Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Phase 4 & The Holiday Schedule

So, Kev finally got his phase 4 schedule. This phase is actually only 4 days long and he will be done by Christmas. He is still working his phase 3 day shift schedule which rolls right into phase 4 over the next couple of weeks. Honestly, it's hard to keep track of the schedule. I really only remember the schedule for whatever week we are in and the important days. Like, Christmas - yep, he is working Christmas and New Years Eve. Thankfully, he was able to select day shift for post FTO though, so we will still be able to have Christmas together that night and do a little something for New Years Eve night.

I can't believe Kev's field training is almost over! The day he takes the car out on his own for the first time is going to be so exciting for him. I know he can't wait. He asked me the other night, "should I give people tickets on Christmas?" I said, "heck yah!" You're a highway patrolman! So, word to the wise - a lot of new officers will be off training this holiday season and are ready with their new ticket books, shiny brass and a whole lot of pride, just waiting for you to speed past them. Follow the speed limits and laws of the road if you don't want to meet Kev or any of his academy friends around the state :)

Happy holidays and cheers to almost being done with training!

- Mimi

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