday though because Kev seems upset and the blog views were pretty high this morning before I even posted. I met a few old co-workers for happy hour after work yesterday and we ran a little late, so Kev was already in bed when I called to say goodnight. He sounded a little grumpy and I just figured it was because I called late, but typically he never minds. However, when I woke up this morning I had a text from him noting something about poor room inspections and eating "shit sandwiches" for 24 hours. It doesn't sound good. I wonder if it was his room or if Skittle Cadet was packing again! At least it's Friday though, so he only has to hang in there a few more hours until he comes home.

- Mimi

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 142/194 - CHP Hats!

Tuesday, Week 21!
Kev got his CHP hat yesterday!! That was probably the most exciting thing he told me on the phone yesterday and yet it was so nonchalant. Kev can be that way sometimes, very calm and casual about things. Having the hat is SO exciting, and it will be sitting up in his locker until graduation day! Then after that I know I am going to have to pry it off his head. He would wear it to cook me breakfast if I let him. That is literally his favorite part of the CHP uniform and I know he is going to want to wear it all the time ;)

Other than the hat, here is how Tuesday went...

- Boxing practice in the morning
- 4 hours of in-class vehicle code, writing tickets and learning more about violations
- Range and rifle work, some shooting while laying on the ground so he had a lot of brass cleaning to do later
- It was so hot in Sac that when he put his gun down during range to let the next set of cadets shoot, it was scorching hot when he went to pick it back up again
- Dinner, followed by more report writing until about 9 or 9:30pm
- Unfortunately, they lost 3 more cadets to pistol qualifications yesterday, it was their final attempt and they couldn't shoot around a barrier. I believe they should be able to come back when the Junior class gets to about week 20.
-109 cadets are left in the class, they started with 131
- We ended the night on the phone with each other until we both fell asleep

Coming up there is a felony stop scenario test for Kev's company on Thursday, so that is the one thing to anticipate this week. The other company took the test already and I believe Kev said everyone passed.

That's about it! It's a busy week for me at the office so I have to get back to work, but I am missing my man so much this week! I sent him a letter on Monday, so it should get to him today (Wednesday) :) In the meantime, the flowers he brought me when he came home last Friday are still holding up and look beautiful. I hope they last me until he gets back!

My favorite color roses from Kev <3

- Mimi

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 141/194 - Start of Week 21!

Monday, Week 21!
Everything is continuing to go pretty well. At the Academy, there has been a lot of report writing, Spanish, and spelling tests. Last night Kev was doing a little 'homework' drawing an accident diagram. He says it can all be done on the computer but for the sake of the Academy, the cadets are learning to do it by hand.

Kev said there was an incident with a cadet at a baseball game over the the weekend that resulted in a lecture from the Captain to the class. Apparently the cadet told the story of his weekend and run in with the police to his peers before later being called over to the Staff Office. Kev said not too long after, they saw the little red cart parked in front of his quad. The red cart is used to lug away a cadet's possessions when they leave the Academy early. The book, "Cadet Blues" references it a few times. I read the book when Kev started the Academy and a lot of the details Krider writes about are completely similar to how they are today. When Kev and I were talking about the PT staff over the weekend, he referenced a lady PT officer - I said, "oh yah babe, the one that doesn't like you" and he laughed at me and told me I confused him with the character in the book ;) I've done that type of thing a couple times actually! But anyway, the cadet in Kev's class made a mistake over the weekend and sadly paid for it. He was a retread too and had made it to week 19 the first time around. He only made it a week further. Such a bummer and a reminder that your actions over the weekend can send you home too, not just a test or exercise. In addition to this cadet, Kev also heard that a Senior from the last class was fired from break-in. Another trigger to the Captain's lecture. As you can imagine, the staff wants their cadets to reflect the training and pride instilled in them at the Academy every day, so it's understandable that they are frustrated when these things happen. On the same note, now that Dream Sheets are in, they apparently don't re-organize the list when someone goes home at this point. For example, if the cadet who went home filled the last spot for West LA and the cadet after him was in line for that area office too, the next cadet would not be bumped up to West LA. He would be stuck with his next choice and the spot for the cadet who went home would just be eliminated.

Other than an interesting Monday morning for cadets, we are really happy to be here! I just can't wait to hear where we are going. I keep looking for houses but they are all available now, so I'm telling myself I'm not allowed to look for a couple more weeks. We just need to keep pushing through the last of these days - 53 to be exact, but whose counting ;)

- Mimi

Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 138-140/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 20!
We wrapped up week 20! The days are long but the weeks fly by. Last week seemed pretty mellow and this weekend we had so much time together. We made a little more effort not to commit to too much like we have been. It really pays off to have a relaxing weekend. It recharges you for the week ahead and you feel like, "okay I had him all to myself, we had a great time, let's crush this week". That sounds so lame, but I swear a mellow uncommitted weekend makes such a difference. Normally I can hardly shut the garage door on Sunday night when he is driving away without running out for one more kiss, but when we have a fulfilling weekend with a lot of  'us' time and without endless commitments, it's so much easier to hug Kev and let him drive back.

We worked out this weekend and ate really healthy! We are CABO bound after Academy graduation and pre-FTO! We have to look good ;) Kev LOVES rubbing in my face how much better he is than me at his core workouts though. I always tell him, if I were paid to do calisthenics and run for 4 months while being yelled at not to stop, my endurance and abs would be on point too ;) Kev literally idolizes the PT staff and loves their fitness motivation and suggestions. We are excited to move in together, meal prep for the work week and keep up the endurance he has built at the academy. The PT staff is hammering into him how important it is to stay fit and I'm on board too. Kev says they showed him interviews of criminals who resisted arrest or fought back with an Officer and when they were asked why, they referred to the officers appearance - how well put together they looked and their physique. Kev is about 6'2 or 6'3, lean, with broad shoulders. He is down maybe 15 lbs while at the Academy but plans to bulk up with more lean mass when he comes home and can manage his diet and exercise a little more. Some of the meals at the Academy are meant to fill them up for the day and aren't the best, nutrition wise. Kev always says they taste good though. It's rare he complains about the food. He says PT staff is really pushing to make the meals better though and he has even seen a change recently. Chicken wraps for lunch vs. chicken fried steak. He says the heavy meals make him more tired in class, so the change has been nice. Hopefully they keep it up :) We both made an effort to keep our meals really healthy this weekend - i.e. homemade corn salad and steak, ground turkey and zucchini stir-fry, rolled oats and eggs for breakfast, and fruit! All the nutrition talk pumped us both up a little bit. I'm even a little excited to hit the gym tonight. I need to practice my leg lifts and sit ups so I can show Kev up next time!!

It's officially the first day of Summer and we are on to week 21! 7 more Sunday goodbyes!

Sorry, I didn't have much of an update this week but sometimes that's a good thing! :) No word on when we will get the official word on Dream Sheets yet either. The cadets turned them in last Monday but apparently a couple of cadets had a less than outstanding moment and messed up their forms so the staff couldn't submit them all until Friday. I'm already starting to look for places for us though and texting them to Kev, it's really fun and exciting!

- Mimi

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 137/194

Thursday, Week 20!
Week 20 is almost over! It's felt like such a long week and I'm just so ready to relax with my boyfriend. Hopefully the sun stays out over the weekend so we can have some time by the pool too!

On Thursday, Kev practiced using his 'Asp' - a retractable baton. In order to use a retractable baton on duty you need to be certified. The standard baton is pretty large and bangs against his side and knee so he definitely wants to certify with the Asp. The cadets were told they can certify now during baton training at the academy. If they don't have an Asp now, they can always come back to the Academy to certify if they wanted to use one later. However, we might as well knock it out while we're here, right. Thankfully Kev's brother is a police officer and he was able to quickly borrow his for training and certification.

The rest of the day consisted of more report writing and they finally received their official 'on-duty' vests! Apparently they are lighter and more comfortable - not to mention, they aren't sweaty and stinky from 4 months of running around in them at the academy! I hate to admit it, but Kev only washed his once that I know of!! Gross! I kept telling him to bring the cover home and we could wash it but he kept forgetting. Finally, he did it on his own at the academy! Finally and thankfully ;)

Kev also told me that near the end of the day, when he was in his room in nothing but his underwear.. they were told that the staff office was requesting his whole class. In order to leave their room and report to staff, they all needed to get completely dressed in their blues. That means, pants, shirts, brass, belt, gun, vest and boots! After rushing to get dressed they all reported to staff assuming they were in trouble. To their surprise, the Staff Officers just wanted to pass out "commendables"to the cadets who volunteered for the March of Dimes one weekend. Kev said he couldn't believe it, but was just happy they weren't in trouble.

Lastly, he received a 100% on his spelling and knowledge test - the test they are now having weekly. Each word you miss you have to write out 25 times. He told me last week a cadet missed 18 words! We decided the Academy is basically a blend of the military, jail, and pre-school ;)

Well, it's finally Friday as I write this and I am so antsy for the day to be over so I can hurry home and open my door to my handsome man standing behind it! I also washed all the bedding last night and scheduled house keeping for today too so he can come home to a comfy, spotless house - as it always is but house keeping is the best!! I'm hoping I can get out of here early too so I can run to the grocery store and pick up some items to make us a nice dinner. I just can't wait for "Academy Friday's" to become our everyday! Soooon.

- Mimi

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 136/194

Wednesday, Week 20!
The week is finally moving along! Work has been crazy for me this week, so the days have been long and slow. My start up company is in the midst of a 'turn around' and just had another layoff of 100+ employees among other changes and 'offers' for those remaining. If you are at all familiar with San Francisco start ups you can likely guess where I work. It has been stressful, so I am thankful for Kev listening to me all week about work.

In Academy life, the cadets started Spanish this week and are currently practicing the alphabet and numbers. They also had fountain practice and no PT, which was nice for a change on a Wednesday morning. Kev isn't sure about the new PT schedule, it may be Monday, Thursday, Friday with one boxing day rather than PT or just two days a week. I'm not sure why the confusion, but both options sounds nice compared to 3 days of running and mat workouts in the gym. Kev says the fountain ceremony is improving too and their coordinated pivots which they originally struggled with are getting a lot better as well. Around lunch, Kev said a few Officers were at the Academy for training and he was able to talk with some of them before class. He seemed to really enjoy the conversation and it made him excited about what is to come. After lunch, the cadets practiced vehicle code ticket writing before calling it a day. He text me around 5:30pm yesterday when he was off. He said his roommates were all out for liberty so he took his time in the shower and in his room by himself for once. It is rare he is in there alone. Then he grabbed some dinner and surprisingly didn't run into anyone either. I think he enjoyed his little solo evening.

We also probably talked on the phone about 5 times yesterday. We talk all the time in between his studies, shining or staring at the top of his bunk ;) I remember being so scared I would never talk to him and sometimes we talk so much now, I'm forced to watch episodes of the Bachelorette in fourths! Oh, the sacrifices I make for him. If your boyfriend or husband is going to the Academy, don't worry they will have time for you. I truly believe it is the person you are with that depicts the Academy experience for loved ones at home.

58 more days!

- Mimi

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 134-135/194 - Start of week 20!

Monday & Tuesday, Week 20!
Wow. Typing week 20 feels really good! We are so lucky to have this opportunity and are persevering every day to reach graduation day. I am so proud of my boyfriend and love being able to call a man like him, mine. Everyday, the light is brighter. Sometimes I catch myself scrolling through the blog index at all the months, weeks, and days that we have made it through. I can't wait to stand around that fountain with him in his tans, with his badge, hand in hand.

On Monday, Kev and the cadets had their last PFT (Physical Fitness Test). He thinks he did pretty well but unfortunately he still has had slight joint pain and had to push through as best as possible. The rest of the day they learned more about felony stops.

Tuesday, Kev called pretty excited. They started boxing! He said it was really fun and a good change to the at times remedial schedule. In that case, they will have PT twice a week now and boxing one day a week - instead of 3 days of PT. Boxing sounded more like punching bag practice, than full out wailing on each other. I'm thankful for that, because no one needs to up their odds of failing out for an injury when we are in the 20s now! After boxing, they had range and started using the AR15s. Kev was revved up about this too and likes the new agenda for the week.

Finally, the senior class received their 'senior flags' back yesterday. I believe Kev said a while back that these were taken when 'Skittle Cadet' had the backpack full of chips and candy found in the quad during a surprise inspection. Kev says your class flags are another thing you can earn at the academy in exchange for hard work and dedication, symbolizing your accomplishment and status. They also earned their sign out sheets for weekends and liberty to be in a separate area away from the juniors which means different lines and they can sign out of there quicker. However, they still technically don't have their Senior status or 'cheese its' as Kev called it last night - aka a little yellow square epaulet or ornamental shoulder piece for their uniform to signify they are Seniors.  I'm so proud of Kev and his class! We are so close!

Lastly, Kev and the class lined up their top choices and socials to get an idea of where they might be placed. We THINK we have a pretty good chance of a Bay Area office, so our fingers are crossed and our hopes are high! :)))))

- Mimi

Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 129-133/194 DREAM SHEETS!

Wednesday - Sunday, Week 19!
So, first of all we received Dream Sheets! The rumors were true;) I also read other blogs that mentioned Dream Sheets around week 19. The feeling is surreal! I'll get to that.

Kev came home Thursday night! It was a good week - life as a senior has been SO much better. The first few months were long and hard, with a lot more critique about every day expectations than now. Once the high demand of remedial tasks and tedious perfection relaxes a bit, so does your cadet, and so do you!

Cadets had PT on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday since it was a short week. Kev is still a little sore but is finally starting to feel better. Injuries are scary at the Academy, because that little joint pain can escalate and possibly send you home if you're incapable of keeping up.

On Thursday, Kev qualified for pistol - aka. he passed his agency pistol shooting test. They finished off the week with EMS and he was certified in CPR on Wednesday. They also learned how to address a gunshot wound if an ambulance is far off. He also found out that he passed his report that he wrote for a grade. It was an 8 hour report writing day the cadets had a couple weeks back.

The day we have been waiting for (well one of them) has arrived! On Thursday night after the family/work-life balance class the cadets received their Dream Sheets! I suppose we were both expecting a fancy piece of gold sparkling construction paper with a list of the area offices and spaces available. Instead, the instructors read off the offices and open spaces in class as the cadets wrote them down on binder paper. I sort of laughed when I saw the 'Dream Sheet'  on a little handwritten page in Kev's notebook! He also said cadets raised their hands for each office they were interested in. That helped give Kev an idea of our odds with certain offices we really want.

There are 31 area offices available. We live in the East Bay and 55 spots are available where we would not have to move. However, Kev has a fairly high social security number. The lower the last 4 digits of your number, the higher your preference is placed above the rest of the class. While Kev's SS number is high, he does have a great ranking in the class. We have our fingers crossed that his hard work plays some role in the assignment as well.

Listing all 31 offices in preferential order was a little harder than we thought. We started with a rough draft and switched it up a couple times. The top 10 were fairly easy, but once you have to order areas that require a move or are in the middle of nowhere, it gets tough. We weighed our options and did what we thought would be best for both of us. I am ready to move with Kev where ever he is placed and in return he was so flexible and understanding when we made our choices. Now, we just can't wait to hear what we get! Kev had to turn in his list at 8am this morning (Monday)!

We also had a pretty busy weekend!

Friday - I took the day off work to spend time with Kev and family. My parents are moving and are completely packed! We visited with them and took a few more things we are keeping to our storage unit for now.

Saturday - It was Kev's mom's birthday, so we had a great brunch at his parents house with family.

Sunday - Dinner with Kev's parents and mine before they leave.

We have had a lot going on lately, so most of our time is spent together and with family for the time being. Sometimes it is tough to squeeze everything in on the weekends!

Days remaining:
- 61 days left of the academy
        - 45 days at the academy

- Mimi

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 128/194

Tuesday, Week 19!
I am sooo excited to see Kev early this week! He will be home Thursday night after a late wellness class that ends at 8 PM. They still have those stress management courses with the doctor, once a month I believe. Luckily, Kev manages stress pretty well. However, I still think the courses are beneficial whether he needs them or not, he takes something away from it all. Kev can be so unmoved sometimes. I do wonder what will be the moment in his career that truly affects him. I pray that his career will only be filled with the good, but I know there will be a day when he sees something that will move him. In that case, I do hope that these Academy classes help him when that time comes.

Last night Kev was studying for a test he will have on Thursday. He said the academy started spelling tests again. So, each week there will be a spelling and knowledge test. If you miss 5 of any of the questions, you lose a Wednesday liberty. He said there will also be a lot more random room inspections now, supposedly. Kev isn't too worried about his Wednesdays though. We don't see each other those nights and he is probably sick of In N Out and Chipotle any how;)

Other than that, the week has been pretty mellow. He is just continuing EMR training through the end of the week. He learned a CPR too, which I think is pretty exciting.

I found out yesterday I didn't get the job I applied for near home. Kind of a bummer. I always nail interviews, and had a few that went really well. However, this was the one I wanted the most. I was given the offer because of specific experience I didn't have that was essential to the role. In that case, I'm taking it in stride and asking for exposure to those areas at my current job so I can bag the more senior role next time around. Kev was a sweetie when I told him last night though, as always. He is perfect in every way and always knows what to say to make me feel better.

After this week, there are only 9 more Sunday goodbyes!! Then he is home :) It feels so surreal. Even though our schedules may conflict at some points when he is an officer, he is still home!! We will never be as far apart as we have been during the Academy, and I feel like we can do anything after we make it through this. So, until I'm proven otherwise - I can't wait for dinners together - no matter what time they are, sleeping together every night again, and waking up to his handsome face!

- Mimi

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thoughts, more than half way!

To start, today is our 7 month anniversary! For perspective - I have know Kev for 10 months and he asked me to be his girlfriend 7 months ago. The academy is 6 months long, and we are 4 months in. It has been the most exciting, head over heels, and interesting relationship we have probably both ever had - considering the circumstances these last 4 months at the Academy!

We were definitely nervous when we were starting this journey and there have certainly been highs and lows. However it does get easier. Kev's little brother and his wife told me that once too. They endured a paramedics academy and a long distance relationship too. I used to think they told me it would get easier just to keep my hopes up. But now I finally understand what they meant, because it does get easier.  Even when the stress is high, you eventually find a certain level of contentment with your new life and positivity as you think of the rewarding future that lies ahead. The half way point was a difficult time for us, mentally. You have come so far, but you have the same amount of time ahead of you and at that point you fully understand the sacrifice and work it takes to keep going. However, that feeling is short lived. The beginning was hard because of the uncertainty and the unknown of the path ahead. The middle is hard because of what you do know. The end is different and so are you.

We are stronger now and our relationship is more meaningful too. We are partners and offer each other love and support in the ways we both know we need. We laugh together, cry together and persist together. He is my best friend, companion and the love of my life. As we approach the last of the challenges at the Academy, we are staying focused but also beginning to shift our thoughts to life after the academy when Kev is an Officer. Lately, we talk a lot about moving in together, getting married, and even starting a family once this is all done. I love those conversations with him. He has such an amazing outlook on life and I am so lucky to be able to share this experience and my life with him.

That love hosts the next phase of thought that encroaches as the finish line draws nearer. I recently looked for a few blogs about life as an officer and came across the blog of a woman who was married to a police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty. I Googled his name and read about the events of that day. It broke my heart. Her words were so positive but the hole in her heart is clear as day. I can't imagine that pain. A few of the other blogs are similar to mine - at some point in the story of their cadet at the academy, an officer was killed in the line of duty. I didn't wake up one day and chose life with a LEO. I woke up one day and chose a life with Kev. There are a lot of exciting decisions we will be making together soon and so many more amazing memories we will be making after the Academy. Our life once again, will change entirely. We don't really know what to expect, and I don't want to live life constantly worrying about Kev every day he kisses me good bye to go to work. I think about this a lot now. Even now, I always make him promise me that when he becomes an officer he will always be safe and come home to me. Just like the academy though, he tells me we can't worry. We are carving our own story, and it will be unlike anyone else's. Even the next chapter.

At this point in the academy we just keep persevering and dreaming. Kev is pushing himself through to the end and we are dreaming of all the positive changes that will take place soon. There is a touch of worry - worry that we can still go home, worry that when he becomes an officer our hours won't allow us to see each other and worry about the dangers of the job. Tomorrow isn't a guarantee for anyone though. The most important thing you can do is live your life to its fullest, and chase your dreams with the people you love by your side. This point has been the best at the Academy for us so far. Most of our worries proved untrue and we have learned to try to only focus on what we do have control over - graduation and our life together.

The Academy has been an incredible experience so far. I am excited to see Kev continue to amaze me over these last couple months. During his time here, he has been carved into an even more amazing man than he already was. He is driven, disciplined, and proud. Today, I think we both see the Academy, the staff, the fountain and training differently than the day we first stepped foot on the campus together. It truly takes an amazing person to graduate this place, and the honor of being considered one of California's finest is certainly earned. I am so proud of my cadet and also feel honored to call him mine. The California Highway Patrol Academy is truly an incredible place and a beautiful journey. We are so lucky to be a part of it.

- Mimi

Day 127/194 - Start of Week 19!

Monday, Week 19!
There are officially 10 weeks left! It feels surreal and we can't stop reminiscing whenever Kev and I talk together. I can perfectly remember laying in bed with Kev in January talking about what we should do if he doesn't get the CHP acceptance soon. Then, literally the very next day he called me and told me he was accepted! Sometimes the timing of events in life can be pretty ironic and seemingly perfect. Our lives instantly changed that day. I remember how intense and intimidating orientation day was for me while Kev sat silent and concentrated holding my hand next to me. I shaved his hair that night at the hotel and cried as I drove away. I could hardly concentrate at work on day one as I pictured him being berated by staff officers as he stood at attention in his new suit. However, every night he called me to tell me he was okay. I had so many fears in the beginning that have washed away these last 18 weeks. We are stronger and closer than ever now. Kev was already a great man when I met him, but I can see so much strength and pride in him now. Even through those hard weeks, there is beauty in the motivation I see in him. It's almost like I love him differently now. The Academy shed a light on him that I normally wouldn't have had the chance to see. I respect him more for his determination and hard work, and trust him more with my heart as I watch his relentless pursuit to achieve what he wants in his life.

There is a rumor that Dream Sheets will be out on Wednesday this week or within the next 2 weeks. Kev says a lot of conversations are overheard and the Academy can be like a big game of 'telephone' at times with misconstrued information and unknown sources. I would love if they came out on Wednesday but we really don't have any expectations. We will have them sooner or later. I can't stop looking at places for us to live though. It looks like the rent has dropped a little in our area so I hope it stays that way through August! I have seen some really cute places and I am getting so excited! I understand there is a slight chance we may not stay in the Bay Area, and that is completely fine with me too. I just can't wait to have Kev back home and to finally move in together!

Yesterday at the academy, Kev had more wrestling and EMR class. He also had an EMR test at the end of the day. It sounds like he is starting to enjoy this part of the emergency response training a little more. His little brother is a paramedic and actually tried to get assigned to teach the classes at the academy but unfortunately didn't get to. It would have been fun to hear the stories of his brother teaching at the Academy.

The cadets also have this Friday off due to staff training. Another 3 day weekend, and thanks to unlimited PTO at my start-up company I am able to take the day off too! The flexibility I have at my current job while Kev is at the Academy couldn't have worked out more perfectly! So, it's already Tuesday and I get to see Kev on Thursday night. These 3 day weekends make a HUGE difference in our spirits and make the weeks fly by! It has been so nice lately. POST testing is officially done too and the rest of the academy only consists of a few more agency tests. The light at the end of the tunnel is brighter every day.

- Mimi

Monday, June 6, 2016

Day 124-126/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 18!
Well, we wrapped up another week! Kev passed his written PMA test on Thursday and the big EMR (emergency response) test on Friday. He is studying hard and breezing through every test. He said there are only about ten tests left for the rest of the academy. Crazy to think. Really the only test that we anticipate to be tough is the agency high speed. However, Kev is pretty confident behind the wheel and I am sure he will do just fine. We don't plan on going home anytime before August 12th!

On Friday the cadets also had an unpleasant surprise. They were told on Thursday that there may be uniform inspections on Friday. In that case, after morning PT they all put on brand new uniforms and polished up for inspections. A little later, they were told to get in the gym for a PT sandwich. The seniors were responsible for showing the juniors how to clean up and put their mats away after their workouts - however, no one showed them how and the gym was left a mess. As punishment, they had a 30 minute workout in their full blues and were then told to report straight to class. Kev said a few of the guys soaked sweat all the way through their shirts and had to sit through class like that. Mind you it is also 100+ degrees outside. He also said a couple of the juniors supposedly pass out while walking around campus in the heat. Kev thinks they weren't drinking enough water when they had the chance to. Welcome to summer in West Sacramento! I packed Kev sunscreen before he left and as usual we stocked him up on a case of water for his room too. We have to keep him healthy! The juniors apparently already lost a few people too. Kev said one of the juniors dislocated his arm on the monkey bars and was sent home. I couldn't imagine being sent home because of an injury after knowing how long Kev has waited for this. I feel so bad when I hear about those cadets. Kev has been having a little pain from all the running though, and spent a lot of the weekend rolling out and icing. Hopefully he feels a little better this week after tending to the pain point this weekend.

We ended week 18 with a great weekend together. On Saturday we drove out to Santa Cruz for the day and had such a nice time. We went there once with friends when we had just met, so it was nice to go back as a couple. It was a little chilly when we got there but it eventually warmed up and we both got pretty nice sunburns since it was our first full day out in the sun! We played catch, packed lunch, and just relaxed and watched the waves. It was such a perfect day. We ended the night with a couple movies on the couch. Sunday, we relaxed and did a few chores around the house. I'm so thankful for how helpful and handy Kev is! He unclogged my shower drain, fixed my sink handle that came loose and fell off, helped wash my bedding and took out the trash. Literally,  I couldn't ask for a better man. In the midst of his hectic schedule, he is always there for me. I never feel left with all the chores at home to handle alone. I do as much as I can to support him while at the academy but he always reciprocates when he can. I remember we were told not to expect much from our cadets during this time in their lives. There was a lot I prepared for that simply wasn't true. Always remember that every individual and every journey is different. That has been my biggest take away - we are unlike anyone else. We are carving out our own story. I'll remember that with every new chapter we start in our lives.

I also finally had the chance to write Kev another letter. We have both been so busy that it has been about two weeks since I sent him a letter to the academy. Today I dropped one in the mail for him :)

10 more weeks to go!!!

- Mimi

Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 123/194

Thursday, Week 18!
There aren't really any big academy updates this week. Kev has just been learning and studying EMT stuff. He seems a little bored by it now though. He definitely enjoys the law, driving, shooting, etc a lot more. I went out with a couple girl friends last night to watch the Warriors game while Kev studied. Sometimes it works well when I go out and do something because we spend a little less time on the phone and he can dive more into his studies. There is a big EMT exam today (Friday), so it worked out.

I also forgot to note that we finally booked our graduation vacation last week! We are doing 5 days in Cabo San Lucas! We can't wait! Thank goodness for unlimited PTO at my work, because I'm taking off Wednesday 8/10 through the following Friday 8/20 for all the graduation events and our trip. Kev will graduate on Friday 8 and we are leaving for Cabo on Sunday morning through Thursday. So much to look forward to!

We are also excited for another 3 day weekend next week too! The cadets have Friday off, so of course I'll be taking that off to get more time in with my cadet. Even though I am exploring new career options, I couldn't have asked for a better job while Kev is at the academy. The flexibility I have here makes it so easy for us to be together whenever possible. Still no word from the job I really want that is 5 minutes from home. I'm hoping to hear something today. Fingers crossed!

- Mimi

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 122/194

Wednesday, Week 18!
After liberty,  Kev told me all about how he learned how to deliver a baby! There have been a few memorable conversations about academy life with Kev while he is away, and this was another of my favorites. He said they had some instruction and watched a video of a woman giving birth in the back of a car. He said at first he and other cadets thought it was fake, but they were soon advised that a lady actually volunteered to give birth in the car to make the instructional video for the CHP. And now, Kev thinks he and his little brother (the EMT) can fully handle delivery when we are ready to have a baby one day. HA! We had some pretty good jokes about that one, but the conclusion was that he and his little brother will NOT be doing that ;) He was also very impressed and scared when he saw how big the placenta was. Maybe a 5 second taser suddenly doesn't seem so bad huh babe? ;) He shared a little more about what he learned and how competent he now was to deliver a baby before we called it a night. We had some good laughs last night.

This week seems to be going fast since we had Monday off and I am loving it! I already can't wait to have him home for another weekend :) Spirits are up, we feel positive and we are both seeing the light at the end of the tunnel a little more each week!

- Mimi

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 121/194 - Start of Week 18!

Tuesday, Week 18!
Kev started EMT training on Tuesday. He said they learned about responding to someone in need, what to do, and what not to do. It sounds like it was mostly instructional and he didn't do any actual practice yet, like CPR. I think it's pretty exciting that he is learning to be an emergency responser. I've always felt that Kev is very protective and I feel safe with him, but now with all of his training with the CHP I feel even more safe. He always makes me walk on the outside of the street so I am away from the cars when we are together, and now he will soon learn to save my life or someone else's. It's hard to describe how proud I am of him, but seeing him persevere through the different phases of the Academy is so inspiring and makes me fall even more in love with him. I'm excited to hear more about the EMT training he has this week.

Tuesday was a long day for Kev. He had EMT training all day, followed by night range which is usually 8 - 10 PM. He tries to warn me when he finds out he will have night range so we can plan on when we can talk.  Last night, we chatted before range for about 45 min. I'm glad we did because it ran late since they apparently also did some type of night range POST testing too and everyone had to go one at a time. Kev said that was what took forever, so I didn't hear from him until about 11 PM and we just said a quick good night. It was fine though since we chatted earlier and I had a lot of chores to take care of too since we were out of town all weekend. He also still needed to complete his 100 form - a like a self-assessment with your test scores for the month, achievements and where you think you can improve. It was due in the morning. I'm guessing he wrapped up around mid-night because I had a text in the morning with one last good-night that came in around then. Such a long day for my man!

We are also expecting Dream Sheets to be out in the next couple weeks and we are both so anxious and excited! We keep talking about all the possibilities :)

- Mimi