Monday, November 21, 2016

Life Lately

CTC 2-16 graduated last week! Congratulations! We know the sacrifice and perseverance it took for you, your loved ones, and families to make it to that very moment. Cherish those memories forever and be the best officer you can be from this moment forward. Never forget how hard you worked for it and how badly you wanted it. Kev and I are forever grateful ourselves and seeing that the class he shared his time with at the Academy has also graduated is an amazing feeling. I told Kev that for some reason, time seems slower outside of the Academy than when he was in it. The countdown is over! Hopefully the only days you'll be counting towards now are vacation days ;) Enjoy your next week off Officers!

As for Kev and I, we have been loving day shift. This schedule is perfect! He works Sundays right now which means he still gets a little action from the leftover Saturday nighters who may have had a little too much to drink and didn't sleep it off long enough before driving home in the morning. However, it also means there isn't any traffic coming home. On week days, it can take him almost an hour and a half to get home because he sits in rush hour traffic for so long. 

We are also really lucky that Kev has all of Thanksgiving weekend off too, Thursday - Sunday. Since I lost my grandma this year, the first week Kev started the Academy, this will be the first holiday season of my life without her. That's what Kev and I have been talking about a lot lately, since that's been the most forefront thing on my mind. My parents also retired and moved to their vacation home in Baja shortly after, so this has been a beautiful year and a difficult one combined. I visited my parents last week, and this week I'll spend Thanksgiving with Kev's family. Considering everything, I'm so grateful that he has the holiday off, grateful for him, and for his amazing family. Kev and I are going to try to make my grandma's stuffing to share with his family this year, which means more to me that he probably knows.

After Thanksgiving, we are going to head up to his cabin for the weekend. Kev bought a secondary but hasn't had a chance to even shoot it yet. So, we plan to do a little shooting while we are up there too. Then on the way home we are hoping to stop and pick up a Christmas tree. It will be our first tree in our own home together, I can't wait!

Happy holidays everyone! Set everything aside, and be grateful for the people who make you feel loved and who make your life better because they are apart of it. Life will always be busy, so make the time. So much can change in a year and time is the one thing you can never get more of. Be grateful, love completely, and live beautifully. 

- Mimi

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