Monday, January 25, 2016

1 Week To Academy

How are we already one week away from Day 1!? I still feel like we just found out Kev was accepted! We decided to escape to Tahoe for a couple days this weekend and relax in the snow. We had an amazing dinner at the Chart House and went sledding and exploring for a bit the next day before heading home to beat the storm that was rolling in.

The rest of the weekend we spent with family and shopping for academy supplies Kev will need.

Here is what he has bought so far: 
  • A buzzer for his hair; plan to cut it every weekend
  • Razor blades to shave facial hair
  • Travel mouth wash & hand sanitizer
  •  4 white bath towels, 4 white hand towels, & 4 white wash cloths (Target had white towels for really cheap, the bath towels were only $3.50. He plans to bring 3 sets for the first week)
  • Thorogood Police/Uniform Boots
  • White socks and white underwear
  • 1 bottle Head & Shoulders Shampoo
  •  1 bar of soap (I suggested that he brings liquid soap so that no one borrows his bar and it will be easier to keep the shower area clean, but he loves bar soap. I guess we will find out what works best pretty soon!)
  • Toothbrush
  • Deodorant
  • White Sneakers (white soles)
  • Black thin Sharpie & a pen
  • Black swim trunks
The first week the cadets wear business attire, so Kev is also getting together all of his outfits - 5 different dress shirts, 5 ties, a couple slacks, one with a matching jacket, black dress socks and one pair of dress shoes. There are a couple other necessities in the back of his mind but he is trying to be minimalistic in the first week and thinks he should be able to purchase some of the smaller items at the store on campus (i.e. shoe shine).

Anyhow, the academy is coming up fast! One minute I am so excited and the next I am crying! What is wrong with me? It does make me feel better to know how excited Kev is though. While he is nervous, I know he can't wait!

This Sunday is orientation for the academy. So, I'm expecting a lot of questions will be answered then. I'm also hoping Kev, his parents, and I get a full tour and get see where Kev will be living too. I'll keep you posted!

- Mimi

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2 Weeks To Academy

Good Morning!

This weekend, Kev and I had a nice long weekend together! We know our time is about to be limited, so we are trying to spend as much time together as possible before the academy. We drove up to Kev's family cabin on Friday night when I got off work. Kev has told me so much about the cabin, it's traditions, and the memories there. This was my first time there, so it was exciting to see the place he loves so much.

Kev's youngest brother, sister-in-law, and cousins met up with us too. The cabin is hidden in the hills among massive redwood trees, ferns, and greenery. It was beautiful! The next day Kev drove me around on the ATV to show me the property and told me all the special names each place had, as well as all the things he and his family built. After lunch, Kev and the boys wanted to go shooting. We took the ATVs up to a clearing on their property and the boys set up a couple water jugs and broken clay pigeons for targets. Kev was obviously excited to shoot and get some practice in with the boys before the academy! He taught me to shoot too! That was my first time ever, and it was definitely fun but some of the louder guns were a little intimidating.

There is no cell service at the cabin, so it was really peaceful listening to the rain morning and night. The rest of the weekend we went mudding, exploring, played cards and lounged around. Everyone had a lot to ask Kev about the academy. We were so excited about the academy date when he got the acceptance, but for me that has turned to slight apprehension of the unknown. Even though I am happy for Kev, it is sort of hard for me to talk about it lately. I don't know why I am being so sensitive about it. I guess I am just worried that the stress, uniformity, and authoritarian environment might chip away at his humor and spirit, not to mention I am going to miss his like crazy. However, I completely understand that he does need a strict training environment so that he learns to be alert and safe on the job. I just need to be strong and understanding so that I can support him while he is away. Kev keeps reminding me that everything will be okay, how excited he is, and how great everything will be once he is done - we can move in together and he will have the job of his dreams! True..

Monday morning, we all woke up early to clean up the cabin and lock it up. While his (pregnant) sister-in-law and I worked our butts off in the house, Kev and his brother took the ATV's out to do 'chores' on the property.. ahhh huh! When Kev came back in, he jumped in the downstairs shower to wash the mud off. His brother told me that when they were young, they would bring the hose in the back door and hose whoever was in there with the freezing water from the springs. Lightbulb! We dragged the hose to the bathroom and I snuck in.. prefect timing, Kev was washing his face! We held the hose over the shower door and sprayed him. Kev screamed and flailed while his brother and I were cracking up! It was the perfect end to a weekend of sassy brothers and towel whipping ;) All in all, we couldn't have asked for a better weekend away. It was a perfect get away with Kev and family before he leaves.

- Mimi

Friday, January 15, 2016

Academy Acceptance!!

The Night Before:
A week ago, Kev and I were laying in bed having a pretty serious talk about everything. Including how he was going to make money with so little job experience if he doesn't get accepted into the academy. He didn't want to be a laborer forever, but he needed a job that would allow him to make a comfortable living but also allow for a quick exit if he heard he was accepted. Again, he had planned his entire life around being an officer. He is even currently living at home with his parents because he didn't want to sign a lease just in case he had to report on short notice. We stayed up and talked for a long time, then went to bed on a pretty sad note thinking about all the 'what ifs'. I stayed at his house that night, so I went home in the morning and left him a voicemail on the way telling him we will figure it out and everything would work out the way it is meant to. Still the morning had a sad vibe from the conversation the night before. 

About half way through that same day, I get a text from Kev. "Hey babe, I have some exciting news! Call me when you can." I immediately thought he got into the academy! With the timing of the conversation the night before though, it seemed too good to be true. Guess what!? He got in!! Kev said he received an email inviting him to the academy! I literally wanted to cry, I couldn't believe the news or the timing. He was so happy and RELIEVED. It was the happiest I have ever heard him sound! Now everything is about to change! That was the beginning of January and his report date is February 1st! I couldn't believe how quickly the tides turned for us. Literally overnight. 

Calm Before the Storm:
The initial change in Kev was kind of hilarious. Sleep? Ha! Forget that. His spirit shot sky high. He was so happy after finding out he was accepted. The best part? I think he really enjoyed quitting and telling all his buds from work that he got into the academy. I heard him on the phone with his foreman in the morning, jokingly Kev says "well guess what! I quit" ... Kidding of course because he really likes all those guys. His foreman thought he was kidding and it took Kev a couple shots until he believed him! It was pretty funny. Kev worked the rest of the week since the company had been really good to him, said bye to everyone, and is now enjoying the next two weeks off before he reports to the academy! 

I guess Kev would tell you to keep your hopes up as long as things still seem possible. Follow up, be diligent, and don't give up. Everything could change for you overnight, follow your dreams. 

Now it's time for us to have some fun these next two weeks!! 

- Mimi 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What takes so long?

So, this is the part that took me a while to understand. What takes so long?

Kev was working for a local construction company in the East Bay digging holes and doing road work on the side of freeways. He had been doing this since he graduated and was working hard, but he just wasn't where he expected to be at 27 years old. He imagined he would already be in the academy by now. It was also starting to get hard for me too. Coming from a business background and working in SF where jobs and career moves are plentiful, this was difficult for me to wrap my head around.

Education & Background:
Kev graduated in four years with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice before applying to graduate school for a three year Criminal Justice program. During the graduate program, Kev's best friend Nick was sadly diagnosed with brain cancer. Kev then decided to spend more of his time with Nick when he needed him most. He postponed the program for about a year while and spent his time with his friend up until the day he passed away. It was really hard for Kev to overcome the loss, but he eventually finished the program and received a Masters in Criminal Justice. He still talks about Nick all the time, and I'm sure if he were here today he would be so proud of Kev. Sadly, I never had the chance to meet Nick but of course I wish I had, especially with all the great stories Kev tells of him. I'm sure Nick will be looking over Kev in the academy and cheering for him when he becomes an officer.

Apply To The CHP:
Following application to the CHP, the following steps took a year and a half to complete. So don't give up. Stay committed and keep your head up. Apparently it is a very slow process.
- Application
- Physical Ability Test (PAT)
- Written Exam
- Background Investigation
- Psychological Evaluation
- Medical Evaluation

'The Wait':
So, now Kev has a Masters in Criminal Justice and has completed all steps of application to the CHP. It has been a year and a half since application though and there has been no update. This was around when I met Kev. He told me being in the CHP was his dream and that you just have to 'wait'. Having a new boyfriend in his late 20s without a career on the table was scary for me. However, Kev continued to give me faith that everything would work out. He said he just had to wait. He had planned his life around this career and was determined to make it a reality.

We talked about it all the time, worried and just hoped that he would be accepted.

- Mimi

Introduction to Us!

Hi, I'm Mimi. My boyfriend and I have an exciting new adventure ahead and I want to share our story with you as we go. My boyfriend, Kev was just accepted into the CHP Academy in Sacramento, CA. It is a 29 week, live in, paramilitary academy where he will be tested both mentally and physically in order to receive his badge and become a California Highway Patrol Officer.  He reports to the academy on February 1, 2016.  We have two weeks together before our new journey begins.

As Kev's girlfriend, I am extremely nervous about what is to come when Kev leaves for the academy. I am hoping that by telling you about our experience, it will give you a better idea of what to expect if you are in our shoes someday and help me keep faith that Kev and I can get through this together.

Kev is 27 years old and has always dreamed of being a CHP officer. He is the middle of three brothers. His oldest brother is a Police Officer and youngest is a an EMT, aspiring to be a Fire Fighter. The law and helping people seems to run in the family. Kev is honestly one of the best people I have ever met. While he definitely has some sass to him and seems to think he is quite the 'alpha' male, he is a true gentleman with a big heart. He went to school down South where he obtained a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice and has since continued his mission to become a CHP officer.

I am also 27 and work in accounting for a SAAS start up in San Francisco. I enjoy the fast pace start up life the city has to offer. I love the outdoors, snowboarding in Tahoe during the winter, and escaping somewhere tropical whenever possible. I love to travel, explore and be spontaneous.

While we will have only been together a short time before Kev starts the academy, we are absolutely head over heals for each other and are excited to embark on this new journey together.

In order to patrol the California highways, every CHP officer since 1976 has had to take the road through West Sacramento. Join us for our journey through the California Highway Patrol Academy!

- Mimi