Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 179/194

Thursday, Week 26!
Kev came home for a few short hours on his liberty and made my night! It was so nice to open the door and see my handsome cadet! We wrapped up all the packing and Kev helped me move some of the heavy boxes I packed out of the bedroom so I could actually walk around. We are ready to pack the Uhaul now and move into our new home. I am so excited for us!

It sounds like the cadets had a fun day yesterday. Of course, it's fun because it isn't real life, but we always have to remember that sadly this training is to prepare them for real scenarios. Equipped with paintball guns, the cadets were placed in shooting scenarios.  The staff officers were the shooters. Kev and his partner were talking to a "civilian" about a ticket when the shooter came in. Kev said the shooter got him in the leg and then he got a shot on him. Even though the shot would have taken the shooter down, they kept up the scenario and Kev said the Officers got the next shot between his eyes. Kev has a huge bruise on his thigh from the paintball, but thankfully he had goggles on to protect his face.

The story was exciting but in the heels of recent events, it is also a little terrifying. Kev is definitely able to balance the emotion of a good time and an understanding of the underlying lesson of the scenario. We talked about it a little more before he had to head back to the Academy. He told me that on his ride along, he and the other Officer grabbed lunch but drove somewhere safe (a special facility for police breaks) to eat because he was advised that it isn't safe to sit in your car right now when you aren't alert in your surroundings. He didn't tell me that after his ride along and hearing that truly broke my heart. Our peace officers should feel safe to sit in their car and eat lunch without being harmed. My heart goes out to them. I sincerely hope this world unites sooner than later.

Unfortunately, the heartache continues as once again we wake up to another lost life in law enforcement. Last night a police officer in San Diego was shot and killed, leaving behind a wife and two children. Another officer with him was also shot and injured, he is also a husband and father. I send all my thoughts and prayers to their families, their fellow officers, and all those affected by yet another tragedy in law enforcement. I've never felt so close to their pain. I'm sure all the loved ones of our cadets feel the same way.

- Mimi

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 178/194

Wednesday, Week 26!
So, I just figured this - there are 16 more academy days left and I will see Kev for 10 of them! Some of the visits will just be in the evening, but I'll take it. He is coming down tonight for his Thursday liberty to help me move a few heavy boxes I packed up and just because he loves me of course ;) This will actually be the time he will come home for liberty since the Academy started. I've gone down to see him, but because of heavy evening traffic and the short time frame before he has to report back, he will usually take the time to go out for food with the guys and study. So, I am really excited to see him tonight!

Kev said he thinks he did really well on his DUI test, but they didn't get the scores yet. He did find out that he aced his Spanish test though! And I officially have the phrase, "cruzar tus dedos detras a la cabeza" stuck in my head! I think that's how you say it. I may or may not have blocked my sweet Spanish speaking broken record of a boyfriend out for a bit ;)

Kev's company had a long day yesterday! PT started at 4:30am and they didn't get out for the day until 10pm! The Academy brought in a retired CHP Officer, and he spent the evening telling the cadets stories about his time as a patrolman. Kev said his that he and his class really enjoyed the speaker. I was half asleep when Kev called me a little after 10pm, so unfortunately he didn't get to share any of the stories with me. He sounded enthusiastic though, so he will have to fill me in soon.

Apparently badge numbers should be out soon too! The Academy seems to always save surprises for Friday, so maybe that will be the day. So exciting!

- Mimi

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 177/194 - Wet Lab

Tuesday, Week 26!
Yesterday, the Senior class finally had their "wet lab". This is where the Academy gets volunteers 'drunk' so that the cadets can utilize the skills they learned to determine their blood alcohol content. Kev says the volunteers are given alcohol very methodically - a specific number of drinks per hour to obtain the exact BAC desired.

Prior to 'wet lab', was the 'dry lab'. The dry lab was a series of training videos and instruction that showed the cadets the exact symptoms and characteristics of alcohol on the body. Similar to the shaky eyes Kev was looking for when he playfully asked me to follow his finder on Sunday. Once the dry lab training was complete, the cadets were placed in groups and had to guess the BAC of a number of different volunteers. Kev said that the BAC levels of some volunteers were .09 and .1. He said the training was pretty spot on and that he and his group were able to guess the BAC exactly or close to it, based on the characteristics they were trained to spot.

Moral of the story: Don't drink and drive! The CHP will catch you, even if you can walk a straight line!

Kev said there were about 13 stations set up but unfortunately due to time restraints they didn't get to all of them that day. His class has the DUI exam on Wednesday and that is the last big test of the Academy (other than those still wrapping up high-speed). Kev said there is another cumulative exam next week too but he personally doesn't seem to weigh it as heavily as this one.

That's about it for Tuesday. Kev had a night class last night too so we didn't get to talk until later (8:30pm) and then I had to hang up to give him time to study for the DUI exam. He text me good night around 11pm and I know he had PT around 4:30am this morning. These long days and nights are almost done though! Wednesday night liberty was moved to Thursday night in order to make room for another night class about mental health I believe - something to the extent of life as an officer, coping with tragedy, etc. I am thankful they have those.

Good luck on DUI today, babe and CTC 1-16 :) 

16 days! 

- Mimi

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A hard month for law enforcement

"Does it scare you, Babe?" 

"Sometimes, yah it does."

I watch the news habitually every morning. Since Kev has been at the Academy, I have sat on the edge of my bed too many mornings lamenting over what I am watching. This month has been particularly hard because law enforcement has been the target. In early July, my heart ached as I peered at the aftermath of an ambush in Dallas killing five police officers and injuring nine. Days later, I took a seat and listened to another intentional, heartless murder of three officers and three hospitalized survivors in Baton Rouge. This Monday, I woke up to an Oakland sergeant who narrowly escaped an intentional bullet, and in the heels of recent events shook the Bay Area for an internalized fear that suddenly felt too close to home. So many lives were changed forever in those series of moments.

The world hosts a battleground for good and evil.

All you can do is play your part in the good and never lose sight of the beauty and innocence this world is also home to. With each sinister act, remember that there is an impenetrable human connection that unites us against those who behaved callously. In that moment, the ethnic, cultural, and religious divides are concurred as we come together as a community, nation, and world.

On Sunday, I sat on the edge of my bed and watched my boyfriend put his bullet proof vest on for the first time. He strapped it on tightly in front of the mirror.

I remember how excited we were when he was first given the vest. However, I never saw it on him until that moment. I went over to him and touched it. I felt how light and thin it was. Then I pointed at the exposed areas and asked him, "what about here." He told me that wasn't were it needed to protect him and pulled me in for a hug.

Behind that vest is a very good man. He loves, he dreams, he protects, he cries, and he laughs. He is a grandson, a son, a nephew, a cousin, a brother, an uncle, a boyfriend, and a friend to many. He aspires to protect his community, be a good person to those who love him, and become a husband and father someday.

He will soon be a new hero.

A selfless man willing to protect those he can and to set a standard for goodness in the world. We are going to learn so much in the next 30 years of his career, but no matter what we see on the edge of our bed or first hand, we will always remember that there is more good in the world than evil. There will always be more people in our corner.

Sometimes I ask him though, "does it scare you?" Because sometimes the world can scare me.

- Mimi

Day 176/194 - Start of Week 26!

Monday, Week 26!
The mellifluous sound of graduation details continue to push us forward with an imperturbable spirit! Other than my spirit while I pack the house alone while Kev is stuck at the Academy! I wouldn't suggest moving the week before graduation! I am filling the boxes but then I can't move them because they are too heavy, so I have to patiently wait for Kev to come back! Thankfully he is rounding up his dad and brother to help us this weekend :)

Monday started with PT, and considering Kev made it back to the academy Sunday night after 11pm, you can imagine it was a rough morning waking up at 4am to work out. He also said they received their vehicle code tests back and he passed. He says vehicle code is the only test he ever gets less than a 90% on. There are so many codes and it's just tough to memorize all of them perfectly. High-speed testing continues and everyone is hanging in there right now. Kev said yesterday another guy hit the guard rail and ripped the back door off of the squad car. Since it's considered an accident, he was done for the day and had to write a memo about what caused the crash. Thankfully the incident only left a tattered training car without a door and a good story because the cadet was uninjured. Kev's last big test of the Academy is Wednesday - DUI. He feels pretty confident about it and tried to show me his skills on Sunday when he gave me a sobriety test after is ride along on Sunday. I had been out with my girl friend for a bit having a couple cocktails and enjoying the sun, so for fun, Kev asked me to follow his finger without moving my head. I failed and apparently my eye balls were shaky. However, I took an Uber home so shaky eyes are acceptable when coupled with smart decision making! ;)

Oh yes, and word to the wise! I found out that Kev never really did wash his bullet proof vest cover. This weekend, he was fumbling with the cover of his new vest and wanted to wash it separately since "it was the first time he was washing it". I assumed if he washed his last one that he would have been a little more seasoned taking the new one apart and once he saw my puzzled look, he quickly admitted that he wore the other vest this whole time, running around and sweating all day and never washed it before turning it back in! I highly doubt Kev was the only one, and I am pretty sure the Academy isn't going to take the covers off each one and wash them before passing them out to the next class.. so, wash your vest cover when you get it! My boyfriend is nasty, I'm so sorry ;)

So, there are 18 days left! It's difficult to put into words how we feel right now. Kev's accomplishments over the last 6 months have had such an impact on us both. He is vibrant right now - strong, confident, and proud. You can see it in him, and he deserves it. The standards of excellence that the CHP Academy expects from the cadets transfers over to your life too. I have raised the bar for myself in my career aspirations, personal fitness, and my overall ambition to achieve what I want in life. I want to be the amazing girlfriend that a man like Kev deserves. The CHP truly extracts the best out of the best, and constructs a graduating class that profoundly deserves that badge. I have more respect now for law enforcement than ever before. They are incredible individuals and a blessing to the communities they protect. I'm so lucky to call one mine. We are dreaming of graduation day!

100/131 cadets remain.

* I also updated the graduation details post - we found out there are 2 blue tickets & 4 gold tickets.

- Mimi

Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 173-175/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 25!
So our realization this weekend was that this July has been the best and worst month all rolled in to one! Last Friday, Kev and his company wrapped up the week with their last Spanish test and of course he thinks he is fluent now and was speaking to me in Spanish ALL weekend - telling me I'm under arrest and to interlock my fingers behind my head! Friday night we went for sushi and caught up on life! We have so much to do this week but Friday night was our down time. July has been tough because we really haven't seen each other very much this month. When he had a long weekend for the 4th of July, I was in Texas for a bachelorette, the next weekend we lost a day to the Academy, the one after that we were running around looking for a place to live, and this Sunday he had his ride along. The good - we found a place to live and we are so close to graduation. The bad - we are really busy and haven't seen each other very much. I miss my Spanish speaking best friend!

On Saturday, we were really productive! However, it was 100 degrees in the East Bay and I woke up and told Kev we should make breakfast but for whatever reason, the man who is always hungry every second of the day wasn't this time. After an early start and full day of errands in the heat, we were starving, dehydrated, sunburnt, and far passed hangry by the time we finally ate and drank water at 2pm. It's a miracle we survived;) Anyhow, we got Kev his first real haircut of the Academy on Saturday morning! He is finally growing his hair back! He says some guys in his class have already started. He also said a few guys had the great idea to grow out mustaches but staff quickly told them that wasn't a great idea! We have a video on my phone of the night we buzzed his hair just before day one, so it really feels like we have reached the end now that we are growing it back. I'm glad not to have to buzz it every weekend too, it was a little messy. After his haircut we said hello to his parents for a bit and then ran over to our storage unit to make room for the move. We have a few things we need to fit in there, so we literally pulled out everything in the whole unit, organized what we wanted and packed the rest in his truck for the dumps. We were exhausted. That was my first time at the dumps - basically it seems like a big warehouse where guys get a kick out of throwing their stuff as far as possible into piles and watching it break. Kev wanted to throw everything, but some stuff was perfectly good so I made him stack it to the side in hopes someone might take it! He thought I was hilarious and I thought he was crazy for trying to throw everything he could get his hands on. Well, we somehow had a good time at the dumps! After that, we ran over to Home Depot to buy packing stuff - boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. This was our point of exhaustion, right before we decided we needed food and water! We went to lunch in town and then plopped down on the couch at home exhausted before getting up to start packing. We really wrecked ourselves that day. The PT staff has nothing on a girlfriend trying to make room in a storage unit and move a house ;)

Ride Alongs! 
On Sunday, Kev and a few of the guys had ride alongs. Even though it was a Sunday we both could have used because there is still so much to do, Kev was pretty excited. He coordinated with a few of the guys what to wear and when to meet. Basically it was up in the air between slacks and a polo or jeans. They ended up in slacks if you're wondering, but the staff office did say jeans would be fine. I guess we all know it's always better to be over dressed than under dressed.

The ride along ended up being around 8 hours, so I packed a little more and then took a break with a girl friend by the pool and went downtown for lunch. Kev was so excited when he finished and finally got to call me. He came home to share a few stories before he had to head back to the Academy. He said they pulled over a ton of expired registrations, and he was able to run the computer in the car too. On one stop Kev said he was really excited because he thought the car was stolen but it turns out the guy just had the plates stolen off his car. I guess he was looking for a little action haha. He also said someone called in a kitten on the freeway and one of the other cars got to pick it up! He said he thought of me right away because I always joke that I want his career to be entirely saving puppies and kittens from the highway!

It was a hard goodbye for me Sunday night, but only 2 more good byes left! CTC 1-16, we are SO close! 19 days left to graduation!!!!

- Mimi

Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 171-172/194

Wednesday & Thursday, Week 25!
The week continues with report writing and Spanish. On Wednesday, Kev passed his Spanish practical test and his final Spanish test will be on Friday. On Thursday, he had a full 8 hour accident investigation test. "It was a longggggg day" - Kev.

We are moving along and can't wait to find out how Kev did on his investigation. Some things happened this week that weren't pre-approved for me to write about but it gave me a glimpse at the demanding nature of the career. Over the last couple days we bickered a little. I want to be honest, that although I do believe Kev and I have been so strong and done amazing together on this journey, we have had hard days too. The lifestyle and career are an adjustment. Kev and I aren't married, so unlike some other women who are already married with kids, this is more of a choice for me. I can only imagine the adjustment when you are married to a cadet and have children, and you have to acclimate to a lifestyle you initially committed to while knowing nothing about it. It is certainly exciting at times, but it is scary too.

When Kev initially started the Academy, I was so concerned that I would never hear from him because of all the blogs and stories I read. However, it wasn't long until we realized that those stories were just that, someone else's story. The Academy experience is simply a reflection of the person you share it with. Kev is an amazing guy, he is strong, sensitive, caring, determined and persistent. He aligned his priorities so neither came in second - the Academy or his girl. He is top of the class and has never gone a day without a phone call to me. In light of our experience, I am trying to stay positive about life after the Academy. I understand that break-in will also be demanding, but it is only 3 months. All I want is more time with Kev. He is the man of my dreams and sometimes it scares me that the man I want to marry is entering a world where law enforcement officers are depicted as heartless and being intentionally killed, and where the demands of the job mean little time together. Kev continues to tell me that there are more people who love law enforcement officers than those who don't, and that we will have time together everyday. He promised me I would hear from him whenever he had a chance to call from the Academy, and he kept that promise. In that case, I have to believe he will keep this one too.

Yesterday, a couple officers came in to talk with Kev's class about life changing career experiences they have dealt with. Kev said one important thing he took from it is to share your experiences with your significant other, no matter how hard they may be to hear. I know now, that hearing about those things will initially be difficult for both of us to digest. However, sharing those things will keep us close because I'll know exactly what he is dealing with. Kev says, that way when he is sitting on the couch in silence, I'll know why. It is difficult to anticipate the sadness of the world that he will have to absorb, but I vow to always be his partner and confidant even in the hardest of times.

- Mimi

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 170/194

Tuesday, Week 25!
Kev and I talked a lot yesterday but not too much about the Academy. He did tell me that they are starting to march again and practicing the graduation ceremony as often as possible. Thinking of Kev practicing graduation makes me so emotional, I can't imagine how I will feel when we are all there actually watching him graduate! I am definitely going to have to hold back tears, 6 months of them! He has also been studying hard for the 8 hour accident investigation test this Thursday. They already took the written report portion of the investigation test, so this is the hands on side. It will incorporate a lot of different aspects of their training and take up the entire day. We will be glad once that is over. The fear of going home does linger, but Kev perseveres everyday as hard as he can. I'm also grateful for his ability to balance time with me amidst long days at the Academy. We still have spoken everyday since the academy started. He texts me every morning now so I wake up to a sweet good morning text and we talk every night.  Some nights we are falling asleep on the phone and other times it is a few brief chats through the night in between my errands and his studies. Ultimately, the Academy has shown me what a great guy I have and I'm proud to call this Officer-to-be mine.

After work yesterday I rushed over to meet the homeowner of the home we will be renting starting August 1st. It has been hard trying to lock down a place for us to live, especially without Kev around and relying entirely on my schedule to coordinate walk throughs. Surprisingly, the place we loved most and nabbed off the market, was one that Kev and I were able to look at together over the weekend. It can be a little awkward taking care of this kind of business without your cadet around and may make you look less stable to someone who doesn't understand - especially since Kev and I aren't married. However, we lucked out because the homeowner's husband was an ex-police officer in the area. Ironically, for the same department Kev's brother also worked for. So, she has been really understanding and patient when there is something we are waiting on Kevin for - copy of his drivers license or approving a credit check request. We are so thankful and fortunate for how well everything is falling into place!

24 more days until graduation! 6 of those days we will be spending together. We are so close and my heart is so full!

- Mimi

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Graduation Details!

Grad packets came last week! Here is a summary of the agenda, as far as I know.

Wednesday: The Capitol Run
- Wednesday morning at 5:30 AM is the Capitol Run. It leaves from the academy and ends at the Capitol
- Cadets are able to go home with their family Wednesday night through Friday night. Their last night sleeping at the Academy is on Tuesday
- Class Party @ 6 PM

Thursday: Seminars
- 8:30am is the spouse seminar. I am unclear if more family can attend or only the spouse/significant other. This is a seminar about living with law enforcement and how to work together and have a successful relationship
- 12:00pm - lunch in the chow hall ($4)
- 1:00pm - video for 2 family members "The Fall Of The Badge 17045"
* Excused for the day at 3pm
* I believe but I am not sure, that there is a party this night as well.

Friday: Graduation Day!
- Cadets need to arrive in full uniform at 7am
- 9am Commissioner uniform inspection of cadets
- 10am Graduation in the gym & live simulcast in the classrooms
* 2 blue tickets (classroom access) and 4 gold tickets (gym access)
- Badge pinning ceremony following graduation, cadets will be assigned a spot for the pinning
- 12pm Significant others dine with Officer in the chow hall - this is the steak and shrimp dinner the last Seniors had. Kev thinks he is owed an extra shrimp this day since his 5th shrimp was frozen last time ;)

Cadets have 10 days after graduation before they report for duty. I am taking the week off and we are taking a few days in CABO and the rest we will be lounging in our new home together :)

We are SO close!

- Mimi

Day 169/194 - Start of Week 25!

Monday, Week 25!
Kev and I have a confirmed place to live! I can't believe the Academy is coming to an end, we passed high speed, and I am about to move in with the man of my dreams! We had submitted a couple applications and drove all over this past weekend looking for a place to live. Last night, I received a call from the homeowner of our first choice and we got it! Kev was beeping in on the other end and I couldn't wait to hang up and tell him. We are so happy and feel so fortunate. The place is adorable, two bedrooms, private and bright with lots of windows. There is no one behind us either and has open space below where Kev and I are going to plant vegetables and pumpkins as soon as we can :) I am so happy today thinking of all the amazing things ahead of us!

Unfortunately, another 3 cadets were sent home on Monday for failing high-speed. I am so grateful that Kev passed, especially now that we see how many people are going home lately. I hope they all decide to come back with the Juniors though. We know how much they have endured to get to this point, and can only imagine what they are feeling today. Sending positive thoughts their way.

Big tests ahead:
Thursday - 8 hour accident investigation test
Friday - Spanish written test
Next Wednesday - DUI test

- Mimi

Day 164-168/194

Wednesday - Sunday, Week 24!
Kev and I have been SO busy! The Academy is at full speed ahead and home life has been crazy. A lot of last week was report writing and more high-speed testing for other cadets. Kev said they practiced more Spanish and report writing on accident investigations. There are two report formats they are working on - regular report writing, such as a fender bender and accident investigation when there is an injury or death. Kev says they are groomed on pretty terrible types of accidents and things they might see. Some of the heavier sights being decapitations. Kev usually doesn't share this type of Academy training with me. Typically the heavier things comes up in conversation as I ask him questions. It is definitely hard to talk about, I can't imagine what it is like to see.

High-speed testing continued through Friday and will continue through week 28 for some cadets. On Friday, another 3 cadets were sent home for failing high-speed driving. This included Kev's company commander. Kev said he was a great guy, squared away and would have made a great cop - unfortunately, he just couldn't pass this portion of the testing. Kev expects him to come back when the Junior class reaches week 19.

Sunday was another sad day for law enforcement. Three officers were fatally shot and three wounded in Baton Rouge. Once again our prayers go out to those officers and their loved ones. It is a sad and scary time for law enforcement.

- Mimi

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 163/194

Tuesday, Week 24!
I won't deny that the first few weeks at the Academy and 'Hell Week' are the toughest, but the last few weeks are by far the slowest! I just can't wait to have my man back home.

Yesterday at the Academy was moreeee report writing and DUI training (in English). A few more cadets tested for high-speed and one finally hit the guard rail around one of the turns. Kev said, "he kissed it." Sounds like he didn't hit it at 120 mph, but skimmed it. He still passed too! I asked how the ladies are doing and he said they are passing as well. That's impressive, because I know I would be pretty scared coming up to a turn and guard rail at 120 mph!

That was about it for yesterday. As for me, I started working out early in the mornings so I could try to go to bed earlier and was meeting a coworker before work. I tripped on the treadmill the other morning and my foot has been hurting pretty bad. After a doctor visit this morning, it turns out I sprained my ankle and ligament in my foot, so I have a nice boot for a bit! Of course, Kev reminded me that I wouldn't be out of PT and running in the morning if I were at the Academy. Good thing I'm not. He can enjoy his cot and prison sheets and I'll enjoy my down comforter, boot, and break from running ;)

I am really  looking forward to a full weekend with Kev! I can't wait :) Oh, I forgot to mention that cadets also had an opportunity yesterday to write a memo if they were interested in a ride along prior to graduation. Initially, they weren't going to do that anymore but seems like someone changed their mind. Kev would love to, but he told me he wasn't going to write the memo because the ride along would be a full 8 hours on a Saturday. There are only 4 more Saturdays prior to graduation, and the next two weekends we HAVE to find a place to live and move after that. I told him I could manage if he really wanted to do it, but he insists on being there to help me. In the end, he'll have 3 months of ride alongs during FTO and 30 years in a squad car during his career. Plenty!

As for graduation details, Kev said his mom is waiting to open the info packet until her and I get together. I'm meeting with her on Thursday night to make graduation invitations so I hope to have all the details noted soon!

- Mimi

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 162/194 - Start of Week 24!

Monday, Week 24!
Still no luck with finding a place to live. Kev is always so mellow but I really want to find something for us so I can relax a bit. I'm glad he is always so level-headed though, it definitely balances me out.. a little ;)

Kev said this Monday started with a full perimeter run led by the biggest staff officer. They are all apparently pretty big, but this one is the one Kev says talks in a deep voice like Batman and is really fit with impressive endurance.  He said yesterday the pace was a lot faster than normal in order to prep them for the Capitol run on the Wednesday before graduation. There are also still a lot of cadets in line for high-speed testing this week. Sadly, one cadet just went home because he couldn't pass on his fourth and final attempt at high-speed. I couldn't imagine going home now. I try not to even let my mind go there.

At the end of the day, Kev said they also had their first graduation ceremony practice! For a while he was saying the officers weren't even mentioning graduation so this was pretty exciting! Kev's mom also text me this morning to tell me the graduation info packet arrived. We didn't get a chance to sync yet, but I'm anxious to hear what it says. We really want to know how many people are allowed to attend the graduation. My understanding is that there are limited 'gold tickets' which allow for a gym viewing of the cadets receiving there badge, but there is greater access for family and friends for the pinning ceremony around the fountain. I guess we'll find out!

- Mimi

Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 159-161/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 23!
Another week is done and there are only 4 more Sunday goodbyes left. 4 sounds so small, but this last sprint to the finish line feels like it is taking forever. We are tired. I'm SO ready to have Kev home.

Even though we lost most of our Saturday this weekend, it was an interesting end to the week and ended out working well for us. On Thursday evening, Kev finally had his chance to inspect the Junior's vehicles and write them fix it tickets. It feels like just yesterday Kev was sprucing up his own car over the weekend for the Senior inspection. He finally had his chance and it sounds like he had a good time spotting infractions.

On Friday, Kev's company practiced Spanish DUI and accident investigation report writing. Nothing too exciting. On Saturday, the cadets practiced riot control. It is certainly a little scary in light of recent events, but apparently it was on the calendar for sometime and was coincidence that riot training was this weekend. Riot control is probably the most unnerving part of Kev's training for me to hear about. A lot of aspects of his new life are going to take getting used to. I'm just so thankful for the heavy training Kev is getting at the Academy to prepare him for a long, safe career.

On a lighter note, the cadets also had pursuit driving on Saturday. It was hot out, so while taking turns to drive the cars, apparently the Staff Officers filled up a few water balloons and soaked the cadets. Kev said a couple didn't break and it was tempting to pick them up and toss them back, but of course he didn't ;) After that, a couple cadets left the keys in the squad cars and when the sergeant noticed, he threw them in the 12ft end of the pool and told them to go get them! Lesson learned. In the meantime, I spent the day driving around looking for places for us to live. No luck yet!

Kev made such an effort to see me this weekend and I am SO thankful for him! He drove down Friday night when he got off around 6pm, spent the night and woke up at 4am to make it back to the Academy by 6am for a 12 hour day. Then drove back to see me and home the next evening. He has done such an amazing job of focusing his effort on the Academy but making sure to always make time for me and make me feel special. I'm such a lucky girl.

4 more weeks! 4 more....

- Mimi

Friday, July 8, 2016


The purpose of this blog is to document Kev's journey through the California Highway Patrol Academy and share our positive outlook, determination, and honest challenges along the way with those who may be in either of our shoes today or at some point in the future. However, life outside the Academy is very real and certainly has an impact on us. The tragic events that unfolded yesterday in Dallas, Texas are heartbreaking. Being in law enforcement is one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs in America, and our heroes have dedicated their lives to a profession that commits them to ensuring a safe community for us all to live and thrive in. The men and women behind the badge deserve our love, respect, and support. We are all faced with difficult decisions in life, but none like the decisions in the hands of law enforcement. Their sole purpose is to protect and serve the community, but they also have to come home at the end of the day to their families. They too are wives, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends. My heart goes out to the fallen of the Dallas attack, their families and their loved ones and my prayers are extended to all those affected by the recent violence across our nation. Events like these bring fear to all of us with a loved one in law enforcement. Right now, Kev is safe at the Academy but the hate that lies outside the gates makes me fearful everyday that we inch closer to graduation. These occurrences shed light on the gallant efforts of law enforcement everyday and the inherent oppression they also endure. I pray that one day there can be peace and equality for all lives, even blue, across our nation. Every life is precious.

May Kev, his classmates in CTC 1-16 and all other law enforcement live a long, fulfilling, and safe career. The responsibility to respect life lies with all of us.

Day 158/194 - Passed Agency High Speed!

Thursday, Week 23!
Yesterday, Kev passed agency high-speed! Woo hooo! I had dinner at his parent's house last night and apparently he was a little more anxious about passing than he allowed me to see. His mom told me that he asked her not to send out graduation party invites until he passed high-speed. I am always so confident in Kev and trust that he will do well, that I can sometimes overlook his nerves. Kev FaceTimed us when he was off and told us all about the track and testing. He also told me later how pressured he felt to pass because we are starting to look for a home together too. I didn't even think of that. In a sense, I think it is a good thing I don't worry about him and add to his stress. I just believe in him and support him any way I can. He does the same for me by not letting me see his concern, and it works for us. When he needs me, he let's me know. We always end up on the same page.

So, high-speed. Kev sent me a little picture of the track so that he could explain the course and testing. I can't write about everything but I'll explain a little. The track is about 2 miles long, with an "S" turn on one end, a short uphill portion, and a couple rounded turns that loop you back to the start. Kev says you drive at 120 mph with the EVOC instructor in the vehicle and strategically drive the track for about an hour and a half to two hours. He was saying that on some of the rounded turns, you come up to a guard rail at 120 mph and your gut instinct is to turn out of it but you have to steer around the turn - the instructor will also guide you on how to drive. At one point, you are in the vehicle alone and the instructor watches from a tower. Kev says that part was exciting but scary in the sense that when the instructor is with you, they can grab the wheel to help you steer at times but when you're alone it's up to you. He seemed to love the high-speed testing even though it was stressful because passing meant the world to him! He was definitely very enthusiastic when telling us about testing. He had some great stories but unfortunately I am not very articulate in the world of driving fast cars so I won't even try. All I know is that I will be driving this weekend ;)

Kev also received an amazing grade in the high 90s on his report writing exam and passed agency rifle! I'm so proud of him! We are so close!

- Mimi

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 157/194 - Week 23 & Agency High Speed!

Wednesday, Week 23!
This is the first time I have felt like time has been flying by and I wish I had more of it. As much as I want Kev home, the weeks are gone before we know it and there is a lot to do - both at the academy and at home!

Kev and the Senior class are currently doing EVOC testing for Agency high speed. This is a huge part of the academy and certainly a 'fear-factor' for it's ability to affect attrition. Kev says each of them go out to the track with an instructor in the car and hit the pedal until they hit about 120 mph . Then they navigate the course, including a few turns. The testing period is a little drawn out because the class has to go one at a time and everyone gets up to 4 attempts to pass. The EVOC officers can also only pull the cadets out of certain classes for retesting and avoid pulling cadets from range. Kev had his first attempt yesterday and did not pass. He gets to give it another shot this afternoon. I'll be sending good thoughts his way all day! Kev basically says you need to have the pedal to the floor the entire time and you won't pass if you don't. Out of all of his roommates, only one passed on the first try yesterday and he was a retread who actually failed high-speed during his first time at the academy. Kev's happy for him and confident he will be right behind him, hopefully today! It is a little nerve-racking, but I'm so thankful to have such a driven man. I trust Kev and even though I should maybe worry more, I have so much faith in him and know he is capable of anything he puts his mind to. I used to worry a lot more in the beginning of the Academy. However, after seeing his persistence and stop-at-nothing attitude to achieve his dream over the last 5 months, I just trust that he will take us there and cheer him on every chance I get!

Other than high-speed, the cadets have PT every morning this week since they had a long weekend. They also have to report for a full day on Saturday until 5 PM. I'm hoping he can leave the Academy on Friday night so we can try to see each other though. We are so lucky to only live about an hour away from the Academy.

On Saturday, I have 3 appointments to look at condos for us! I specifically scheduled Saturday so Kev and I could make a day of it, but leave it up to the CHP academy to spoil our plans ;) In the end, I know Kev trusts my opinion sand we have similar taste. I just wish we could look together because it would definitely be more fun! It is also the first place we will live together in! We are both so excited!

I can't believe how far we are now and that we know Kev's area office. I hope everyone reading who is aspiring to achieve the same goal gets to feel how we feel at this point too. It's a sense of accomplishment, pride and unity. We feel so strong as a couple and thankful for each other - Kev for persevering and me for staying strong and waiting for my man.

I love you Kevvy! This time next month you with be graduating next week!! Crush high speed today baby xo

- Mimi