Saturday, August 20, 2016

Graduation and a new beginning! Part 1!

I'm back! I honestly can't even put into words how amazing the last two weeks have been for Kev and I but I'll do my best!

Day 191 - 192, Capitol Run & Graduation Party
Graduation week was everything we dreamed of and more. I drove up to Sacramento on Tuesday night so I could wake up bright and early for the Capitol Run on Wednesday morning. His mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and I all met at 5AM and walked to the street just outside the gates of the Academy to watch for Kev and his class run out. Eventually a few CHP cars stopped traffic, and motor officers lead the class of cadets illuminating the street with their flashlights. We were outside the gates so we didn't get to see the junior class on their knuckles lighting the path with their lights and yelling to amp up the seniors. As the cadets finally ran by us, my heart was literally jumping out of my chest. I was so excited and absolutely in Heaven knowing we made it to that moment. I scanned every face but all the cadets looked so similar I couldn't even spot Kev. Before we knew it, they passed us and were off on their 5 mile run to the Capitol, lead by the Captain.  We jumped in our car and headed to the Capitol. Faster than you would imagine, the cadets were in the horizon! The Captain had them circle around the fallen officer memorial there and gave a moving speech dictating how far they have come, the service they will soon offer their community, and to always appreciate the love and support of the people there who supported them during their tenure at the Academy. Soon after, they met on the steps of the Capitol for their last knuckle push ups! When they finished, we had 10 minutes for pictures and hugs with our sweaty Officer-To-Be before they ran off to board a bus back to the Academy. 

Kev met up with me at his brother's house around 3PM and we got ready for the Graduation party! The party was at Thunder Valley Casino in a banquet hall. It couldn't have been more perfect and it was amazing to finally meet all of the classmates Kev had spent the last 6 months with and told me all about. It was also great to meet some of the staff too - Kev introduced me to a few Staff Officers and PT Staff. What amazing people! Honestly too, I'm not the type to beat around the bush for the sake of fluffing someone. Every person I met at that party was spirited, ambitious, proud to be there, and gracious. Towards the end of the party a few cadets did impersonations and even some of the staff took the mic. Cadets and officers were impersonated and everyone took the jokes with a grain of salt. Some of the impersonations were pretty hilarious, and others just stepped up to thank their class for the support and camaraderie over the last half a year together. It was pretty touching to see how close they all were. I also finally met some wives and girlfriends! The entire time Kev was in the Academy, I never knew any other spouses to talk to. In some ways it was helpful, because we only had our own hardships and worries, and other people didn't shed light on issues that weren't prevalent or at the forefront of our mind. However, at times it would have been nice to know someone in the same boat. Regardless, we made it and now I have a few new Chippy ladies to stay in touch with :) 

Day 193, Family/Spouse Seminar:
On Thursday, Kev reported back the Academy at 6 AM and I arrived with his Mom and Dad at 8:30AM for the seminar. I highly suggest going to the seminar, even if you are in law enforcement already! However, since I'm not in Law Enforcement I thought it was especially helpful. PT staff, Range Staff, LEO wives, and other speakers addressed us. The PT staff pressed the importance of a healthy diet and exercise routine, range staff addressed gun safety surrounding having a gun in the home, and the LEO wives shed light on the last couple decades of their lives married to an Officer. I soaked it all in and really thought every aspect of the seminar was well done. Kev and I typically eat well and exercise, but we plan to start meal prepping and finding time for us to hit the gym together with his new schedule. We also plan to have a little in-home gun training! I know nothing about guns, other than the one time he took me shooting at his cabin. So, Kev is going to show me how to check if a gun is loaded, about safety switches, unloading, handling etc. I also loved hearing from the two LEO wives. What spunky ladies with great stories and advice. One of the ladies was the author of "A Chip on My Shoulder" which I read when Kev started the Academy and the blog, "How 2 Love a Cop" which I also follow and really enjoy:) The seminar also offered different resources for LE families and spouses when in need, mostly for emotional support. I know that time will come for Kev and I, when he has his first heavy day. I don't think we can ever fully prepare ourselves for that, but it's nice to know that there are different resources available to us if we need help at some point along the way.

After the seminar, we met Kev in front of the chow hall for lunch at the Academy. He looked so handsome and proud in his blues with his campaign hat on and aiguillette! He changed into his "civis" aka jeans and polo and walked us through the chow line. They served tri-tip sandwiches which actually didn't look too bad, but I passed and had a yogurt and pasta salad ;) Kev looked at me, like welcome to my world. Speaking of which - for those of you who read the post about Kev being shorted his 5th shrimp on the day of the Senior's run because one was still frozen, he did get 6 shrimps on the day of his Capitol Run - we weren't leaving without the shrimp he was owed! ;)

After lunch we parted ways with his parents and headed to one of the classrooms to watch the video, "The Fall of Badge 17054". The classroom was mainly filled with cadets and their wives or girlfriends, but a couple cadets did bring a parent. The video was about a man who graduated the Academy to become a CHP Officer but eventually let his ego and cynicism lead to his own professional downfall. This was a last minute addition to the day and was well received. It was a reminder that as each Officer continues their career, to always remember why they started and to remain humble. No service is too small and none better than last. To remain noble and honest, and always embrace CHP PRIDE.

The days leading up to graduation were incredible. The run, party and seminar are only summarized above but being there with Kev was a time I'll never forget. I felt so proud of him and us. This organization is truly made up of fine individuals and I've never seen anything quite like it. It truly is a family and composed of men and women who honestly live and breathe to serve their community. Now more than ever, I have a greater appreciation for law enforcement and I'm so proud to stand by Kev's side.

- Mimi

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