Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Wrapping up Phase 4

Kev only has 2 days left of Phase 4 and then he is officially on his own! Sometimes I stop and think about this past year and how hard he/we worked to get to this moment. It has been a year unlike any other in my life.

Life has become more normal lately too. Kev has had the same schedule for a while and is still working days - up at 2:30am, our the door by 3:30am, home by 6pm and in bed by 9:30pm. It's been a little cyclical but it's so nice to spend time with him every night. Sometimes I don't think we really left the Academy life, because we still have this tight grip on time and our time together, even when we have plenty of it.

This weekend Kev will take the patrol car out on his own for the very first time. Words can never explain how proud I am of him. After his last day of training, I'm going to try to surprise him somehow. Maybe a fancy dinner, a card, and a good bottle of wine to celebrate his accomplishment!

What a year!

- Mimi

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