Thursday, November 3, 2016

November & Back to Day Shift!

Amen to that! Kev received his schedule for Phase 3 and he is back on day shift, Sunday - Wednesday. We will have weekends again, and just in time for ski trips! I ran into him this morning when I was leaving for work and he was pulling in the driveway when he told me the good news! I will finally see him every day again. I can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. We only have about a week and a half left until the schedule changes. I can't wait!

Grave shifts are long, tiring, and we miss each other entirely on the days that he works. I am so ready for a change. So far, FTO has a lot ups and downs. Day shifts are easier because Kev is mostly writing tickets or tending to fender benders, so he is typically home on time.  Night shifts come with more arrests and DUIs, which means taking someone to jail, the hospital, or both, and then writing reports until the sun comes up. Sometimes even until the early afternoon, the next day! The good thing is that nothing last too long, we are onto phase 3! I guess that means Kev's junior class in CTC 2-16 should be graduating soon too. Time flies.

- Mimi

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