Thursday, May 10, 2018

2018, The Best Yet!

I can't believe it has been almost a year since I last posted! Here is a little update on our lives - I'm sure from the photo at the bottom you know where this is going! ;)

Kev has officially been an officer for over a year and a half now (two years in August). Time has flown by! He has had every shift now and is currently on swings. However, he has full weekends off -this shift and the next one! We both agreed he would sign up for swings this quarter and graves the next one (July, August, September) so that we could have full weekends together. So far in his career we have been so fortunate that he has never had to work a full weekend - we have at least had split weekends. I also hate to say this, but I am actually excited for him to go back to graves! While I'll of course miss him during the week, I am not a fan of swing shifts! Swings mean I am up until 10:30pm when he texts me that he is on his way home, I wait up until 11:30pm for him to walk in the door, and then he showers and we catch up until 12:00am or 12:30am until we both fall asleep. I wake up at 5:30am for work, while my handsome guy sleeps in. I'll take the graves and the sleep, and he will take the freeways clear of traffic and a little more excitement. Never thought we would say this haha!  The day we see Monday through Thursday day shift will be the day, one day haha! ;)

We've also experienced some of the sadness that comes with his career too and have come to fully understand in the last year why the CHP and law enforcement call themselves a family. Even in tragedy, the love, respect and pride shown by all law enforcement is unlike anything you have ever experienced. You eventually find this sense of love and trust when your Chippy is out working. You're proud. I'll be honest, I didn't love it at first - the constantly changing shifts or the overshadowing of a an exciting highway chase compared to my day of balancing books. However, as you experience more, hear their stories, meet the people they work with, and see the love that reflects back to you, you fully become a part of the family. The stories become a part of your day and you keep the balance. I wouldn't change our lives for a thing!

Time off. Kev has had so much time off! We went to Europe for two and a half weeks in March! We went to four different countries and made amazing memories! And a few weeks after coming home ... Kev proposed!!

I can't wait to marry the love of my life <3 What a journey it has been!

- Mimi