Wednesday, Week 27!
Week 27 sure has a ring to it! On Wednesday, Kev got his uniform back and had his class pictures! Unfortunately, we were so busy moving this weekend that we didn't have time to cut his hair. We had been buzzing it every Sunday, until the weekend before last when he officially started to grow it back. He talked about having one of the cadets buzz it for him so it was clean for the class photo - part of me was thinking NOOOO we just started growing it back and the other half was thinking I didn't want to point to my fuzzy headed Q-tip in the class photo in 10 years ;) As far as I know, I have the Q-tip in the shot.
I didn't talk to Kev much last night because I got my hair done after work and I have been in full blown cleaning mode at the new place. I really wanted to clean and get as much put away as possible to surprise him when he gets home tonight (Thursday). I think he is going to be really happy. The place looks great! Oh, and of course a huge spider appeared in our bedroom last night while I was home alone. I got innovative, tied a paper towel to a stick and tried to squish it. Then attempting to video it at the same time, the spider fell from the ceiling and I nearly had a panic attack.


So glad he was concerned. Thanks babe! I handled it!
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