Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 116-120/194

Thursday - Monday, Week 17!
Kev and I had such a great weekend! Not only that, but Kev ended last week by passing both of his tests on Friday and receiving a 97% on his final! He also earned his CHP shirt back, which means no more wearing his marshmallow shirts to PT :) From this point forward, if the worst were to happen, the remaining cadets in CTC 1-16 will be able to start from week 18 rather than week 1. Kev says it feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders and a huge achievement. Of course there is still a lot of work ahead but he has worked hard to reach this huge milestone!

I took Friday off work so that I could pick Kev up in Sacramento for our weekend trip up to his family cabin. Traffic was horrible and took a little over 2 hours to get from the East Bay to West Sac! However, I left just in time and only waited about 10 minutes for him. I parked at the In N Out Burger down the street from the academy until he was dropped off by his roommate, who I was excited to finally meet! It was nice to meet one of the cadets Kev has been talking about and living with this whole time! We grabbed a sandwich before our road trip to the cabin and Kev bumped into another cadet he knew and introduced me to. Those were the first two cadets I had ever had the chance to meet since he started the Academy. It probably meant nothing to Kev, but for some reason it meant so much to me to meet some of the people he spends his days with and people who I know understand our life right now.

The rest of the weekend we spend at his family cabin in the woods. Kev was at peace and his mind was finally able to completely relax for a bit. He helped his grandpa chop firewood and gave me a ride on the tractor. We rode ATV's, ate home cooked meals, and completely relaxed. There is no cell service up there either, so we were entirely cut off and in our own little world. It was perfect! We also had a lot of time with his family and baby nephew who everyone was fighting over :) It was so nice that we both had Monday off too! A long relaxing weekend to wrap up the last few crazy weeks was just what we needed! I think PMA and all Kev's defense training has starting to affect his dreams though! When we were asleep on Friday night he grabbed me with one arm and put his other arm out in front of us, and yelled "back! babe! babe!" I woke up screaming, thinking someone had snuck in our room and that snapped Kev out of it! He scared the heck out of me but couldn't recall what he was dreaming about. Just goes to show that you can't escape the academy even in the woods, with no cell service, and when we are sleeping!! ;)

Only 10 weeks left now! We are so close, and I just can't wait for everything to come. We keep day dreaming about which area office he will be sent to and can't wait to start looking for a place to live together. I'm ready to have my best friend back and it's starting to feel closer than ever!

- Mimi

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Day 114-115/194

Tuesday - Wednesday, Week 17!
Tuesday was the first day Kev's class didn't have to shine brass around the campus! The seniors have officially passed it on to the junior class and I know Kev is thrilled, along with everyone else I'm sure. He also said there were 18 failures on Monday's test, but those cadets will have a chance to remediate. This week, his class has been learning about emergency management, followed by a test on the new material on Wednesday. Kev said it was a lot of information fed to them quickly, so he spent a couple late nights studying and he passed! Studying always pays off! I think a lot of the testing in the second half of the academy will be this way - learn the material in a couple days and a test will immediately follow.

On Wednesday night, Kev had to remediate his advanced PMA tactics. That was the last test on his plate to remediate, and he passed that too! So exciting! He also said they had another round of surprise room inspections on Monday. Kev's room was untouched and gig free but he said he saw a couple rooms that the staff officers were clearly not happy with. He said he saw one room where the staff officers stacked all the mattress on one of the beds and tied the sheets around the frame!  Kev said there are a lot of standards but if you just get the hang of it and make it a practice, it's easier and you avoid tied up sheets! For example, bed making expectations and having all your shoes under your bed with the toes lined up. He says things change pretty quickly though once you become a senior too. Expectations stay about the same but they have worked hard the last few months and earned a little respect in return. He seems to have more conversations with staff officers and talk about them differently now - almost like he likes them ;) Kev is pushing himself as hard as he can and experiencing first hand what it takes to be a CHP officer. With that exertion of physical and mental effort also comes a higher level of respect for his mentors knowing they persevered through the Academy too and have experience on the job.

As for me, I had an interview for a start up company in the East Bay this morning (Thursday), so wish me luck! That would mean no more commuting to the city! I've been commuting from the East Bay to SF for over 3 years now, and finally a great opportunity came up 5 minutes from home. Since Kev is one of the few cadets from Northern California, we are hoping to stay in the area and therefor this job would be a perfect fit! If we do end up moving down South, it is what it is. LA actually has a few scaling start up companies as well, but for now my fingers are crossed!!

Now, I just can't wait for Kev to be off on Friday! We are going up to his family cabin again with a bunch of his family, about 11 of us. We are both really excited and the weekend can't come soon enough. He just needs to pass his memo writing test today and the mid-term on Friday! Almost there. Things are going great, spirits are up, and the weeks are flying by! It definitely helps when the schedule is steady. I know it isn't realistic to expect it to always be like this, as we have learned, but the craziness doesn't last long and we are are always smooth sailing again before we know it! :)

- Mimi

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 113/194 - Start of Week 17!

Monday, week 17!
Can we just stop for a moment and soak in how good week 17 sounds!? I think every week is going to sound amazing as we continue our climb. We are starting to see a hint of light at the end of the tunnel now.

Kev's Monday consisted of 8 hours emergency management training - what to do in the case of a disaster. He said it was added to the training for law enforcement after the events of 9/11. He also had his 1st of 4 exams this week and passed.

Kev also told me a pretty crazy story on the phone last night. Apparently on Sunday night when everyone was coming in for the night, there was a rumor that someone was getting arrested at the front gate. Kev and the other cadets assumed it was another cadet, maybe a junior. After asking a staff officer what happened, it turns out a couple guys (not cadets) had apparently been out drinking and pulled up to the gate of the CHP Academy thinking it was a state park and wanting to camp there for the week. I am sure they quickly realized their mistake when they were arrested. Clearly they aren't a couple of great decision makers.

Other than that things have been a little quiet for us. This weekend coming up is a 3 day weekend - Kev will be off early on Friday and has Monday off. We are really excited for a long weekend together and are heading up North to his cabin with a bunch of his family. It should be a really great time! However, this is one of those times I wish I had Kev around. I need to buy a bunch of food to contribute, bottles of water, and make enough fresh cookies for 11 people. Having Kev to help carry groceries, pack the cooler or help me with a dozen 10 minute batches of cookies would be amazing. I also wake up at 5:30am and don't get home from work in the city until about 7pm or later. So I'll need to find time to pack, shop and cook. I'll manage, but it's just one of those times I wish I had him around. I know some cadets have wives at home with children too, so I can only imagine that every day is like my one week of not knowing how I will get everything done myself.

We almost have them back ladies! And things just got better, the new season of the Bachelorette started last night ;)

- Mimi

Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 109-112/194

Thursday - Sunday, Week 16!
Last week was a crazy but exciting week for us! Kev accomplished so much! He officially passed all scenarios and agency skid pan on the first try. He amazes me everyday. His roommates and friends also passed remediation, so we are happy to continue our journey with them. Sadly, another cadet was sent home due to scenarios though.

After the achievements of such a long week, the weekend vibe was just as great . Kev and I were both in a great mood and the weekend felt long and fulfilling. We relaxed, ate, spent time with family, watched movies, studied and caught up on a weeks worth of cuddling! It was perfect. Sunday we slept in until abut 10:30am. Normally Kev would jump up and tell me we wasted too much of the day, but this Sunday was much needed and he didn't say a thing about it!

Saying goodbye on Sunday was hard, but I always remind myself what Kev told me - every goodbye is another week closer to our goal. This coming week Kev will have a lot of tests and most importantly his 'midterm' on Friday. This week acts as a bookmark in the new academy structure. Passing the tests this week means that if you for whatever reason fail out later in the course of the academy, you can start from this halfway point rather than the very beginning. However, we hope to never have to start over from any point.

13 weeks left! It sounds so close, yet so far at the same time. We just need to keep our heads up and keep pushing.

Kev's war bag, roses for his girl, and a welcome home from kitty :)
- Mimi

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day 107-108/194 - Scenarios & Agency Skid Pan Done!

Tuesday & Wednesday, Week 16! 
We have been on cloud 9 this week compared to last! On Tuesday, they began advanced officer safety training. Basically, wrestling. Kev said it was pretty fun but he has a couple new bruises. Don't expect the academy to return your guy in the same shape as you dropped him off in ;) Kev still has a burn on his neck from the taser, new bruises all the time, and is pretty thin! Even though he is thin, they are always doing a ton of push ups, so his chest, back, and arms do look pretty strong. This is SO going to go to his head when he reads this! Haha, soak it in Kev.

As of Wednesday, Scenarios are over for us! Kev passed the final two on the first try also.  He amazes me more and more everyday, and I am so grateful for his drive. 

Thursday is scheduled for scenario test remediation, so we are sending lots of good thoughts to Kev's roommates and buddies remediating! He says there isn't much on the schedule for those not remediating so he may just study and make note cards if he can.

MORE good news, Kev passed his agency specific skid pan test this week too! He had been practicing and the officers were letting cadets take a shot at getting certified early if they felt comfortable, so Kev went for it and passed! We have to celebrate all his achievements this weekend. I am such a proud girlfriend!

I can't believe we are done with scenarios and skid pan, especially considering those were said to be some of the toughest portions of the academy that can attribute to attrition. In that case, it felt so good to get the relieving texts this week saying that he passed. Those are always the best words to hear, and my heart still skips a beat every time I get those texts. Sadly, his class did lose two more cadets this week to scenarios.

As for life at home, I have been working a lot, exercising and doing well with my diet too - until the weekends when Kev comes home and we veg out a little ;)  I also have a lot on my mind. My parents sold their home in the East Bay and are moving to their vacation home in Mexico next month - ready to kick start their retired life. That means a lot of packing, and a lot of the two of them running around all hectic and in a hurry to get the house ready for the new owners. In light of that, I am really excited to start looking for a place for Kev and I to live soon too!! I can't wait to find out where we are going. So many changes are about to happen in these next couple of months. At times it can be a little overwhelming but I am just taking life and the academy one day at a time.

What an exciting week so far! :)

- Mimi

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Q&A - Everything we wanted to know too!

Before starting the academy, Kev and I had so many questions and ultimately the unknown meant fabricating our own concerns about something we didn't even know about yet. Not knowing what was to come was the hardest part of entering into Academy life for both of us. Now that we are more than half way through, most of our questions have been answered. Here are some of the answers to everything we wanted to know ourselves! Kev helped me over the phone to put some of these answers together too :)

Will the academy change him?
Yes and no. Kev still has his sense of humor, playfulness, and compassion. He is just a little more focused when he does things, like read, watch tv, or even a little task. He is more honed in and detailed than I remember. Sometimes he is tired and stressed during certain weeks, but it is short lived and he is still the same Kev who left in February! His hair also grows back every week, phew! ;)

Will he lose weight?
Oh yah! Kev is down about 10 - 15 lbs and says one cadet lost 60 lbs! Someone wore an activity tracker and found that between PT and running everywhere they go, they average about 10 miles a day. The last meal for the day is also around 5 PM and there is no eating allowed in their rooms - no late night snacks and PT at 4:30 AM.

What will our weekends be like?
Mostly amazing and well worth the wait during the week! It depends on their time management too. Kev squeezes in a lot of work at night at the academy so that we don't have to sacrifice too much of our time on the weekends - shining boots, making note cards, etc. Sometimes it's a fun weekend, sometimes it's hard to let him go back, and other times you'll be upset because your time is short and something didn't get resolved before he leaves. However, it is always followed by another perfect weekend.

How are the roommates? Do they affect your time together?
Since I am unfamiliar with LE life, I was worried about who Kev would live with and meet, and the influence they would have on him. However, it has actually been really positive. They support each other, have built comradeship, and his roommates are both in serious relationships too - one is married and the other has a girlfriend. A lot of the guys he has met have girls at home, so they know what it's like to miss them and be missed. The single guys are great too and seem to just remind him know how lucky he is to have the added support of his girl at home. Phone calls in front of everyone also become more comfortable after a couple weeks of hearing everyone in the room talk with their girls about the same things - from how much they miss each other, what happened that day, and even consoling them some nights.

Will our relationship be compromised because of time apart?
Everyone is different, but no it shouldn't! We have become so much closer. It seems that you learn to appreciate each other more when your time is limited. It is also admirable to watch someone you love push themselves and give something their all, knowing it is just as much to make a beautiful life for them as it is for you. Complimenting their drive with love and support can make your relationship stronger than ever. 

How often are you able to talk and connect with each other?
Everyday! We have never not talked on the phone since the academy started. Sometimes we talk or FaceTime all night, while other nights training runs late and he is exhausted or has to prepare for the next day so we keep it short. That doesn't happen too often and only comes in spurts during certain training or testing periods.

What time can I expect to hear from my cadet each day?
Kev is typically up around 4-5 AM and usually back in the room between 6-8 PM. Give them a chance to shower off, use the restroom, and wind down before giving you a call. I would say 90% of the time I get a call by 7PM.  We will chat for a little bit, and then we reconnect before bed. The latest I have heard from Kev after his day was just before 11 PM, but that was when they were doing range and driving at night.
Wednesdays: 5:30 - 6 PM
Friday: 5:30 PM

Is Wednesday liberty and weekends guaranteed?
Weekends -Pretty guaranteed unless they need to remediate a certain test or class only offered on the weekend. We haven't lost any to remediation, but there was one half Saturday for mandatory volunteer work and another Saturday for tear gas. They want to do the tear gas when most people are off campus, so it's understandable.
Wednesday Liberty - Everyone gets Wednesday liberty unless you receive 3 gigs. Every 3 gigs costs a Wednesday. For example, if you get 9 gigs in the first week you lose 3 consecutive Wednesdays. If you get 2 gigs over the course of two weeks and on the third week you get another gig, your next Wednesday liberty is lost to memo writing for a few hours.

How do paychecks and finances work at the Academy?
Cadets are paid on the first of every month. The academy isn't cheap though, and a lot of the money made cycles right back to where it came from. Uniform rentals, campus dry cleaning, PT shirts, equipment, etc. all add up. However, food, a place to live, and 24/7 Staff Officer presence are without cost! Per Kev - "priceless"

When do Dream Sheets come out and how do they work?
Dream sheets should come out around month 4. So for us, that should be in June. Transfers for current officers have to end, and then cadets are informed what offices are hiring based on the spots left over. Once that list is out, cadets receive their dream sheets. Once submitted, I believe we find out our area office about a month before graduation in order to give ample time to make arrangements. 

What are some Academy items Kev brought with him or bought later that he can't live without?
- Lots of white undershirts, underwear, and socks
- White rags & old cut up shirts to shine boots & brass (he was using his NEW bath towels at first)
- Febreze, not everyone is as pleasantly fragrant at the end of a 14+ hr day as you might hope
- Flip flops for the shower
- Closet organizer is a "life saver"
- Weekly cases of water for the room
- Bluetooth, Bluetooth, Bluetooth!

Just starting the academy?
Use your best judgement and be practical. If you need something, like hangers or an iron, just bring it. Don't inconvenience yourself to the point of impracticality. It's better to just have it and get rid of it, than not have it - unless it is specifically not allowed. 
No one is out to get you but yourself. Everyone at the academy wants you to succeed if you deserve it. Stay motivated when it starts to get tough and remind yourself why you started. Kev says you have to really want it and be willing to give it all you've got every day. Also remember that you were selected to be there just like everyone else was. Be a leader and aspire to motivate yourself and others. Be kind, everyone is in the same position with the same dream. The people who go home aren't the ones who fail a test then give it everything they've got to take it over and do it right the next time, its the ones who give up, aren't motivated, and don't use their brain. The academy is possible, if you want it.

How do I send my cadet a letter and is it okay?
Kev loves them! Just don't send anything embarrassing and label the envelope right. Kev told me a story a staff officer told the class about a girlfriend who sent flowers to her boyfriend and how well that one went when he was called up to retrieve them. I also read about wives being cute and addressing their CADET as Officer on the letter.. don't do that! However, there are a few higher ranks that are a good threat to address a letter with incase you need a little incentive for a chore done at home ;)

Address to:
Cadet     F I R S T          L A S T     
California Highway Patrol Academy
3500 Reed Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95605-1677

In the bottom left corner:

CTC  ______
Company  _____

Is the sacrifice worth it?
Absolutely. Your cadet is part of the finest law enforcement training in the world and with determination and discipline they can achieve a career they can be proud of every day. It is only a short period of sacrifice in return for a lifetime of a great career and family. We haven't experienced life beyond the finish line yet, but time is never wasted when it is spent chasing a dream. 

Day 106/194 - Start of Week 16!

Monday, Week 16!
Everyday we are closer! I had such a nice weekend with Kev, sometimes it feels like I have him back and then I quickly realize I don't quite yet. I suppose it's a good thing I miss his presence so much though. He truly is my best friend. I've been thinking a lot about life after graduation lately too. These next few months are going to be exciting and unveil a lot about our future. Depending on which office he is assigned to, our life will be so different. If he stays local, we will be close to his family and will find a place to rent together in an area we are familiar with. If he is assigned to LA or elsewhere, we will be packing up and moving to an area completely new to us. This is both exciting and a little scary. My parents actually just sold their home in California and are moving full time to their vacation home in Mexico. I don't have a very big family and just lost my grandma in February, so for me that's already a really big change in my life. I won't hesitate to move where ever Kev has to go, but I keep thinking about how much out life is about to change soon. If we move down South, we will be away from family and when Kev starts working graveyard shifts I will likely not see often since I'll be at work during the day, and I'll be in a town where I don't know anyone.However, everything happens for a reason and I know it will work out. We were so worried about what would happen when he went to the academy and it is nothing like we expected, so I am sure life after will work out as well! It's just easy to get lost in thought about it.

Kev is having a much better week! He is lucky to have a little weight off his shoulders this week though since he passed his scenarios, but unfortunately not everyone is in the same boat. Kev said he is going to help his good cadet friend practice this week, so he warned me he may have some late nights. He even offered his friend his Wednesday liberty to help him practice for the retake on Thursday. He really has a big heart and genuinely wants his friends and peers to succeed. He completely understands how stressful last week was since he experienced it too, so if there is anything he can do to help them feel more prepared, he will. There is also another new scenario this week for everyone, so he has to practice for that as well.

Monday consisted of range and a shooting competition. Kev said the Seniors were also invited to talk with the new class and answer some of their questions. He said they had a lot of questions and asked for advice about being there. He said his biggest piece of advice is that you have to want this with everything you've got.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 103-105/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 15!
Kev passed all 13 scenarios!!! His family and I were so excited when he told us on Friday! I was so relieved when I heard and we could all finallyyy relax. That also meant he got to come home for the weekend! Kev said about 50% of the class did not pass all the scenarios and will have to remediate the ones they didn't pass. I am so thankful Kev did well and was able to come home. His roommates had to stay over the weekend and unfortunately have to remediate, so I can only imagine what they are feeling and how their girlfriends/wives feel too. Kev really wants them to succeed, so we will be sending them a lot of good thoughts!!

Kev says rumor has it that Dream Sheets will be coming out in the next couple of weeks! He promised we could fill out our preferences together :) We are moving in together in August no matter where he ends up and I couldn't be more excited, even if that means packing up and moving down South! It really doesn't matter as long as we are together.. and kitty!

We had a great weekend together. The stress from the week was finally over and we were able to relax. The weather wasn't quite warm enough for the beach, so on Saturday we woke up and went to the gym, then went for lunch and an hour of foot reflexology. After reflexology we walked around a little festival downtown for a bit and met with Kev's parents for dinner. Sunday we went to the gym in the morning and did nothing but lounge around cuddling for the rest of the day. It was perfect! This weekend was exactly the refresh we needed, especially Kev. :)

Coming up this week is one more scenario test! However, we are assuming most of the focus will be on CTC 2-16 this week since their orientation week is now over. Kev says the campus feels packed because that class has about 150 new cadets. Kev's class is now in the 100 'teens'. A couple more cadets have dropped off. The class before his (CTC 3-15) graduated with 78 cadets, so hopefully Kev's class can stay afloat above that count and offer the state a lot of new officers!

We are on to week 16 and his weekly letter is in the mail box bound for West Sacramento!

- Mimi

Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 102/194 - Scenario Testing

Thursday, Week 15!
Basically the only good thing about this week is that there hasn't been any PT and won't be for two weeks during scenario testing. Everything that goes around comes around though at the academy, after scenarios there will be two weeks of PT 4 days (Mon - Thurs). Kev originally said the break was worth it, but I think we both quickly realized this week has in no way been a break. We have to look at the bright side though, he is still in the top of the class, passed pistol and shotgun certification this week, and is STILL THERE. On his pistol test he received a perfect score! He is strong, and challenges only make you stronger.

I can't write anything about scenario testing other than the fact that Kev is done with the ones this week! Scenarios are taken very seriously, even between the different academy companies since they test at different times. They aren't allowed to talk about it with each other either or it can be considered cheating. I didn't hear from Kev until about 9 PM yesterday and I had been waiting all day for that call to hear how he did! He said they tested all day long but he actually sounded a lot better on the phone last night than he did on Wednesday which was such a relief. Kev will find out today (Friday) if he passed. That means more losing my mind at my desk all day waiting for his text or call ;) With these really important tests, the wait makes me so anxious. I can only imagine how Kev feels. I know he gave it his all and tried his hardest though and that's all I can ask of him. I'm just praying he passed so we can have our much needed weekend together!

Kev also received the letter I sent on Monday :)  He was so grateful for my letters this week and that I surprised him by driving to Sac. He said it really boosted his spirits going into the rest of the week. Sometimes I feel so helpless and I wish there was more I could do to support him while away, so it feels so nice to know how thankful and appreciative he of me. He is honestly such an amazing person and I know he will make a great officer!

Now time to get some work done and wait for the news!

- Mimi

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 100 - 101/194

Tuesday & Wednesday, Week 15!
I can't even fathom that I am actually writing about day 100! It feels unreal! The new cadet class started on Monday and Kev said he watched how nervous they seemed and how timid they were to say hi to his class as they passed them in the halls. It must have felt like de ja vu. We both said that it feels like just yesterday that was him, nervous and unsure of what was to come. Kev is making sure to be kind to them, smile, and lead by example. Kev's first week at the academy, a senior told him to compact his water bottle in the chow hall before throwing it away - which he did and was promptly cringed at by a staff officer. Thankfully it was during orientation week when that happened so he didn't get yelled at. Kev knows the new cadets are no different than he was 3 months ago and some of them probably have a girlfriend or wife at home worried about this week and the next 6 months to come just like I was and am. In that case, I hope Kev's effort to give a friendly smile makes the difference in someone's day.

Kev had PMA practice for 4 hours on Tuesday morning, and then passed his pistol certification. His class received their riot helmets and had another lecture on use of force. Hearing that he received a riot helmet scared me a little. Another reminder of the dangers of the job and a little hard to get used to the idea hat Kev may actually have to use his gear one day. Kev and his class finally got to sit on the Senior side of the chow hall this week. We remember them pointing it out at orientation. Kev says it feels good and "the food tastes better when you sit over there." ;)

Some Tough Times & Scenario Testing -

The mood has significantly changed in Kev. These last couple of weeks have been some of the hardest so far, no doubt about it. Long days and nights, certifications, taser, gas, pepper spray, practice and testing have really began to wear him down. I could hear the exhaustion in his voice on the phone at night lately and see it on Facetime too. So, I drove up on Wednesday evening to surprise him during liberty. I even checked my texts from previous weeks to see what time Kev usually text me that he was done for the day and going out for dinner with the guys. I worked from home and made it up to the academy by 4:45 PM in order to beat traffic during rush hour. Kev isn't normally off on Wednesday around 5:30 - 6 PM, so I waited around and he finally text me at 5:30 saying he was in. I called him and told him I drove up to Sac! I knew he needed a hug this week and I was so happy to tell him I was here. He was so happy, thankful and surprised I came. He said the Sergeant wanted them to do PMA and it should only take an hour, then he would be off. I was so excited to see him! I went over to his little brother and sister in law's house to visit and see the baby while I killed time. They left to dinner and I shopped around for a bit waiting, but he didn't meet up until 8:30 PM:( He immediately vented and hugged me. My poor guy. Last night was the most stressed I have seen him. We went to dinner at Mikuni for about an hour and said our good bye so he could prepare and rest for scenario testing tomorrow. Our visit was short but I savored every second with him. It was worth it just to give him a hug and kiss and make him feel a tiny bit better. It was so hard to see him like that and I wish there was more I could do for him. I sent a letter to him on Monday but brought a little motivational one with me that I wrote for him to read before bed. Our letters and this blog are so helpful! The letters help motivate Kev, tell him how much I love him, and remind him of all the good things waiting for us when he is through. The blog releases emotions and helps us visualize how far we have come. Both keep us in sync and just a little more connected when times are tough and we can't talk as often as we wish we could. We just need to remind ourselves that this won't last forever.

In addition to PMA practice last night, they had advanced PMA testing. Kev missed two of the seven techniques and will have to remediate. Kev has been doing amazing so far, but these little losses really get to him. It is such a scary feeling to know that one more try at something can mean coming home. This is really our first time experiencing this feeling. It can be hard to keep his head above water at times, but Kev is giving everything he has got in him. We currently have two remediations to take - regular PMA test and two of the advanced PMA methods. I believe Kev has until the end of the month to retake them. It is certainly nerve wracking for us both and I know Kev is extremely stressed right now. They warned us that things can start to pile up at the academy and we are just starting to experience that now. Kev also told me that a cadet dislocated his shoulder when he was tased last week and because he wouldn't heal until July, they sent him home. That cadet will have to start all over from day 1 if he chooses to return. This really scared Kev - The thought of starting over from day one is something neither of us can imagine. We have come so far and intend to continue pushing. I believe in him and I know he will get us there. Sending all my good thoughts to Kev and his class during scenario testing this week.

I love you Kevvy! Good luck these next couple of days baby XO
"If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice"- Keep pushing, I know you can do it. This time won't last forever <3

- Mimi

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 99/194 - Week 15 & He Is A Senior!

Monday, Week 15!
I miss Kev so much this week because we were so busy this weekend that it felt like we didn't get anytime to enjoy each other one on one. When ever we get a lot of time together over the weekend, we are both really content and at ease during the week, but if we don't it can sometimes throw us off. The weekends depict a lot. We both had a stressful week and you could tell we weren't ourselves. Sometimes it takes a little downtime to unwind from a hard week and we just don't have that. So, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We have no plans and just want to get away and enjoy our time together other. We are thinking of packing up and heading to the beach on Saturday with just the two of us. I can't wait.

Even though I am anxious for the weekend, I know Kev has a lot to get through this week. On Monday he had his shotgun certification and passed. He isn't new to shooting, so I think that may have been a comfortable test for him to pass. Although he has said that he is learning a lot more about guns at the academy that he didn't know. He also had Code 3 shotgun training and a night time shooting test yesterday that he really enjoyed. The night training is understandable, but because it has to be dark out it runs his days pretty late. He didn't get a chance to call me until almost 11 PM last night. I had gone to a Giants game with a couple girlfriends so I happened to be awake, but some nights I really try to wait up for him even when I'm tired. I wouldn't sleep well without hearing from him and we have talked every since the day I met him, so we both try to talk to each other if we can. Sometimes when the nights run late we cut it short though so that he can prepare for the next day and get some rest. The blue tooth really helps us because he can talk to me and shine his boots, brass, or make note cards. It really has been a savior!

He also had scenario practice yesterday and will the next couple of days before scenario testing on Thursday and Friday. If cadets don't pass at the end of the week, they were told the only remediation day is Saturday - all day. So he is going to work hard this week and pass for us! I know he can do it. Everyone at home will be sending him good thoughts.

It is clear the pace has significantly picked up and the testing is getting harder now and more involved. Testing is starting to combine hands on work with all areas of knowledge rather than a just a multiple choice test. The academy compresses the knowledge of a career in law enforcement into six months of training and success is vital. I know Kev can make it. Sending lots of love and good thoughts to West Sacramento this week and praying we get our day on the beach together.

- Mimi

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thoughts - 1/2 Way Through

I have never had such a mix of emotions like I have over these last three months and I definitely feel like the half way mark deserves it's own post. The California Highway Patrol Academy is quite a place, and your cadet's journey through it is very special. You truly learn to respect the Academy, and every officer who has graduated and earned themselves a badge. You realize that it takes a strong individual, both mentally and physically to succeed here. The same is expected from you as a partner in a relationship with your cadet, it is just as much a journey of your own. Kev and I had our own expectations of the academy when he first received his acceptance letter. A lot of things have been different than we expected, and that is because every story we read wasn't our own. I have grown to love Kev more than I ever thought possible, when I originally thought we would grow apart during this time. Instead I have watched him pursue his dream over the last three months. He has become physically and mentally stronger in so many ways. It's inspiring to watch him grow as he overcomes challenges, pushes himself, and absorbs the knowledge and lifestyle the Academy offers him. He is proud of himself and has found his place in this world. He is committing himself to a goal and believing in himself. That is the beauty of the academy. It is rare in this world to see that kind of strength and drive. To know that he belongs to you is even better.

Three months has felt like a long time. The half way mark is both an exciting milestone and a time to take a deep breathe and brace for a second round.  While the strength you see in your cadet is inspiring, it also takes a lot of strength from you. Kev and I talk every day. There has not been a day since the academy started that I haven't had a night to talk with him. I love him and appreciate him for always making time for me in the midst of such a busy schedule. While I appreciate the time he makes for me, it is still limited. I can't text him or talk to him when something happens in my day until that night. Some days are manageable, while others like the day my grandma passed were hard and I felt a little alone. I have to learn to cope with life on my own and attempt to balance the stress of a hard day without interfering with Kev's focus on the Academy. Some days I am better at this than others. Kev says I get one day a month for a little break down. It can be hard constantly listening to stories about the academy during the week and then again on the weekend when people ask about it. I love hearing Kev's stories during the week and supporting him when he needs it. He has such long days and little sleep, that I love being an open ear for him to talk to and hearing all about his life at the academy. However, I can't help but want to escape it on the weekends. When we try to do normal things with friends, Kev is really tired and it's hard for him to let his mind fully escape what he has on his plate that week. I understand and most of our family understand, but friends don't fully get it. They don't understand the mental exhaustion of his life right now, how physically exhausted he is, or how focused he is and the affect it has on us both. His mind is elsewhere, and it is apparent. He looks different, acts different and thinks different but somehow manages to always be there for me however he can when I need him most. While we try to make time for friends, this may just be a summer we both give up for something much bigger and more important. It becomes more apparent that while we are together, the academy is our life right now. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it is only a short time period of sacrifice in return for the fulfilling and rewarding career Kev has always wanted. Then our lives will be even better than before.

There is definitely a change of pace as you reach the half way mark at the academy. The attitude changes from fear of getting a gig or being yelled at with a smokey bear hat touching your forehead and spit hitting your face, to concern over workload and knowledge retention. It is a lot to accomplish in such a short time and the work has been piling on up until this point, and will continue to. It is a blend of fun and excitement, with the stress of being all you can be on a daily basis in order to succeed. There is no time for Kev to be tired or lose focus. His days are fast and calculated. Everything he does requires thought - how he walks, where he places his hands, how he addresses someone, his uniform, which shoe he put his PT towel in, the schedule of the day.. etc etc. That doesn't just turn off when he comes home for the weekend. He can dim it down to an extent, but you can tell he is home but not really. I would say month one at the academy was fear and stress accommodating to the rules, month two was excitement and getting into the flow of things, and month three was excitement and stress building. This second half of the academy we expect to continue to be exciting, fast and stressful. Scenario testing starts this week. Some scenarios Kev will only have a day or two to learn before he is tested. I believe in him and I know there is nothing he can't do. He has proven himself this far and I know we will make it.

This blog is meant to be a place to write down our story, let me sort out my thoughts, and let Kev read how I'm feeling. I actually haven't told many friends or family about it at all. It's just been for us. It has really helped me to write out how I feel along the way and listen closer to the details of his day. However, I truly hope it helps some of you reading too. The academy will make you both stronger. I look up to Kev more than ever, and feel like I chose a protective, loving, and motivated person to be my parter in life. I feel like Kev loves me more now too knowing that I am here to love and support him along the way. The hardest part of the academy for me is missing him at home. Even though Kev can feel stressed from the workload, he is making amazing friends and having the experience of a lifetime. We were even invited to another cadet's wedding. We have nick names names for different cadets he tells me about and a new kind of bond has formed between us because of the distance. We consider ourselves lucky to have this opportunity and are so excited for our future after graduation. Most nights we have some pretty good laughs but we have had nights too where I cry watching him head back there. I get anxious when I know he is testing, but it is exciting to get the call that he passed. It's a crazy mix of emotions for both of us. But every weekend that seems to fly by, we are another week closer to graduation. The last three months he has grown a lot. He is already a new man heading into the second half of the academy and I can't wait to see him tackle the new challenges that lie ahead.

Day 95-98/194 - OC Pepper Spray

Thursday & Sunday, Week 14! 
Last week was likely the craziest week Kev has had at the academy so far. Thursday was mostly scenario practice and anticipation for OC on Friday morning. I suppose I will say that if you are going to focus your worries on one of the events of this week, focus on the OC pepper spray. Kev sent me a picture of his face when he got back to the room - his eyes and face were bright red. I do sort of feel like it is a right of passage though, so I will save most of his stories of the week for just us. Although, I will say that I am so proud of how strong he was this week. He accepted and overcame the challenge of late nights and physical exhaustion - push ups aren't off limits just because OC is in your eyes. The purpose of this week wasn't only so that you know when to use certain force, but so that you know the reaction you will have to each method of force in the event that it happens to be taken from you and used on you, you can keep fighting. There are a lot of other underlying reasons, but in the end Kev has a full understanding of why the academy has this week and he made it through. We talked a lot last week about keeping his head up and staying strong. He did, and I am so proud of him!

Friday also meant room inspections. Kev said they found a lot of hidden food which was their biggest concern. One cadet had M&Ms hidden in anAspirin bottle and they found another with a backpack full of chips and candy! The junk was dumped in the front of the classroom and the cadets were given a lecture on integrity. Kev said gigs will likely be posted soon. We talked about how long the academy has been around and that all secret hiding spots in those small rooms have been found and passed down from staff officer to staff officer. Just wait out the six months before snacking out in your bed.

Friday was the end of week 14, and we are officially half way done with the academy! We aren't counting graduation week, since that will be such an exciting week for us. After a long day, Kev also moved his belongings into his new dorm room on the senior side before coming home. The new cadet class will arrive on Monday and Kev will now be the one with the knowledge of what lies on the road ahead of them. I feel like we have come such a long way, and yet there is still so far to go. We had a little fun this weekend, but it was hard to shake off the week and we had a lot of other commitments. I just hang on to those little moments when we get to lay, do nothing, and cuddle.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 94/194 - Taser

Wednesday, Week 14! 
Wednesday started with early morning PT and a surprise gig line. Staff officers DID check guns and mags as expected, and Kev passed. Cleaning them the other night after range paid off! He did not get gigged. The rest of the morning was a lecture on how the taser guns work and what they do to the body. Then it was finally time to go out and give them a feel :)

Kev wasn't too concerned about being gassed on Sunday and almost seemed excited and anxious leading up to the taser yesterday. He is definitely most uncomfortable with the idea of being pepper sprayed on Friday. However, it sounds like his mind changed about the taser when he said it was the worst 5 seconds he had experienced. He said a few of the ex-military cadets barely made a sound, some of the girls cried out, and he mimicked the loud"ughhahhhhh" sound he made. He said one girl yelled, "Fuuuuuuu...ouchhhh". That made me laugh ;) She and every one else are so brave! It sounds like it was a rough day. Kev said he went towards the end so he saw all the different reactions leading up to his turn. There were a few different ways you could be tased, so everyone had a different reaction depending on which way they took it and which voltage. One guy elected to do the barbs with the highest voltage and received a commendable (opposite of a gig). After all the tasing out on the field, Kev said he actually felt good later that night - as in his body felt loose and relaxed. He said staff said it might make them feel better after and Kev said he thought it actually did.

After being tased, the cadets went over use of force policies. Kev says that he definitely understands why the Academy feels that each Officer-To-Be should experience the different enforcement tactics for themselves - gas, taser, and pepper spay. He said it definitely gives you a better understanding of how it feels and how the body reacts so you can make the appropriate decision out in the field. After being tased, Kev said he now knows how it feels and wouldn't want someone else to have to experience that unless absolutely necessary.

This has certainly been an exciting week for stories. We finally had a good amount of time to chat last night after Kev had liberty. He was off around 6 PM and went to a sit down dinner with another cadet. He said they ordered steaks and loved being served during the week! He called me after and it was so nice to talk to him and really catch up. With late nights and the last two weekends cut short, I really miss him. He is my best friend. When our time and calls are consistent,  I am really comfortable with the Academy. However, when the schedule switches up and our time together is cut short it can be a little tough. I originally thought Friday through Sunday night wasn't enough, and now after losing two Sundays in a row I can't wait for a full weekend with him! I can only imagine how some of the families who live down South feel. They probably haven't been able to see their cadet for a a few weeks now. Kev and I are so lucky we only live an hour from the Academy, so I am thankful for that.

Only one more night of sleeping alone until the man of my dreams is home for the weekend! And this Saturday is our anniversary :) I miss him so much and can't wait to open my front door and see his handsome face standing behind it.

- Mimi

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 92-93/104 - Start of Week 14!

Monday & Tuesday, Week 14!
Our week has been really busy for us both! Kev is doing practice scenarios and having pretty late nights, while it is closing week for me at work. Sometimes busy is good though and makes the time go faster. I always miss him, but when we are both swamped the days seem to be over and I am in bed on the phone with him before I know it.

Kev's Monday started with PT early in the morning and included a few new exercises followed by a run. The rest of the day, they practiced scenarios. It seems every day is a different type of scenario so far this week. Kev really enjoys this kind of learning because it is so interactive.

Tuesday began with PMA practice early in the morning and then the cadets practiced how to march out for the Fallen Officer Memorial that was scheduled from about 8 AM - 12 PM that day. Kev said the memorial was very beautiful but of course solemn. Whenever there is a memorial around the fountain it seems to really touch him. He said the Governor, Commissioner, Sergeant and others all spoke. They read off all 252 names and also added Officer Taylor's name to the fountain. It seems more real knowing his name is on the fountain now. I remember being excited to see the fountain with Kev on Orientation Day, and now I know Kev and I both have a lot more respect for it. We understand its meaning, respect the heroes whose names are on it, and pray to never know its heartache.

I didn't hear from Kev until after 10 PM each night this week. Last night, they practiced night shooting. It doesn't get dark until around 8 PM now, so it was a long day and night. Kev said night range was fun and exciting even though it meant a late night. After range, everyone was sure to clean their guns especially after the surprise gun inspection last week. We chatted for a bit while he was cleaning but it's always hard to talk on the phone when the guys are cleaning their guns, it can be pretty loud. I think he was a little wired after range too because he couldn't get to sleep. It makes sense that it might take some time to wind down after shooting for a couple hours. For some reason I couldn't sleep either, so we were both up at 1 AM sending a couple texts to each other. Unfortunately, sleepless nights catch up with you at the Academy. He had to be up around 4:30 AM this morning (Wednesday) for a full perimeter run after only 3 hours of sleep. My poor guy. I respect him so much for his perseverance at the Academy. I love him more and more everyday.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 89-91/194 - Tear Gas

Friday - Sunday, Week 13!
Friday was Senior graduation day! Even typing that gives me a little adrenaline and excitement! Kev said everyone was in a great mood and like our experience on Orientation Day it was his turn to greet guests with "Good Morning Maam" or "Good Morning Sir". This day gave us both a little added drive and excitement for what lies ahead!

Kev said his class had started addressing the Seniors as "Sir" or "Maam" instead of "Cadet" just a few days earlier than when they received their badges and became Officers. Kev said you could see the appreciation on their faces. He said he and his classmates know how hard it is and what it takes to get to where they are, and they deserve the respect. It was a mutual understanding between both classes.

When Kev got home on Friday night he treated me to a nice dinner with just the two of us and we spent the rest of the night just enjoying each other's company. In the morning, we packed up and headed back up to Sacramento for my friend's wedding. We had such a nice evening, but it felt like the night was over before we knew it and Kev was running out the door to make it back to the academy by 12 PM for tear gas.

Kev and the cadets were gassed around 1 PM and he text me around 3 PM saying he would call me soon. Now that the new Junior class is about to come in, Kev says staff keeps telling them to not share too much so that they can experience things for the first time. In that case, maybe I'll be a little vague in what he told me about Sunday. However, he was fine! He said it was unpleasant and felt longer than it actually was - everyone's noses were a little runny and it was hard to breathe for a few minutes afterwards. He said his skin felt a hot and tingly but all in all, he was okay not long after and into the night. He washed those clothes separately at the academy rather than mixing them with his other laundry and bringing them home. Ultimately, our goal for him was to be a leader. Not to break or lose his composure when he heard others coughing or struggling. He didn't and said he did really well.  Next up is the taser on Wednesday and pepper spray on Friday. I had those days mixed up originally. At least I'll be able to take care of him Friday night. Kev is not looking forward to the pepper spray, but almost seems excited for the taser. He can't even take eye drops without panicking, so Friday should be entertaining for all ;) He hates things near his eyes!

Kev warned me on Sunday that he may have late nights this week. His class is the only one on campus now and they are practicing for scenario testing to start next week. I like when he gives me a little warning so I know not to wait for his call. I really want him to practice and push hard this week in preparation for scenarios. Kev is amazing, so even though I should worry about him I never do. I trust him and believe in him, which helps me so much while he is at the academy. I rarely worry about him, which is nice so that I can be supportive and motivating in other ways. He just got his new ranking on Sunday too and moved up a few more spots in his class. I am so proud of him everyday!

- Mimi

Congratulations to CTC 3-15! 
You worked hard and you earned it. Be all you can be and we hope to see you out there soon!