Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 190/194 - Grad Week!

Monday, Week 28!
We made it to grad week! The week we have been dreaming of is here! I spent most of last night packing and I'll take off for Sacramento after work today (Tuesday). The Capitol Run is at 5:30AM tomorrow morning! I am so excited to watch Kev run out of those gates. The Juniors will be on the ground ready for knuckle pushups just like Kev did for his Seniors, and we will meet him at the Capitol building at the end of his 5 mile run.

I also found out that the photos taken last week were individual photos. The group photo with the Commissioner and other high ranking officials was yesterday and Kev did have his hair cut for it!

Basically, I only heard heard about on thing on Monday - For 20 minutes I was told about CTC 1-16's new mascot Bill and that the graduating class now has 101 cadets.

Bill posing on the right.

 I think it's time we get them out of there before they all go nuts ;)

The next time I write, I'll have an Officer by my side!!

- Mimi

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