Monday, July 10, 2017

Summertime & the last of day shift

So, maybe I jumped the gun saying we were moving to graves. We are, but it feels like it has been a while since I have written and we have still been enjoying Kev's day shift. July is our last official month of days. Kev is still working Sunday - Wednesday, 5am - 3:30pm. In my opinion a great shift, for us at least. He moves to graves next month, but he will have Friday - Sunday off! As we have been finding out, Thursdays seem to be a desirable day to work because that is 'court day' - essentially, if you have Thursdays off it is most likely you will be spending almost all of them in court. If I can recall correctly, Kev has only had one Thursday off where he wasn't called to court to defend a ticket he wrote. Officers get a minimum pay for court, but when the court time is scheduled for mid-day he ends up sitting in traffic and lapses the minimum by about two or more hours sometimes. So, if you received a ticket and you deserve it, take responsibility and pay it so our hard working officers can have their day off to rest.

What else is new? We are renewing our lease together this month! I remember writing about how I couldn't wait for us to move in together when Kev was in the academy and now, almost a year later we are renewing our lease! That also means that Kev is almost off probation! I can't believe how fast time goes. We are saving to buy a house and I'm hoping one day Kev will put a ring on it! Ha kidding, maybe ;) A couple cadets he graduated with have recently asked their girlfriends to marry them, and that is always an exciting story to hear!A lot of people have transferred out of Kev's office this year too. So much has changed.

I also wanted to note a couple more recent CHP academy blogs that my readers have shared. Now that mine is almost a year old, these lades can definitely bring new perspectives to the table :)

The Journey of a CHP Cadet Wife

From Coach to Cadet 

Wishing you and yours all the best!

- Mimi