Tuesday, December 27, 2016

FTO is Complete! Taking the patrol car out solo for the first time

This last holiday weekend, Kev took the patrol car out on the highway for the first time on his own. I can hardly put into words how happy and accomplished he looked that day, and I'm sure only he can tell you how truly amazing it felt. That day marked a new chapter in his career and our lives together!

It has been an entire year since I started this journey with Kev, but he had been working towards this moment long before I even met him. I asked him the other day, if you knew what you know now and knew how much work it would take to get to today, would you do it all over again? He said absolutely, I love this job.

I wish I could sum it all up, but it has truly been a one of a kind experience. When I started this blog, I was nervous and anticipating the worst. Honestly, the experience has been entirely different than I ever imagined. It has shaped us into stronger individuals and a couple. We both had to support each other along the way, learn what we needed, and adapt together. We developed an inseparable bond in the process.

Kev is more confident than ever now and so proud of what he does everyday. More than anything though, we see law enforcement in a new light. We see how far beyond the individual officer the role touches. Behind every officer is their family and friends who play just as important of a role. Only true friends will stick around when you can't go out on the weekends and family will adjust their schedules to make sure your officer can make it to dinner, a birthday or a special holiday. It takes flexibility, support, love and understanding.

As a girlfriend, the adjustment was hard at times and sometimes still can be. There will always be hard days in life and some of those days you're officer will be working, so you'll have to pull through on your own until they come home. Holidays also aren't a given day off. Kev missed my birthday and Christmas morning this year, but we celebrated on different days instead. We are learning to be flexible. It's hard to change your norm sometimes, but once you're willing to break what you're used to, you quickly realize that it isn't the day that matters, but the people you share it with.

We are so fortunate to officially be a part of the CHP family now and for the many years to come! We have made amazing new friends who have shared this journey with us and continue to be humbled by the small role we play in an amazing organization.

Thank you for reading this blog and following our story! I hope it gave you insight into the making of an officer and their first year. If you or a loved one are about to begin this journey or are currently in the process, I hope it brings you confidence and a little guidance along the way. Never forget that it is your own story though and you carve your own path. You can do anything you put your mind to. And to those of you who may be reading to learn more about law enforcement, I hope it sheds a little light that our officers are human, may be more like you than you know, and all they want is to do their job well and come home to their loved ones after each shift before hurrying off to their next one. Our hats go off to all of the peace officers who dedicate their lives to a career that keeps our communities safe, and their loved ones who act as supporting pillars. Stay safe and thank you for your service.

- Mimi

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