Thursday, January 14, 2016

Introduction to Us!

Hi, I'm Mimi. My boyfriend and I have an exciting new adventure ahead and I want to share our story with you as we go. My boyfriend, Kev was just accepted into the CHP Academy in Sacramento, CA. It is a 29 week, live in, paramilitary academy where he will be tested both mentally and physically in order to receive his badge and become a California Highway Patrol Officer.  He reports to the academy on February 1, 2016.  We have two weeks together before our new journey begins.

As Kev's girlfriend, I am extremely nervous about what is to come when Kev leaves for the academy. I am hoping that by telling you about our experience, it will give you a better idea of what to expect if you are in our shoes someday and help me keep faith that Kev and I can get through this together.

Kev is 27 years old and has always dreamed of being a CHP officer. He is the middle of three brothers. His oldest brother is a Police Officer and youngest is a an EMT, aspiring to be a Fire Fighter. The law and helping people seems to run in the family. Kev is honestly one of the best people I have ever met. While he definitely has some sass to him and seems to think he is quite the 'alpha' male, he is a true gentleman with a big heart. He went to school down South where he obtained a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice and has since continued his mission to become a CHP officer.

I am also 27 and work in accounting for a SAAS start up in San Francisco. I enjoy the fast pace start up life the city has to offer. I love the outdoors, snowboarding in Tahoe during the winter, and escaping somewhere tropical whenever possible. I love to travel, explore and be spontaneous.

While we will have only been together a short time before Kev starts the academy, we are absolutely head over heals for each other and are excited to embark on this new journey together.

In order to patrol the California highways, every CHP officer since 1976 has had to take the road through West Sacramento. Join us for our journey through the California Highway Patrol Academy!

- Mimi

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