Monday, May 15, 2017

Back to Graves!

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything so soon and continued to basque in the glory of day shift and split weekends. It isn't so bad, but Kev is moving back to graves in August. He did ultimately get to make the decision based on what was available and took it because it will give him Friday through Sunday off! That means we can actually do something on weekends :) While he has had split weekends since April, we have actually only had two or three Saturdays together (mind you, it's mid-May). He keeps getting scheduled Saturdays to accommodate other officers taking vacation and not enough to cover. It's a bit of a bummer, but since he would have to work Sunday we can't really go out too late on Saturday's anyhow and a day trip would leave him pretty beat for the next day. We are typically in bed between 9 and 10 PM at the latest.

We still see each other a lot and our work out routine is great right now too. Kev has really bulked up and following I'm his lead, I've leaned out a bit too. He is the best motivator without losing his sweet charm. We are eating really healthy and hitting the gym at least 5 days a week. We have been meal prepping too, so Kev is eating more throughout the day. He went from about 180 in the academy to a little over 200 now. A lean 200, he looks great. It took him a while to get used to eating while on the road. Now he packs his 6 Pack bag with a couple small, high protein meals. Before, he maybe brought a PB&J and wouldn't even eat it. Interestingly enough, our eating and workout schedule was probably the hardest thing to figure out with his job and the limited time we have together in the evenings before he has to get back to sleep. It will be another adjustment for us both when he moves back to nights. I know he won't want to lose his progress, so we will see how it goes. I'll miss my workout partner after work, but it will only be for a couple of months.

Kev has also had a few court dates for 'customers' disputing his tickets. He hates court because it's scheduled on his days off. It's a flat 4 hours pay, but it usually takes him at least half a day from the time he jumps in the shower to the time he walks back in the door. Especially when it's scheduled in the afternoon and he sits in traffic coming home. It's a bummer to waste his rest day for someone banking on him to not show up because they drove solo in the carpool lane or were caught speeding.

He has had some great stories lately too, but unfortunately I can't share. I can usually tell the type of day he had as soon as he walks in - if he is amped up and excited, something new happened and I probably don't want to know about it! If he is mellow, it was a boring day and if he was tired it was a busy day. He did have his first puppy chase though, two Chihuahuas on the shoulder of the highway. They took an exit and evaded him on city streets though ;)

We are also about to have our first (and only) vacation this year together! Kev only signed up for one week but has accrued much more than that. He just wants to save it - for a honeymoon he tells me. Pretty sure he is trained to de-escalate a situation, so I'm not sure if this is a tactical move on me so I don't verbally aggress him for not enough vacation time together or because he really has future plans and wants to save his time off. Fingers crossed for the later!

- Mimi