Friday, January 15, 2016

Academy Acceptance!!

The Night Before:
A week ago, Kev and I were laying in bed having a pretty serious talk about everything. Including how he was going to make money with so little job experience if he doesn't get accepted into the academy. He didn't want to be a laborer forever, but he needed a job that would allow him to make a comfortable living but also allow for a quick exit if he heard he was accepted. Again, he had planned his entire life around being an officer. He is even currently living at home with his parents because he didn't want to sign a lease just in case he had to report on short notice. We stayed up and talked for a long time, then went to bed on a pretty sad note thinking about all the 'what ifs'. I stayed at his house that night, so I went home in the morning and left him a voicemail on the way telling him we will figure it out and everything would work out the way it is meant to. Still the morning had a sad vibe from the conversation the night before. 

About half way through that same day, I get a text from Kev. "Hey babe, I have some exciting news! Call me when you can." I immediately thought he got into the academy! With the timing of the conversation the night before though, it seemed too good to be true. Guess what!? He got in!! Kev said he received an email inviting him to the academy! I literally wanted to cry, I couldn't believe the news or the timing. He was so happy and RELIEVED. It was the happiest I have ever heard him sound! Now everything is about to change! That was the beginning of January and his report date is February 1st! I couldn't believe how quickly the tides turned for us. Literally overnight. 

Calm Before the Storm:
The initial change in Kev was kind of hilarious. Sleep? Ha! Forget that. His spirit shot sky high. He was so happy after finding out he was accepted. The best part? I think he really enjoyed quitting and telling all his buds from work that he got into the academy. I heard him on the phone with his foreman in the morning, jokingly Kev says "well guess what! I quit" ... Kidding of course because he really likes all those guys. His foreman thought he was kidding and it took Kev a couple shots until he believed him! It was pretty funny. Kev worked the rest of the week since the company had been really good to him, said bye to everyone, and is now enjoying the next two weeks off before he reports to the academy! 

I guess Kev would tell you to keep your hopes up as long as things still seem possible. Follow up, be diligent, and don't give up. Everything could change for you overnight, follow your dreams. 

Now it's time for us to have some fun these next two weeks!! 

- Mimi 

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