Monday, August 22, 2016

Graduation and a new beginning! Part 2!

Day 194, the last day of the Academy!
Graduation day. The day we have been dreaming over the last 6 months. For Kev, he has geared his life towards this day far before the course of the Academy. The events of that day we will never forget and Kev will forever cherish that paramount feeling of pride and accomplishment for as long as he lives.

Kev stayed the night with me at his brother's house on Thursday night and stayed up shining his brass and boots to perfection. On Friday morning, he woke up before me to report back to the Academy for graduation. His family, my parents and I all got ready and met at the Academy around 8:30AM in time for the inspection by Commissioner Farrow which began at 9AM. The cadets marched out perfectly in sync by company for inspection. The Commissioner, Captain and other Officials stepped forward to inspect the cadets. They exchanged hand shakes, congratulations, and thanks. Kev was part of Company B, so I elected to leave early to save a seat for us in the gym with his mom, and let the rest of the family watch Kev step up for inspection. Although I would have loved to see Kev be inspected by the Commissioner, I am really glad we went to the gym to save seats. We were right in the isle by the CHP star and just a couple seats back from where the cadets were seated. At approximately 10AM, the Captain addressed us and welcomed in the Officers-To-Be. Everyone stood and cheered as they marched in. Those were my first tears. It was beautiful watching the proud, stoic faces march past us. Many of them were tearing up as they marched towards their seats in front of the stage. I can only imagine how they felt in that proud moment. Then I saw Kev march by and I knew he was living his dream.

The entire ceremony was perfect.  After addressing the hard work, determination, and physical, mental, and academic outstanding performance by the class, each cadet was called to the stage and presented with their badge by Commissioner Farrow. What a proud moment. I've never witnessed or been a part of such a noble and honorable moment. Nothing in my life has ever quite compared to watching Kev take that stage. I felt the same respect for everyone taking the stage because I had a glimpse from the sidelines into what they endured and sacrificed to make it to that very moment.

After Kev was presented with his badge, we were able to take a photo with him, the Commissioner and Secretary of Transportation. When all the Officers were presented with their badges, they marched out of the gym for the last time. They left behind seemingly endless mornings of PT exhaustion and the memory of Pick Up Day in that very room. When they cleared the gym, we headed to the memorial fountain where the cadets marched out to their designated areas for pinning. In a beautiful moment, Kev's father proudly pinned his badge. Kev and his class stood stoically with their badges pinned for the first time. I never knew the beauty of a badge until that moment. That little gold star is truly something to be proud of. CTC 1-16 fell out for the last time and the state of California gained 100 amazing new officers.

After the pinning we all enjoyed an incredible EVOC demonstration out on the course. It was a great way to wrap up the day with fast cars, a soaring CHP helicopter, and a lot of impressed faces. When that was over, Kev and I packed up the remainder of his room and said goodbye to his roommates before he signed out for the last time.

Kev completed his journey through West Sacramento and fell asleep that night with his badge next to him on the nightstand. It was everything. But best of all, we were together, we made it, and we are now part of the CHP family.

Congratulations to all of the Officers of CTC 1-16! Here's to your new beginning!

- Mimi

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