Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 88/194

Thursday, Week 13!
Friends and family of Seniors were on campus on Thursday and were even able to enjoy lunch in the chow hall with their cadets. Kev said the week has been inspiring and has really amped up his motivation. This second half of the academy as a Senior will be another milestone and new beginning. Three more months to devote yourself and give it everything you've got. Kev has amazed me with how well he has done up to this point and despite our initial fears when we started, we have become even closer as a couple. I can't wait to see how well he does in the months to come!

I pictured family, wives and girlfriends of the seniors in my head and imagined how great they must feel to have reached the end. I never mean to leave out boyfriends and husbands - I know there are cadets who are women too and deserve just as much recognition. I am just writing from my perspective as a girlfriend, but I am sure the feelings for them are similar too:) Even though the grads will begin their field training soon and likely have night shifts for a bit, at least they are home! I really can't wait for us to experience this week. I feel so excited and it isn't even us! I can only imagine how they feel :)

Kev had range for 4 hours in the morning and said they had a friendly shooting contest too. Shoot a few rounds, hit the target in a certain amount of time, yada yada. Good times... until... gun inspections!! With all the tests and short weekend, apparently almost all the cadets had dirty guns. They are supposed to thoroughly clean them after each use. Kev did receive a gig for his gun not being clean enough. He said 'filthy' guns received an automatic Wednesday restriction and a few of those were handed out as well. Range was followed by an in class lecture on enforcement tactics and scenarios on this will be held after graduation today (Friday). These will be just practice though. I believe real scenarios begin the week the next class starts at the academy.

Kev's day ended by setting up the gymnasium for the graduation ceremony the next day. His class also all received their assignments for the graduation. It sounds similar to the cadets on orientation day who were there greeting us and directing us around the campus. Unfortunately, Kev is stationed somewhere where he won't be able to see the ceremony. One good thing though - no Friday PT! ;)

Speaking of orientation. There are voluntary sign up sheets to work the CTC 2-16 orientation day next Sunday. Kev said everyone has been a little reluctant to volunteer though, considering last weekend was cut short and this Sunday they also have to report back around noon to be tear gassed. Two short weekends in a row makes everyone a little hesitant to drop their name on the roster! It is also on Mother's Day. However, I'm sure they will get their volunteers one way or another ;) I don't blame Kev for wanting to be home though, especially with next week's schedule:

Sunday -> Tear Gas
Wednesday -> Pepper Spray
Friday -> Taser

The poor guy is going to be hurting next weekend!! We have a wedding this Saturday though and will squeeze in a little fun before the tough week ahead. Only one more day to get through before he comes home!!

- Mimi

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day 87/194

Wednesday, Week 13!
No more whispering! Late night chats when his roommates are asleep are over for now. Kev and I were able to talk at a reasonable time last night and I was so happy. However, his roommates do distract him a little when they are awake;) I swear they are all either tooting (Kev included) or tuning into our conversation, and when they are asleep I can't hear Kev because he is whispering. This is what happens when your boyfriend or husband leaves you to live in a small room with 12 guys! Toots so loud the other wives on the phones hear, or talk about who's movement smells worse after meat loaf day. Enjoy!! I think I am going to have to retrain Kev after the academy!

The cadets' morning started with participation in the Senior's Capitol Run! They all went out and lined up in knuckle push up position near the gates of the academy and did push ups until they came out, then planked on their knuckles as they ran by. After they ran off, the Juniors went back to their day. Kev said it was inspiring and pretty exciting to catch some of the run, even if it was on his poor knuckles. Three more months until he is in their shoes :)

There was a gig line after breakfast because apparently the sergeant was sitting in his car watching the ceremony and saw a couple cadets fall out of plank too soon. Kev said he ate breakfast pretty quickly and ran out to the drill pad early for drill so he by chance just missed the line, no gig! Others weren't so lucky!

Lunch: Lunch is never exciting - unless its chili cheese dog day OR lunch after the Senior's Capitol Run. The entire Academy was able to enjoy prime rib and shrimp - JUMBO shrimp according to Kev. When lunch was the topic we started having on the phone last night, I could even hear his roommates getting excited. Apparently, every cadet received a slice of prime rib and 5 jumbo shrimpHowever, when Kev bit into his 5th jumbo shrimp, it crunched because the center of the shrimp was still frozen solid. In an effort not to give up on his 5th shrimp, he said he slipped it under his warm prime rib to hopes of defrosting it. I can't even tell you how concerned he and his roommates were about this frozen shrimp incident and how hard I was laughing on the phone! The defrost attempt failed. Their conclusion was that if it had been a regular size shrimp then the defrost method may have been a success but instead the jumbo shrimp was too thick. The jokes continued on about going to the staff office to report the frozen 5th shrimp that ultimately meant he only truly received 4 of the 5 distributed shrimp. Clearly none of them will ever tell the staff about the shrimp if they want to live another day ;)

The Junior class finally took over the fountain ceremony on Wednesday around lunch time for the FIRST time. Apparently it wasn't the smoothest production the staff had seen and the cadets were made well aware it looked like 'trash'. They will just have to keep practicing. Apparently it was a 'pivoting' issue that had a domino effect.

Prior to being let out for liberty, the rest of the day was spent doing felony pull overs which Kev said was a lot more fun than the basic stop and loved it - ONLY because it is a scenario and not real life danger. Some of the lessons and tactics they learn remind you how brave they are for the kind of people they will be facing on the job. As his girlfriend though, I am praying that all Kev's days as an officer are filled chasing chihuahuas on bridges and saving baby ducks. (For those of you reading from out of the country - CHP recently closed the Bay Bridge to catch a little chihuahua wrecking havoc!) That is the kind of pull over I want Kev to be doing. I always tell Kev that I am going to make an iPhone app for CHP wives, girlfriends and families to pre-order chihuahuas and ducks let lose on their highways. What a business that would be! Look out for us on Shark Tank ;)

- Mimi

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 86/194

Tuesday, Week 13!
I didn't hear from Kev until about 10:30 PM again last night. Sometimes I'll get a quick convo via text before his night time agenda begins, but that should be the last late night this week thankfully. He said the PT sergeant ran PT again Tuesday morning, running around them and faster than any of them can. He ran them a mile and a half, and then out to the high speed track for another two mile run. Kev and I both can't help but laugh about it a little when he shares some of the crazier PT stories. I am sure three months from now he is really going to miss these mornings with the PT staff ;)

The rest of the day consisted of class on the criminal justice system, and some specifics I don't know enough about to even attempt to relay. Then they had domestic violence scenarios practice before heading out that evening for their basic stop night time test. Kev thinks he did well on the test but said they didn't reveal last night if any one passed. Fingers crossed that we hear good news today!

Kev's class will start scenario testing in the next two weeks. The Seniors actually just finished the same scenario testing a few weeks ago. That shows you just how vastly different the newly restructured schedule is for Kev's class. The attrition rate still seems to be pretty low, so perhaps it is working as planned. I'm curious to find out the final attrition percentage for this class compared to the average as a result of the restructure and to hear the thoughts of the staff when the class graduates.

Kev was pretty enthusiastic last night and is really enjoying the hands on training lately. He says the excitement of hands on training tends to make learning a lot more fun than the in classroom work because he is so amped and eager to learn about the career he has dreamed about for so long. Everything now is new and exciting. He has his masters in criminal justice, so some of the classroom time can be review. However, even aside from the driving and shooting, he really enjoys learning and retaining the meticulous, thought-out procedures he is being taught each day. It is really interesting to hear about them too and learn why everything is done a certain way.

Our call last night was also exciting because the Seniors had their Capitol Run this morning (Wednesday). Fountain practice was canceled so Seniors could practice for graduation that night. Kev said he and his class will line up in push up position along the entrance to the academy for when the Seniors run out. I can't wait to hear all about tonight!!! Three months until we are right there too!!!

The CHP academy posted a live video of the run this morning, check it out below:)

- Mimi

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 85/194 - Start of Week 13!

Monday, Week 13! 
The numbers of the weeks are starting to get up there! Week 13 has a nice ring, but not quite the ring the Senior's week has! They get to graduate on Friday! I can't even tell you how badly I wish we could trade places and be where they are at today! I know that will be us soon enough, but I am ready to have my boyfriend home again, vacation, and finally move in together :) Congratulations to CTC 3-15, you are only days away! Your families are waiting, and your hard work has earned you the career of your dreams! We'll see you out there soon!

The pace for Kev's class is picking up even more now. All of a sudden, Kev is busier than ever! You really feel the impact at home when the course work transitions from in classroom to field work. It is definitely an exciting kind of busy though. Since last week, Kev has had night driving training - basic stops last week and code 3 Monday night. He is absolutely loving it, but night driving means just that - the sun has to be down for training. That means I don't hear from Kev until much later. Knowing that Kev is out enjoying himself learning something new tends to give me more contentment than wondering if he is out there getting chewed up in PT, drill or a gig line. In that case, hearing from him later in the evening isn't too bad but just something to re-acclimate to. It was kind of like this when he first started the academy and then it started to get pretty consistent for a while where I would hear from him around the same time, maybe 6 or 7 PM? Last night I didn't hear from him until 10:30 PM. That is part of the LE training at home - get used to the change! We are all in the academy.

In addition to the night driving, PT has been rough lately too. Kev said yesterday PT was ran by the PT Sergeant, formerly in SWAT and Marines. That should tell you about all you need to know - basically he is one heck of a beefcake and determined to push the cadets as hard as they can manage. Kev said the Sergeant was running in circles around them and running backwards as fast as they were running forward! Some of these stories do make me laugh. Kev's day is soooo much crazier than mine, and here I am telling him to mellow out before calling me at night ;)

Tuesday Kev has his night time basic stop test. He says he feels pretty confident about it and they were able to practice a lot during the day on Monday too. Fingers crossed! Scenarios also start in about two weeks when the new Junior class arrives. He seems pretty excited to get started, but it is another rumor-mill area of the academy where it's said that scenarios also lead to attrition. At this rate, if we believed all the rumors there would be no cadets left or CHP on the streets! Don't believe everything you read. Anything worth having will offer a challenge to get there! Challenges keep life interesting. Kev and his buddies will nail it! Sending all my good thoughts <3

- Mimi

Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 82-84/194

Friday, Week 12!
On Friday, Kev was off around the usual time (5 PM) and he headed over to his little brother and sister in law's house just up the highway from Reed Ave. As for me, I left work in San Francisco around the same time, took transit to the East Bay to pick up my car, and then made my way up to Sacramento. I finally arrived around 8:30 PM! As bad as the drive was, it was possible! I know a lot of wives and girlfriends didn't get to see their cadets this weekend since the volunteer work on Saturday was at 6 AM in Sacramento. It would have been tough to anyone who is from down South to make it happen. In that case, I cherished our time together.

Kev's little brother was working Friday night on the ambulance, so his sister in law made us dinner, and we enjoyed the evening with her, his baby nephew, and his cousin who stopped by. Before bed of course, we took some time to ourselves to talk about our disconnect on Thursday night. The hard part about a disagreement while your significant other is at the academy, is that you don't get the opportunity for a face to face discussion and you can't talk to them the entire next day. In that case, you have to be careful about sitting on things. Don't let them fester or become greater than they really are. Remember why you are disappointed and address only that, when the time is right. Kev and I did just that and he promised to try to settle down, take a shower, or do 'paperwork' ;) to unwind from the day before jumping on the phone with me. He said sometimes he doesn't even realize how worked up he is. In return, I promised to be less stubborn during our arguments while he is away. I tend to drag things on to prove a point, but our time together is precious, and we don't have time for stubbornness. If we have a disconnect we want to squash it as soon as possible so we can enjoy our time together, whether that is over the phone, FaceTiming, or in person.

Saturday and Sunday!
On Saturday, Kev woke up around 5 AM to report to the academy by 6 AM. He had breakfast at the academy and then was able to take his own car to the volunteer area. The volunteer work was at a property that sheltered victims of sex crimes and trafficking. Kev said they spent the day cleaning up their beautiful ranch property.

While Kev was volunteering, I headed over to visit an old friend who also just had a baby. I try to visit her and her husband whenever I can, so this was the perfect opportunity. I spent the day catching up with them and when Kev was off he dropped by to meet them too before we headed back to his brother's house. It was such a nice visit. We ended the evening with his brother and sister in law and took the baby out to dinner with us before heading home to the East Bay. We decided we needed a night at home to unwind with just the two of us after such a long week. We had the perfect lazy Sunday, cuddling and vegging, to reconnect us and reset ourselves for week 13 ahead!

On Monday, Kev is getting fitted for his tan uniform! This is the first time he will see himself in his tans. SOOOOOO exciting!!!! We are inching our way to August and these little moments mean everything to us!

- Mimi

Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 81/194

Thursday, Week 12 - Thoughts About Last Night
We are almost through week 12 and 5 PM on Friday can't come soon enough! Kev is pushing himself and working hard every day, and I am at home trying my best to give him 100% support. It's becoming more normal to be away from him, but the academy can still be very consuming. I think about Kev most of the day and I typically can't wait for our call at the end of the day. Kev and I have talked every day since February 1st, when he started the academy. I can't thank him enough for making time to stay connected and close with me in the midst of the heavy work load, studies, stress, and time constraints. I honestly appreciate it and love him even more now for his dedication to the academy and consistent devotion to me. However, there are still days that shift in nature and I find myself to be the one who is frustrated. I didn't talk to Kev much Thursday night. We switch off who begins to tell about their day based on what's going on in our individual lives. He is a great listener and always gives me advice or just an open ear when I need it, and I try to do the same for him. Kev had a busy day on Thursday, so when we finally jumped on the phone around 9:30 PM, he was eccentric, in academy mode and tone, and had a lot to tell me about. Starting with a hectic gig line first thing in the morning and ending the night practicing basic stops while the sun was down. There is a night test on basic stops next week, so it is important that the cadets squeeze in as much practice as possible.

I completely understand that as we approach the second half of the academy, the focus and time allocation will scale. I try to be very patient and understanding that Kev will need to prioritize his time but sometimes it can be tough. While days can be jam packed, Kev is enjoying the academy. Maybe that is part of the reason I expect more - because he is out enjoying himself and I feel like the one waiting at home? Of course, I would rather my boyfriend is happy at his job every day than dreading it but the inconsistency of time allotted to each other is what I find myself struggling to acclimate to. I begin to habituate to a schedule, and one night it suddenly changes. That can be tough to get used to. I realize this is something that will continue when Kev becomes an officer and shifts change or the unexpected happens and he is back up for a few more hours of his shift when I expected him home. It is something I know I will have to get used to. It will just take time.

We didn't talk long last night because I was quick to get off the phone. He was still hyped up and wasn't talking to me like his girlfriend, more like another cadet. Kev is very loving and has remained that way throughout the academy. He hasn't changed. However, he can't figure out how to turn the academy/job on and off yet. That is something I really wish he could do for me. Sometimes, at the end of the day I just miss our normalcy. Our innocent stories and chats about nothing. Those little conversations can be the ones that lead us to get to know each other a little deeper. When you are apart, your stories tend to only be about your day - my day at work and Kev's day at the academy. It's about A to Z, sunrise to sundown. It can be very draining at times. It's certainly something I need to work on myself too. Of course I don't think you shouldn't keep things bottled up, but I think it's important to keep the conversation natural more often than not - like we normally would when we were together all the time. I love and appreciate that Kev always fills me in on his day, schedule, and academy life and I wouldn't want it any other way. We just need a 'switch' though. A 'switch' to turn it off and find a sense of calm at the end of the day. We have only been introduced to the LE life for about 3 months, so it goes to show that there is a lot to learn at home, outside of the academy as well. The academy will guide you to success in your career, but it is up to both of us to find the key to success as a couple in this crazy, new, life of ours. We just have to work together.

- Mimi

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day 79-80/194

Tuesday & Wednesday, Week 12!
The week has been moving along as they all do now. I always miss having Kev at home but our situation is continuing to feel more normal. At the academy this week, they have been focusing a lot on basic stops. That means long mornings out driving squad cars. When there isn't back to back testing involved, the week feels a little more mellow. Basic stops this week have been followed by an afternoon of classwork - memo writing and how to write a DUI report. I think Kev likes a little classroom downtime here and there. It's a break from PT, tests, and running from place to place. He shined brass on Tuesday night and went out with the guys for Liberty on Wednesday night. He is in the swing of things and reminded me that he won't have to shine brass for much longer - the new junior cadets will be arriving soon! It is always those small milestones that keep our heads up. It distracts you from the weeks remaining ahead and brings a bit of excitement to the 'now'.

As for interesting news, a cadet round finally went off! Kev was practicing PMA for the test on Thursday morning when he heard that a cadet accidentally fired off his 'cadet round'. When we finally talked that night, he warned me he may have to hang up the phone if the staff officers charge in the squads but it turned out to be a quiet night. We will find out how tomorrow goes for the cadet and class. One thing we do know is that the cadet will be walking around with a little plastic red gun. The academy likes to point people out that way, just like the red tape on the batons of the training table cadets and the marshmallow PT shirts. Kev feels for the cadet though. He says the accident may likely end up noted somewhere in his area office file, but that's why all those cadets are there - to learn. Kev said the academy is the place to make that kind of mistake and learn from it, he's right. That cadet will likely always be extra careful with his gun from now on. Mistakes and accidents usually refine you for the better. If he shakes it off, learns from it and keeps pushing, then he will still get his badge too.

This weekend is the community service day for cadets on Saturday. I'm not thrilled about cutting into what little time we get to spend together on the weekends but Kev's little brother lives in Sac, so we are staying with them on Friday night so Kev can report at 6 AM. That also means time with his new baby nephew that we love seeing!

Two more days until I see my handsome cadet and the love of my life!

"Success does not consist of never making mistakes but of never making the same one a second time"
- George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 75-78/194 - Start of Week 12!

Friday - Sunday, Week 11
I used to write day by day, but as we dive deeper into the academy the days are moving so fast! Even for me at home. While fast may be tougher on the cadets, it is fine with me! I just can't wait to wake up to my boyfriend everyday again :)

There were no tests last Friday for Kev which was nice after a long, hard week! Usually the cadets don't ever have tests on Fridays, but everything at the academy can be subject to change. The cadets have a schedule of the weeks ahead but I'm not sure how consistent it is. I think Kev has said it changes occasionally.

Kev was pretty zoned out in academy mode last weekend, so it was nice to have him more grounded this weekend! He knew his mind was elsewhere preparing for the week ahead, so he made more of a conscious effort to give me a little more love and attention this weekend. I won't lie, I loved it! We did have a lot of family time though. We visited with my dad who unfortunately is pretty miserable in his neck brace right now, and took a trip to Kev's parent's house to check out how their kitchen remodel is coming along and grab breakfast together. It was a nice weekend, but we didn't get too much time with just the two of us, which tends to make the Sunday goodbye a little harder. I literally have to force myself to shut the door or we keep turning around for another kiss and our goodbye takes way too long when Kev needs to make his way back to Sac. Fortunately, it is only an hour drive for him but he still needs to get home and prep for Monday. And this Monday was the PT test! I guess it wasn't in a couple weeks like I thought or it's already been a couple weeks, who knows haha. Sometimes I can get the schedule mixed up with all the stories and upcoming dates I hear! Imagine how it must be for the cadets!

Monday, Start of week 12! - PT Test
Monday was a crazy day for Kev and his company! They had a PT test to measure their progress. The morning began with push ups, sits ups and a mile and a half timed run. Kev made the run time and did fine in the other areas as well. After the morning physical tests, they were fitted for their PERMANENT vests!! Kev said they are much lighter and more comfortable than the ones they have now, and of course it was another exciting little milestone that tells us we are inching closer to that badge!

After two hours of fitting vests, they continued PT testing. The second half of testing consisted of more push ups, pull ups, and an obstacle course timed run through. Kev has improved so much and was ready for this day of physical testing. He did great the whole day until he slipped on a portion of the obstacle course. Unfortunately, that set him back a few mat spots.

Kev was pretty bummed about the slip when we talked. The PT tests are all averaged into your final score/grade at the academy. It's by no means the end of the world, but he was frustrated because the slip distracted from his hard work and how much he had improved. It was just a fluke slip. I told him tomorrow is another day, a new start, day 1. Time to realign our focus and strategize the approach to each challenge ahead, one at a time. Kev is a natural successor and sometimes I think he approaches a challenge knowing he will do well. I told him if he approaches it with confidence but a more strategic and slightly cautious mindset, the outcome could far exceed his expectations and those of others. Kev can sometimes focus on the heavy workload and weeks ahead rather than one challenge at a time. That's the new goal for our 'Day 1' - one challenge at a time! The slip is behind us and he is still near the head of the class as far as we know it! Besides, he will always be my #1 CHP cadet :)

"SUCCESS is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and PERSISTENCE" 
- Colin Powell

- Mimi

Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 74/194

Thursday, Week 11!
With EVOC POST testing now out of the way, most of the day was driving practice for the Agency Specific test - code 3 driving and skid pan. To pass the POST skid pan, he only had to successfully control one skid. On the Agency Specific skid pan test he will have to correct 3 consecutive skids on the 'S' turn. He will have plenty of time to practice though. The test isn't until around week 20 and the cadets are able to practice on their own now between the hours of 5 - 7 PM. Kev is having a blast! When we finally get to talk at the end of the day, he is so eccentric and excited telling his EVOC story! I literally can't even get a question in, but it's pretty cute. I am so glad he is having fun and enjoying it rather than needing me to console him because he is nervous.

There is a PMA test coming up next Tuesday that we will have to practice for this weekend, but the flow of tests should be back to normal for a little while. This was just a crazy week with both EVOC and learning domain tests. Kev is definitely looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend!

My dad is doing well recovering and should hopefully be home from the hospital today (Friday). This year has been off to a rough start. First my grandma, then Kev's mom was in the ER, and now my dad. I always say all bad things happen in 'threes', so I really hope that is the last of the hospital visits!

Anyhow, it's Friday and I can't wait for my Kevvy to come home! My favorite part of the day is when I open the door to see him standing behind it with his war bag, duffel, and laundry bag just looking at me. He is usually in slacks or nice jeans, with his polo tucked in, a belt and all clean shaven. Then I jump right into his arms before he even has a chance to speak or walk in the door. We always hold that hug a little longer than others, even when we say good bye. That right there, is my favorite moment of the week :)

- Mimi

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day 71-73/194 - Start of Week 11 & EVOC POST Testing

Monday - Wednesday, Week 11!
This week has been a whirlwind. A lot of exciting things are happening at the academy for Kev and the Junior cadets. However, during this exciting week at the academy, my dad was admitted into the hospital for emergency surgery on his back, C3-C6 vertebrae, which are high into his neck. It was very scary and sudden, so I missed a lot of call time with Kev while I was in the hospital. Thankfully, my dad is recovering from surgery now and we are just waiting for him to walk on his own and for some of the pain to subside so he can come home. I am very grateful that he is doing well and in recovery, especially after losing my grandma shortly after her surgery in February. She was looking over us through this one.

Now, let's talk EVOC!

Next to shooting a gun, it seems every cadet is either looking forward to EVOC or dreading it. In Kev's case, driving fast in a squad car is a dream come true. However, he of course had some apprehension since the risk of underperforming and going home is always present. This week has been mainly EVOC driving! Ultimately, they are shown how to drive, get a practice shot and then are tested. The process is all very fast. You either pick it up or you go home. The EVOC testing this week is all POST testing, so the cadets will still have to pass the Agency Specific testing too around week 20.

Rumor has it that if your class is improving and going strong in PT that the instructors will amp it up a bit more. At least that is what Kev heard, but whether that is true or not is up for debate. Either way, it's a good mindset to get them to keep pushing I suppose.  So, PT on Monday morning started with 800 jumping jacks - there is no typo there, 800!!! Followed by a run too of course. Also, in the midst of all the EVOC training, the cadets have learning domain tests. Monday the were tested on the rules for arresting juveniles and Kev passed, only missing one question!

After PT, the classroom test, and lunch the cadets began EVOC training on vehicle placement. Kev got to be in the patrol car alone and maneuver the course, switch lanes, parallel park, and other back up work. He loved the obstacle course which was in an 'S' shape serpentine with cones and being able to reverse the squad car going 50 mph! After instruction and practice, he passed the test!

Tuesday was the skid pan test! Kev learned to skid the back end of the car out around the turns and to regain control of the vehicle. The course has a few turns to practice on. I forget how many turns he got to attempt in order to pass the test but he did it! During this portion of testing he only had to go 25 mph. Skid pan POST testing, done! He also took a test in the morning on unusual occurrences, like plane crashes, and received a 100%!

More PT fun, aka 500 mountain climbers followed by a run too of course :) After PT torture, EVOC consisted of a driving simulator where you sit in a chair with screens and controls in front of you. Kev said all the movement and lanes flying by on the screen almost gave him motion sickness. After lunch, they went to do 11:99 and code 3 driving, the fun stuff! If you have read the book Cadet Blues, it was just like Krider describes when he talks about 'chasing the rabbit' with the squad car following close behind him. Kev described it pretty much exactly the same and said the hardest part was keeping his speed up while talking on the radio. Kev said during the test at the end of instruction, he had two officers in his vehicle because one was being evaluated or reviewed. Most of the other cadets only had one officer in the car with them, but Kev had one in the front seat and another in the back which made him a little nervous. Code 3 driving took him two tries but he passed! The cadets get one practice evaluation and if you pass it counts, if not you get one more practice run and then the test. I believe this is only the case for the POST testing of EVOC.

Kev passed all three of his EVOC POST tests and three of his learning domain tests by Wednesday of this week! He still has one more test today (Thursday)! Sadly, Kev's company did lose one guy to Code 3 driving though. The other company lost 2 cadets to EVOC. We are still going strong and Kev learning to drive for the CHP! Every time I talk to him he is on Cloud 9! The cadets even get to practice in the cars on their own at approved times.

All in all, this has been an exciting week thus far. Here at home I am looking forward to having Kev home this weekend since it was a rough week for me with my Dad's surgery but thankfully we are all doing well now. I always miss Kev, but seeing him on the weekends only is starting to feel more normal. I'm doing really well with my diet and exercise and I've been focusing on that a lot during the week in addition to work in order to continue to better myself while Kev is doing the same at the academy :) We are looking forward to the 80 degree weather in the Bay this weekend and getting some sun BBQing poolside! We may have to pull out a few notecards and practice arrest techniques while we are at it, but it shouldn't be too bad studying out in the sun. Only a couple more days to wrap up week 11!

- Mimi

Monday, April 11, 2016

Day 68-70/194 - Intro to EVOC & Skid Pan!

Friday  Week 10!
The pace and study at the academy is about to pick up again! Not only that, but we are officially starting EVOC! Everyone starting the academy hears the horror stories of attrition as a direct correlation to EVOC training and more specifically, the skid pan. The skid pan is a part of the driving course that has slick concrete and sprinklers that spray water on the course. This is where the cadets learn to safely steer and control a vehicle out of a skid. On Friday, Kev and his company had their official introduction to EVOC and the skid pan! After an introductory class to EVOC and driving verbiage, the cadets went out to the skid pan to really experience EVOC! The instructors packed them into the squad cars 4 at a time, had them buckle up, and took them out on the course. Kev said everyone in his car was screaming and smiling as they spun out and the instructor slid the car around the course. They took turns as passengers and Kev was eventually able to sneak into the front seat for a 'shot gun' view! He said the wet course makes for a musty smelling car, so the windows were down for air the whole time to let air in. He said they were all a little wet at the end of the demonstration, but it was well worth it. The intro really pumped him up and regardless of the skid pan horror stories, he can't wait to jump in the drivers seat!! There will be a few more days of training and the first 'skid pan' test is at the end of this week! The cadets will only be going 25 miles an hour, but it will come down to mastering and demonstrating the techniques they are taught. The other company in the junior class lost 2 cadets to EVOC so far. They started a week earlier than Kev.

Saturday and Sunday!
Saturday we finally got Kev set back up at our local gym and we had a great workout! We followed our workout with amazing salads from Tender Greens and spent the rest of the afternoon with Kev's family. His youngest brother, wife and new baby nephew were in town for the night so we all had dinner together, including his mom and dad, and spent the rest of the night playing with his adorable nephew:)

On Sunday, we woke up and had another great workout together. Kev has another PT test in about two weeks, so he wants to keep training and preparing on the weekends when possible. We tried to catch a yoga class for a good stretch too but unfortunately I slept in a little too long. Even though Kev has to wake up before the sun at the academy, he is awake pretty early at home too. You would think he would want to sleep in as much as possible, but he says he doesn't want to waste the day as opposed to just habit. When I opened my eyes on Sunday, he was laying there next to me already studying.

We are on to WEEK 11 now! This week will have 4 tests in addition to the SKID PAN test. I have complete faith in Kev's success but it is going to be a tough week ahead! I appreciate and admire his confidence and determination so much. I know that he wants to succeed to achieve his own dream as much as he wants to make our future dreams possible and I can never thank him enough. Even though the academy life isn't ideal because we give up a lot of our time together, I wouldn't trade it for the world and I am still so happy I met him when I did. I can't wait to watch the love of my life receive his badge and see the look in his eyes when his hard work makes his dream a reality. Every day and every Sunday goodbye is a step closer!

- Mimi

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day 65-67 /194

Tuesday - Thursday, Week 10!

Kev's week has been going great! He confirmed that the seniors graduate on May 29th! That is going to be an amazing feeling for Kev and his class when they become seniors. I can' even believe that chapter of the academy is approaching. Even though it isn't his graduation, it is another little milestone that makes us feel accomplished and like the finish line is even closer!

This week at the academy:

- This week the cadets are learning about arresting minors, felony arrests, and how to handle a victim. They participate in scenarios and learn as a class how each individual could have done better. Kev volunteered for a scenario handling a victim.

- There will be 4 tests next week, likely on what I mentioned above but I'll double check. So, looks like we'll need to study hard this weekend

- More PT, PMA and range

- Kev and the other fountain cadets have been practicing everyday

- On Wednesday, the cadets continued training on basic stops and got to drive the Crown Vics for the first time! They practiced pulling people over and all the steps involved, including using lights and sirens! This was probably the second most excited Kev has been since their first day shooting at the range ;)


Kev says that he is feeling more of a transition from classroom work to hands-on training now and is pretty excited about it. This Friday, the other company gets the day off while Kev and his company begin EVOC in-class training. On Monday, his company starts the actual driving! EVOC can be an intimidating part of the academy as it is a well known high contributing factor to attrition. Kev says a few retreads are nervous for it but his personal spirit and enthusiasm towards EVOC training is currently at a high. He seems to be more excited and anxious to get started than anything. However, it is completely understandable how some cadets giving it a second shot could have some anticipation. I couldn't imagine getting as far into the academy as some of them and then having to start all over. I give it to them though for going after it again and I'm sure their determination to pass this time will get them through it. That couldn't have been easy for them or their family. It has been pretty exciting talking with Kev at night and catching up about the academy as the hands on training picks up, but the farther into it we go it does become even more pressing that Kev is successful at everything he is taught in order to avoid that scenario ourselves. His energy and spirit towards the academy puts me at ease though. I have complete faith and confidence in him and trust that he will make it through every challenge he faces. We are going to make it to August 12th, no matter what!

Also... today is our anniversary! :)

Happy Anniversary babe! Missing you and thinking you all day today. You are my best friend and soul mate. You make me so proud every day! I love you endlessly.

- Mimi

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Day 64/194 - Start of Week 10!

Monday, Week 10!

We have officially entered double digits - for weeks that is, I wish it were days! Everything is continuing to go smooth for Kev and I. Work is going well for me - it's closing week AGAIN. I'm starting to think I should have been an enforcement officer so I can get paid for personal training and have more excitement in my day;) I started researching our trip though and can't wait! That seems to make the light at the end of the tunnel even brighter! Personally I need a vacation, but even better will be one with my man!

Monday the cadets were surprised with another full perimeter run! Kev has still been having a good time impersonating the huge PT instructor too. In a Batman-esque voice, he says  "I will wreck my body and do what ever it takes to make you fit" and "how many push ups was that? ... wrong, 0! dowwwnnn...."

After PT, Kev and his class did shotgun and pistol work at the range. Range now seems to be about 4 hours of the day. Of course, he really enjoys the range exercises. They are usually different realistic scenarios but unfortunately I can't share all the details Kev tells me. When the cadets were done with range they headed to lunch and then back out to learn about basic stops (pulling someone over). This was their introduction to stops, so they didn't actually get in a vehicle. Instead, they watched the instructors' demonstrations.

Kev ended his day with fountain ceremony practice. He says it has been fun and the biggest challenge is for everyone to stay in step and at the same pace. Some of the fountain cadets have a military background, so Kev says they have more experience marching and help lead the rest who don't. They plan to practice at the end of everyday for now and they should be taking over the ceremony in the next couple weeks. So exciting! I really wish I could watch!

That was it for Monday! It will be a pretty busy week for me trying to meet the close deadlines, so I may summarize the rest of the week in a one blog or two. I did make it to the gym last night and the grocery store for some healthy foods since summer is around the corner! Tonight I'm hoping to get off at a decent time so I can squeeze in cardio and a yoga class. I can have my boyfriend thinking he is the good looking one ;)

- Mimi

Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 61-63/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 9!

Kev's Friday started off with a full perimeter run for the entire class! He said everyone hung in there and made it the entire way without stopping. All the PT training is really starting to pay off. You can physically see changes in Kev too. There isn't an ounce of fat on his stomach! Oh, and he knows it and loves it. He is in front of the mirror more than me lately ;)

The rest of the day he wrapped up learning about concealed weapons and he received his Spanish packet! Time to start practicing Spanish! We planned to get started this weekend, but he decided to study concealed weapons instead. We will start making notecards and working on Spanish at home next weekend. The cadets have 4 weeks to learn to arrest someone in Spanish.

Kev said the Seniors just found out where they are going!  They graduate this month, so that gives them a few weeks to work out any details if moving is involved. I wonder where Kev will be going? I think we are going to start taking some drives along the highways so we can get a better idea about what to put on his dream sheet when the time comes. I am easy regardless! If we stay in the Bay, I'll continue to commute to SF and if we go towards LA, I'm not too worried about finding an accounting job down there. There are a few big start-ups and the NFL Corporate office too - I can work with that :) With the seniors about to graduate, that means Kev should also be packing up and moving into the senior dorm rooms at the end of the month. I believe the next class starts May 1st. Crazy and exciting to think of!

There are so many amazing things to come after the academy for us. Number one is finally moving in with Kev! He is practically moved into my room now. I told him I must really love him to make space for him in my closet ;) Anyhow, I can't wait for that! We are also going to start planning our vacation for after he graduates. He will have about 10 days before he reports for duty, so we are going to go someplace tropical and enjoy some time in the sun together post-Academy / pre-on duty Officer!

Our weekend was really mellow- we relaxed and spent time with family.

On to week 10 of 29!

- Mimi

Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 59-60/194

Here are a few bullet points for the last couple days to make for an easy Friday read:)

Wednesday, Week 9!

- The Junior cadets are almost done with post testing!

- Staff officers said that Kev's company is getting lazy so PT stepped up a notch.

- Kev was inspected and got away without a gig this time! Woop wooopppp!

- He justttttt barely passed his vehicle code test. A solid reminder not to get too comfortable just because you're breezing through tests with A's. Study and prepare for each one! Don't risk being on the bubble, lesson learned with our first close call.

- Kev had liberty so he went out with a few other cadets for pizza. They enjoyed getting out and laughing over stories of how skinny their families say they are getting ;)

- Early paycheck for all cadets

- Update: The class is actually down to 123 cadets from 131. I think those statistics are still better than previous classes at this point, but we still have a ways to go!

Thursday, Week 9!

- Kev volunteered to be part of the fountain ceremony! Just enough cadets volunteered and they had their first practice Thursday night. It is such an honor and I am so proud of Kev for being a part of it! The only downfall is that he will be practicing the ceremony some days when other cadets will practice PMA, but that's okay!

- Friday morning the entire class has their first FULL PERIMETER RUN!! 5 Miles!

Can't wait for another weekend and next week is #10! For some reason, 10 sounds like we are finally making progress towards the finish line!!

- Mimi